languages such as: Modula, Smalltalk or (to a certain degree) Ada. Module
prefixing in Loglan is more general mechanism than it was in Simula-67. It
allows reaching many different goals, whose practital importance is enormous
-(...) [1]
+(...) [Szałas, A and Warpechowska, J (1991). Loglan]
Whom created VLP?
Where could I find out more about Loglan?
-- [Official page][official_page]
-- [Official project page][project]
+- [Official page](
+- [Official project page](
What is a difference between official project and this one?
2. Rewrite compilator to use grammar file, which will be parsed by e.g. Bison
3. Separate layout code from the logic
-[1]: "Szałas, A and Warpechowska, J (1991). Loglan"
languages such as: Modula, Smalltalk or (to a certain degree) Ada. Module
prefixing in Loglan is more general mechanism than it was in Simula-67. It
allows reaching many different goals, whose practital importance is enormous
-(...) [1]
+(...) [Szałas, A and Warpechowska, J (1991). Loglan]
Whom created VLP?
Where could I find out more about Loglan?
-- [Official page][official_page]
-- [Official project page][project]
+- [Official page](
+- [Official project page](
What is a difference between official project and this one?
2. Rewrite compilator to use grammar file, which will be parsed by e.g. Bison
3. Separate layout code from the logic
-[1]: "Szałas, A and Warpechowska, J (1991). Loglan"