program GRAF; #include "classes/" (* wersja z usuwaniem lukow grafu i tablica list reprezentujaca graf *) (* Algorithmes : search *) (* BFS + DFS + STRANGE-STACK chodzenie po grafie *) (* path, cycle, topological sort ???*) (* Program wykorzystuje plik z przygotowanym grafem /graf.dta *) (* oraz plik /graf.txt z odrobina informacji o programie *) (* Wykonanie algorytmow mozna przerywac, naciskajac prawy klawisz myszy*) (* gdy pojawi sie STOP? *) const dimX = 640, dimY = 480, MinX = 10, MinY = 5, MaxX = dimX-10, MaxY = 372, comX = MinX+10, comY = dimY-40, piszX = MinX+10, piszY = MaxY-17, StrMinY = dimY-100, StrMaxY = dimY-20, wrnX = MinX+ 10, (* miejsce na ostrzezenia*) wrnY = StrMinY+ 20, mysz = 1, klawiatura = 1, nie_klawiatura =0; unit punkt : class(x,y:integer); end punkt; begin pref GUI block (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (* STRUKTURA LIST *) (* first - funkcja bez parametrow, ktorej wynikiem jest pierwszy element *) (* dodatkowo ustawia biezacy element jako poczatek listy *) (* out - procedura powalajaca usunac pierwszy element listy *) (* insert- procedura z jednym parametrem typu elem, ktora pozwala dolaczyc *) (* nowy element na koncu listy *) (* next - nastepny element listy lub none, jesli go nie ma *) (* prev - poprzedni element listy lub none, jesli go nie ma *) (* link - jest typem pomocniczym, ogniwem w liscie *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit Liste : class; var premier, dernier, courant : link; unit link : class(e: elem, prec:link, suiv: link); var used: boolean; unit use :procedure; begin used:= true; end use; begin used := false; end link; unit debut : procedure; (* post condition: (courant= x) => debut (courant= premier)) *) begin courant := premier; end debut; unit restore : procedure; begin courant := premier; while courant<>none do courant.used:= false; courant:= courant.suiv od; courant := premier; end restore; unit next : function : elem; begin result := none; if courant<>none then courant := courant.suiv; if courant<>none then result := courant.e fi fi; end next; unit prev : function : elem; begin result := none; if courant<>none then if courant.prec<> none then courant := courant.prec; result := courant.e fi fi; end prev; unit first : function : elem; begin result:= none; if premier <> none then result := premier.e; fi; end first; unit insert: procedure(e:elem); (* post condition: (courant=x) => insert(e)(courant=x and e is_in_this_list) *) var l : link; begin l := new link(e,dernier,none); if premier=none then premier := l; else dernier.suiv := l; fi; dernier := l; end insert; unit delete : procedure(e : elem); (* delete an element e; *) (* post condition : delete(e)(courant=premier and e is_not_in_this_list) *) var l,l1,aux : link, trouve : boolean; begin aux := premier; while aux<>none do if aux.e.egal(e) then trouve := true; exit else aux := aux.suiv fi od; if trouve then l := aux.prec; l1 := aux.suiv; if l<>none then l.suiv := l1; if l1<>none then l1.prec := l fi; kill(aux) else premier := premier.suiv; fi; fi; courant := premier end delete; unit empty : function: Boolean; begin result := (premier = none) end empty; begin premier := none; dernier := none; courant := premier; end liste; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (* ELEM jest typem elementow uzywanych we wszystkich strukturach tego progr.*) unit elem : class; unit virtual visite : function : boolean; end visite; unit virtual egal : function (e:elem) : boolean; end egal; unit virtual affichage : procedure; end affichage; end elem; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (* OGOLNY MODEL STRUKTURY ABSTRAKCYJNEJ *) unit structure : class; const x0= MinX+40, y0= StrMinY+40, delta= 30; var speedL : integer; (*pozycja poczatkowa i przesuniecie dla ilustracji zawartosci struktury*) unit virtual first : function : elem; end first; unit virtual delete : procedure; end delete; unit virtual insert : procedure (e:elem); end insert; unit virtual empty : function : boolean; end empty; unit box : class; var e : elem, next : box; end box; UNIT TRAVERSE : procedure (G : Graph ); (* przegladanie grafu(ktory ma postac tablicy list) z uzyciem*) (* nieznanej struktury danych z operacjami: empty,first,insert,delete*) var i,debut,fin : integer, aux, aux1 : node; begin debut:= G.root; fin:=; i:= debut; while i <= fin do aux := G.lista(i); if not aux.visite then call aux.visite_le; call insert(aux); aux.father := none; while not empty do aux := first; call delete; if aux.father<>none then call G.strzalka(aux.father,aux,i mod 7,c_black) fi; call aux.wypisz(i mod 7);(* i wyznacza kolor *) if not aux.lista.empty then aux1 := aux.lista.first; while aux1<>none do if not aux1.visite then call aux1.visite_le; call insert(aux1) ; aux1.father := aux fi; aux1 := od; fi; if arret then call comment("This execution has been stopped! Use MENU now."); exit exit fi; od (* not empty *); fi; (* dla kazdego i inna skladowa *) call waittt; i:= i+1; if (i>fin and debut<>1) then debut,i:=1; fin:= G.root-1; fi od end traverse; UNIT TRAVERSE_bis : procedure (G : Graph ); (* przegladanie grafu(ktory ma postac tablicy list) z uzyciem*) (* nieznanej struktury danych z operacjami: empty,first,insert,delete*) (* wierzcholek jest usuwany dopiero gdy jego synowie juz zostali obsluzeni*) var i,debut,fin : integer, aux, aux1 : node; begin debut:= G.root; fin:=; i:= debut; while i <= fin do aux := G.lista(i); if not aux.visite then call aux.visite_le; call insert(aux); call aux.wypisz(i); (* i wyznacza kolor *) aux.father := none; while not empty do aux := first; (* to jest pierwszy w str. pomocniczej*) if (aux.lista.courant=none) then call delete; (* usuwam go ze struktury tylko wtedy, gdy juz *) (* odwiedzilam wszystkich jego synow *) else (* courant powinien pokazywac syna, ktorego mam teraz odwiedzic*) aux1 := aux.lista.courant.e; while aux1<>none do if arret then call comment( "This execution has been stopped! Use MENU now."); return; fi; if not aux1.visite then call aux1.visite_le; call insert(aux1) ; aux1.father := aux; call G.strzalka(aux1.father,aux1,i,c_black); call aux1.wypisz(i); aux1 :=; exit fi; aux1 := od; if arret then call comment("This execution has been stopped! Use MENU now."); return; fi; fi (* if lista.courant=none *); od (* not empty *); fi (* if visite*); (* dla kazdego i inna skladowa *) call waittt; i:= i+1; if (i>fin and debut<>1) then debut,i:=1; fin:= G.root-1; fi od end traverse_bis; unit printSTRplace : procedure(s:string); var j,i,l,r,z,xx,yy,pos : integer, less, more,boo : boolean; begin call GUI_writetext(MinX+10,StrMinY+10, unpack("CONTENTS OF THE AUXILIARY STRUCTURE - "),c_white,c_lightgrey); call GUI_writetext(MaxX-323,StrMinY+10,unpack(s),c_white,c_lightgrey); call GUI_Rect(MaxX-172,StrMinY+8,MaxX-20,StrMinY+25,c_white,c_black); call GUI_Rect(MaxX-170,StrMinY+9,MaxX-42,StrMinY+23,c_black,c_black); call GUI_writetext(MaxX-170,StrMinY+8,unpack("SPEED:"),c_white,c_lightgrey); call GUI_writetext(MaxX-46,StrMinY+8,unpack(" > "),c_white,c_lightgrey); call comment("Use the LEFT button to change and RIGHT to accep the speed."); pos:= MinX+ 500; speedL := 1; do z:=0; while not (z=1 or z=3) do call GUI_MousePressed(xx,yy,z) ; od; (*call sleep(1);*) less:= (yyStrMinY+10 and xx<(MinX+574)); more:= (yyStrMinY+10 and xx>(MinX+574)); (* szukam gdzie zostal nacisniety klawisz myszki *) if ((z=1 and less) and(speedL>1) ) then speedL:= speedL-1; call GUI_writetext(pos-8,StrMinY+8,unpack(" "),c_black,c_black); pos := pos-8 else if ((z=1 and more) and(speedL<10)) then speedL:= speedL+1; call GUI_writetext(pos,StrMinY+8,unpack(" "), c_darkturq,c_darkturq); pos := pos+8 else if z=3 then call comment("");exit fi; fi fi ; od; end printSTRplace; end structure; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) unit queue : structure class; var premier, dernier : box; var dernierX : integer; unit virtual first : function : elem; begin if not empty then result := premier.e; fi; end first; unit virtual insert : procedure( e: elem); var aux : box; begin if empty then dernierX:=x0 else dernierX:= dernierX+delta fi; aux := new box; aux.e := e; if premier=none then premier := aux; dernier := aux; else := aux; dernier := aux fi; (* dorysuj *) call GUI_ellipse(dernierX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_yellow,c_yellow); call GUI_writeInt(dernierX,y0+3,e qua,c_black,c_lightGrey); (*call speed(speedL); *) end insert; unit virtual delete : procedure; var aux : box; var pomX : integer; begin if not empty then call GUI_ellipse(x0,y0,5,5,0,360,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); call GUI_writeInt(x0,y0+3,15,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); (*wymazanie pierwszego*) call sleep(1); aux := premier; pomX := x0; while<>none do call GUI_ellipse(pomX+delta,y0,5,5,0,360,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); call GUI_writeInt(pomX+delta,y0+3,15,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); (*wymazanie*) call GUI_ellipse(pomX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_yellow,c_yellow); call GUI_writeInt(pomX,y0+3, qua,c_black,c_lightgrey); (* zmiana numerkow= przesuniecie w kolejce*) aux :=; pomX := pomX + delta; call sleep(2) od; premier :=; if premier= none then dernier:= none fi; call GUI_ellipse(dernierX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); call GUI_writeInt(dernierX,y0+3,15,c_LightGrey,c_Lightgrey); if dernierX> x0 then dernierX := dernierX - delta fi; fi; end delete; unit virtual empty : function : boolean; begin result := (premier=none) end empty; end queue; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) unit stack : Structure class; var premier : box; var topX : integer; unit virtual first : function : elem; begin if not empty then result := premier.e; fi; end first; unit virtual insert : procedure( e: elem); var aux : box; begin if empty then topX := x0 else topX := topX+delta fi; aux := new box; aux.e := e; := premier; premier := aux; (*dorysuj*) call GUI_ellipse(topX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_yellow,c_yellow); call GUI_writeInt(topX,y0+3,e qua,c_black,c_lightgrey); (* call speed(speedL); *) end insert; unit virtual delete : procedure; var j : integer; begin if not empty then premier :=; call GUI_ellipse(topX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); call GUI_writeInt(topX,y0+3,15,c_LightGrey,c_LightGrey); if topX> x0 then topX := topX - delta fi; fi; end delete; unit virtual empty : function : boolean; begin result := (premier=none) end empty; end stack; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) unit PILE_FILE : Structure class; var premier, dernier,aux,aux1 : box; var topX,dernierX : integer; (* struktura, w ktorej delete i insert maja wlasnosci stosu*) (* ale first dziala tak jak w kolejce *) unit virtual first : function : elem; begin call comment("first"); if not empty then result := premier.e; fi; end first; unit virtual insert : procedure( e: elem); var aux : box; begin call comment("insert"); if empty then topX,dernierX:=x0 else dernierX:= dernierX+delta fi; aux := new box; aux.e := e; if premier=none then premier, dernier := aux; else := aux; dernier := aux fi; (* dorysuj *) call GUI_Ellipse(dernierX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_yellow,c_yellow); call GUI_writeInt(dernierX,y0,e qua,c_lightgrey,c_black); (* call speed(speedL); *) end insert; unit virtual delete : procedure; var aux, aux1: box; begin if not empty then call comment("delete"); aux := premier; if then dernier,premier:=none else aux1:= none; aux := premier; while<>none do aux1:=aux; aux := od; dernier := aux1; none fi; call GUI_ellipse(dernierX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_darkgrey,c_darkgrey); call GUI_writeInt(dernierX,y0,15,c_darkgrey,c_darkgrey); if dernierX> x0 then dernierX := dernierX - delta fi; fi; end delete; unit virtual empty : function : boolean; begin result := (premier=none) end empty; end PILE_FILE; UNIT PI_FI : PILE_FILE procedure(G:GRAPH); begin call printSTRplace(" QUEUE "); call comment("PILE_FILE SEARCH"); call traverse_bis(G); end PI_FI; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) unit STRANGE : Structure class; var premier : box, extra: box; var topX : integer; unit virtual first : function : elem; begin if not emptyN then result := premier.e; else result := extra.e fi; end first; unit virtual insert : procedure( e : elem); var aux : box; begin if empty then topX := x0 else topX := topX+delta fi; if emptyN then extra := new box; extra.e := e fi; aux := new box; aux.e := e; := premier; premier := aux; call GUI_ellipse(topX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_yellow,c_yellow); call track(topX,y0,e qua,c_lightgrey,c_black); (* call speed(speedL); *) end insert; unit virtual delete : procedure; begin if not emptyN then premier :=; call GUI_ellipse(topX,y0,5,5,0,360,c_darkgrey,c_darkgrey); call track(topX,y0,15,c_darkgrey,c_darkgrey); if topX> x0 then topX := topX - delta fi; fi; end delete; unit emptyN : function : boolean; begin result := (premier=none) end emptyN; unit virtual empty : function : boolean; begin result := false end empty; end STRANGE; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (* ALGORITHMS *) (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) UNIT DFS : STACK procedure(G: GRAPH); begin call printSTRplace(" STACK "); call comment("DEPTH FIRST SEARCH"); call traverse(G); end DFS; UNIT DFS_bis : STACK procedure(G: GRAPH); begin call printSTRplace(" STACK "); call comment("DEPTH FIRST SEARCH"); call traverse_bis(G); end DFS_bis; UNIT BFS : QUEUE procedure(G:GRAPH); begin call printSTRplace(" QUEUE "); call comment("BREADTH FIRST SEARCH"); call traverse(G); end BFS; UNIT BFS_bis : QUEUE procedure(G:GRAPH); begin call printSTRplace(" QUEUE "); call comment("BREADTH FIRST SEARCH"); call traverse_bis(G); end BFS_bis; UNIT WHAT : STRANGE procedure (G: GRAPH); begin call printSTRplace(" STACK?? "); call comment("STRANGE SEARCH"); call traverse(G); end WHAT; unit look_all: class(G: GRAPH); var i,debut,fin : integer, aux : node; begin debut:= G.root; fin:=; i:= debut; while i <= fin do aux := G.lista(i); inner; call waittt; i:= i+1; if (i>fin and debut<>1) then debut,i:=1; fin:= G.root-1; fi od; end look_all; unit traverse_rec : look_all procedure; unit DFS : procedure (aux: node,i:integer); var aux1:node; begin if not aux.visite then call aux.visite_le; if aux.father<>none then call G.strzalka(aux.father,aux,(i+9)mod 16,c_black) fi; call aux.wypisz((i+9)mod 16);(* i wyznacza kolor *) aux1 := aux.lista.first; while aux1<>none do aux1.father:= aux; call DFS(aux1,i); aux1:= od; fi; end DFS; begin call DFS(aux,i); end traverse_rec; unit cycle_fond : procedure(G:GRAPH); var STOS : arrayof integer, ii,iii : integer, pile : stack; (* stos przechowuje tylko numery wierzcholkow ze stosu*) (* pile przechowuje wierzcholki zeby pokazac zawartosc stosu *) unit CF : look_all procedure; var aux1 : node, x, j : integer; begin if (not aux.visite and not aux.use) then ii := ii+1; stos(ii) :=; call aux.visite_le; call pile.insert(aux); while not pile.empty do if arret then call warning("This execution has been stopped! Use MENU now."); return; fi; aux := pile.first; if aux.father<>none then call G.strzalka(aux.father,aux,11,c_black); fi; for j := 1 to 160 do call aux.affichage(11) od; call aux.affichage(11); (* staram sie dopisac cos do stosu *) if aux.lista.courant<>none then aux1 := aux.lista.courant.e; while aux1<>none do if not aux1.visite and not aux1.use then aux1.father:= aux; ii := ii+1; stos(ii) :=; call aux1.visite_le; call pile.insert(aux1); exit else if ( not aux1.use and ii>1) then(* cykl ? *) if<>STOS(ii-1) then iii := ii; call GUI_writeText(piszX+delta,piszY, unpack("("),c_blue,c_lightgrey); delta := delta + 8; while iii>0 do x := STOS(iii); call G.lista(x).wypisz(c_blue); if then exit fi; iii := iii-1; od; call GUI_writeText(piszX+delta,piszY, unpack(")"),c_blue,c_lightgrey); delta := delta+8; call waittt; fi fi(* not aux.use *); (* trzeba przejsc do nastepnego wierzch *) aux1 := fi od (* while aux1<>none *); fi (* if courant<>none *); if aux.lista.courant=none then aux.kolor := c_lightgrey; (* element zuzyty*) if ii>0 then ii:= ii-1 fi;(* usuwam ze stosu*) call pile.delete fi; od(* while not empty pile *) fi; end CF; begin array STOS dim(; pile := new stack; call G.restore; (* odnowic structure grafu *) call pile.printSTRplace(" STACK "); ii:=0; (* ilosc elementow w stosie-tablicy*) call CF(G); end cycle_fond; unit xxxxx: procedure (G:GRAPH); var stos : stack; unit trie_topologique : look_all procedure; unit DFS : procedure (aux: node,i:integer); var aux1 : node; begin if not aux.visite then call aux.visite_le; if aux.father<>none then call G.strzalka(aux.father,aux,i mod 7 ,c_black) fi; call aux.wypisz(i mod 7);(* i wyznacza kolor *) aux1 := aux.lista.first; while aux1<>none do aux1.father:= aux; call DFS(aux1,i); aux1:= od; call stos.insert(aux); fi; end DFS; begin call DFS(aux,i); end trie_topologique; begin call G.restore; stos := new stack; call stos.printSTRplace(" STACK"); call trie_topologique(G); call GUI_Rect(piszX,piszY,maxX-5,piszY+13,c_lightGrey,c_lightGrey); delta:= 0; while not stos.empty do call stos.first qua node.wypisz(5); call stos.delete; od; end xxxxx; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) UNIT EULER : procedure(G:GRAPH); var aux,aux1,aux2 : node, booooo : boolean, pile : stack; begin pile := new stack; call G.restore; call pile.printSTRplace(" STACK "); aux := G.lista(G.root); call pile.insert(aux); while not pile.empty do aux := pile.first; (* to jest pierwszy w str. pomocniczej*) booooo := false; call aux.lista.debut; aux1 := aux.lista.first; (* courant jest teraz na poczatku listy*) while (not booooo and aux1<>none) do if not aux.lista.courant.used then (* jezeli krawedz do courant nie byla jeszcze uzyta*) call aux.lista.courant.use; call pile.insert(aux1); call G.strzalka(aux,aux1,12,c_black); (* w liscie incydencji aux1 tez trzeba zmienic*) call aux1.lista.debut; aux2 := aux1.lista.first; while aux2<>none do if (*aux.egal(aux2)*) then call aux1.lista.courant.use; exit else aux2 := fi; od; booooo := true; else aux1 := fi; od; if not booooo then call pile.delete; call aux.wypisz(12); fi; if arret then call comment("This execution has been stopped! Use MENU now."); return; fi; od (* not empty *); end EULER; UNIT HAMILTON : procedure(G:GRAPH); begin end HAMILTON; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) UNIT GRAPH : class; var lista : arrayof node, directed : boolean, root,nr : integer, obraz : arrayof integer ; unit createNODE : procedure; var lista1 : arrayof node, fin, boo : boolean, i,l,r,z,x,y : integer, w : node; begin z := 0; while not (z=3 ) do call GUI_mousePressed(x,y,z); od; if z=3 then nr := nr+1; w := new node(x,y,nr); call w.affichage(14); if nr <= upper(lista) then lista(nr) := w else array lista1 dim (1: upper(lista)+10); for i := 1 to upper(lista) do lista1(i) := lista(i) od; lista := lista1; lista(nr) := w fi fi end createNODE; unit change_root : procedure; var x, y,i,l,r,z : integer; begin call warning("You can change the starting point which is now: "); call GUI_writeInt(maxX-200,wrnY,root, c_lightGrey,c_black); call GUI_writetext(maxX-100,wrnY, unpack(" change "),c_lightGrey,c_turq); call GUI_writetext(maxX-100,wrnY+16, unpack(" accept "),c_lightGrey,c_turq); while true do z := 0; call GUI_MousePressed(x,y,z) ; call sleep(2); if (z=1) then if (y>wrnY and ywrnY+15 and y0 then (* czekam na nacisniecie prawego klawisza myszy w wierzcholku*) call warning("I am waiting for the right-button of the mouse."); z := 0; while not z=3 do call GUI_MousePressed(xx,yy,z); od; w := szukaj(xx,yy,true); if w<> none then (* prawy klawisz w jakims wierz.= koniec krawedzi *) call warning("To draw/remove use LEFT-B; Press RIGHT-B to mark the end of an arc."); z := 0; while not z=3 do (*jesli chcesz sam rysowac/wymazac to naciskaj lewy klawisz myszy*) if z=1 then rysuj := true; case cc when 'd' : call GUI_ellipse(xx,yy,3,3,0,360,c_lightGrey,c_lightGrey); when 'i' : call GUI_point(xx,yy,c_red); esac; fi; call GUI_MousePressed(xx,yy,z); od; call warning(""); (* szukam odpowiadajacego wierzcholka w1 *) w1 := SZUKAJ(xx,yy,true); if w1<> none then (* MOZNA dopisac/dorysowac lub usunac/wymazac*) inner; if not rysuj then case cc when 'd' : call strzalka(w,w1,c_lightgrey,c_lightGrey); when 'i' : call strzalka(w,w1,c_Yellow,c_black); esac; fi; else call warning("I can not find the end of this arc, repeat the last action! ") fi; else call warning("Not found, repeat please!")fi (* w<>none *); fi (* sa juz jakies wierzcholki *); end WEZ_dwa; UNIT SZUKAJ : function(xx,yy : integer,b : boolean) : node; var aux : node,i,j : integer; begin for i := 1 to nr do aux := lista(i); if b then for j:=1 to 50 do call aux.affichage(5) od; call aux.affichage(14); fi; (* szukam odpowiadajacego wierzcholka w*) if (abs(aux.x- xx)<7 and abs(aux.y-yy)<7) then result := aux; exit fi; od; end SZUKAJ; unit SAVE : procedure; var U,GL : arrayof integer, W : arrayof arrayof integer, nn,i,j : integer, sciezka : arrayof char, aux, aux1 : node; begin (*call warning("Give the name of your file or press CR to accept this");*) sciezka := unpack("/usr/local/vlp/examp/graf.dta"); call warning(""); open(G_file,direct,sciezka); call rewrite(G_file); call seek(G_file,0,2); nn := 2* intSize; array U dim (1:2); U(1) := nr; if directed then U(2):=1 else U(2):=0 fi; putrec (G_file,U,nn); array GL dim (1:nr); array W dim (1:nr); for i := 1 to nr do array W(i) dim (1:nr) od; (* dla kazdego wierzcholka z listy zidentyfikuj jego sasiadow*) for i := 1 to nr do aux := lista(i); call aux.lista.debut; aux1 := aux.lista.first; j := 0; (* j= liczbie wierzcholkow incydentnych dla aux *) while aux1<> none do j := j+1; W(i,j) := aux1.x*1000*100 + aux1.y*100 ; aux1 := od; GL(i) := aux.x*1000*100 + aux.y*100 + j; od; nn := nr * intSize; putrec (G_file,GL,nn); for i := 1 to nr do nn := (GL(i) mod 100) * intSize ; if GL(i) >0 then putrec(G_file,W(i),nn)fi; od; kill(G_file); end SAVE; unit TAKE : procedure; (* odczytaj graf z pliku *) var U,W,SASIEDZI : arrayof integer, x,y,n,nn,ile,j,i : integer, sciezka : arrayof char, aux, aux1 : node; unit decode : procedure(a: integer; output x,y,ile: integer); begin ile := a mod 100; y := (a div 100) mod 1000; x := (a div 100000) end decode; begin (* call warning("Give the name of your file or press CR to accept");*) (* call GUI_Rect(20,338,20,140,c_black,c_lightGrey);*) (*sciezka := GUI_ReadText(20,338,c_yellow,c_black);*) (* call GUI_Rect(20,338,20,140,c_LightGrey,c_lightGrey);*) call warning(""); sciezka := unpack("/usr/local/vlp/examp/graf.dta"); open(G_file,direct,sciezka); call reset(G_file); call seek(G_file,position(G_file),0); array U dim(1:2); nn := 2* intSize; getrec (G_file,U,nn); nr := U(1); directed := (U(2)=1); array W dim (1:nr); call seek(G_file,position(G_file),0); nn := nr * intSize; getrec (G_file,W,nn); if upper(lista) < nr then array lista dim(1: nr) fi; array SASIEDZI dim (1:nr); for j:= 1 to nr do (* utworzyc odczytany j-ty wierzcholek *) (* i wpisac go na liste *) call decode(W(j),x,y,ile); aux := new node(x,y,j); lista(j) := aux; SASIEDZI(j) := ile; od; (* jezeli lista sasiadow j-tego wierz.jest>0 *) (* odczytac jego sasiadow i wpisac do odp. listy*) for j := 1 to nr do if SASIEDZI(j)<>0 then nn := SASIEDZI(j) * intSize; call seek(G_file,position(G_file),0); getrec(G_file,W,nn); for i := 1 to SASIEDZI(j) do call decode(W(i),x,y,ile); aux1 := SZUKAJ(x,y,false); call lista(j).lista.insert (aux1); od; fi; od; kill(G_FILE); if directed then call warning("THIS IS A DIRECTED GRAPH ") else call warning("THIS IS AN UNDIRECTED GRAPH ") fi; end take; unit restore : procedure; (* odnawia stan wierzcholkow *) var i : integer; begin delta := 0; for i := 1 to nr do if lista(i).lista<>none then call lista(i).lista.restore fi; lista(i).kolor := c_yellow; lista(i).father := none od; end restore; UNIT strzalka : procedure(A,B : node, kol1,kol2:integer); (* grot strzalki jest skierowany w strone B *) var r : real, cx,cy,dx,dy,ex,ey,delt,del : integer; BEGIN del := 15; delt:=7; (* decyduja o wielkosci grota *) call GUI_line(A.x,A.y,B.x,B.y,kol1); if directed then (* kol2=kolor grota *) r := sqrt((b.y-a.y)*(b.y-a.y)+(b.x-a.x)*(b.x-a.x)); cx := b.x- entier((b.x-a.x)*del/r ); cy := b.y- entier((b.y-a.y)*del/r ); dx := b.x- entier((b.x-a.x)*(del+delt)/r + (b.y-a.y)*delt/r); dy := b.y- entier((b.y-a.y)*(del+delt)/r - (b.x-a.x)*delt/r); ex := b.x- entier((b.x-a.x)*(del+delt)/r - (b.y-a.y)*delt/r); ey := b.y- entier((b.y-a.y)*(del+delt)/r + (b.x-a.x)*delt/r); call GUI_line(dx,dy,cx,cy,kol2); call GUI_line(ex,ey,cx,cy,kol2); fi; END strzalka; unit print : procedure; var aux, aux1 : node, i : integer; begin for i :=1 to nr do aux := lista(i); call aux.affichage(c_yellow); if aux.lista<>none then call aux.lista.debut; aux1 := aux.lista.first; while aux1 <> none do call strzalka(aux,aux1,c_yellow,c_black); aux1 :=; od fi; od; call warning("") end print; unit directORnot :procedure; var T: arrayof choix, i,j:integer; begin array T dim(1:2); for i:= 1 to 2 do T(i) := new choix od; T(1).name:="direct"; T(2).name:="indirect"; j:= choice(100,100,T); directed:=(j=1) end directORnot; begin array lista dim(1:10); nr := 0; root:= 1; (* ustal czy graf zorientowany czy nie*) end graph; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (* NODE - wierzcholek grafu *) (* x,y pozycja na ekranie, nr numer wierzcholka *) (* lista - lista wierzcholkow incydentnych *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit node : elem class(x,y,nr: integer); (* (x,y) pozycja wierzcholka na ekranie, nr =jego numer *) (* dla kazdego nowego wierzcholka w jest w.lista.empty *) var lista : liste, father : node, kolor : integer; unit affichage : procedure(c: integer); begin if c= c_lightgrey then call GUI_ellipse(x,y,5,5,0,360,c_black,c_darkGrey) else call GUI_ellipse(x,y,5,5,0,360,c,c) fi; call GUI_writeInt(x+5,y+5,nr,c_lightGrey,c_black); end affichage; unit wypisz : procedure(i: integer); (* wypisz kolejnosc odwiedzania wierzcholkow *) (* parametr i wyznacza nowy kolor wierzcholka*) var j : integer; begin for j := 1 to 160 do call affichage(j mod 16 ) od; if (i=8 or i=7)then i:=1 fi; call affichage(i); call GUI_writeInt(piszX+delta,piszY,nr,i,c_lightGrey); if nr>9 then delta := delta+2*9 else delta := delta+9 fi; call GUI_writetext(piszX+delta,piszY,unpack(","),i,c_lightGrey); delta:= delta+8; end wypisz; unit virtual visite : function : boolean; (* Czy wierzcholek byl juz odwiedzony *) begin if kolor=c_black then result := true else result:= false fi; end visite; unit virtual use : function : boolean; (* Czy wierzcholek jest juz zuzyty *) begin if kolor=c_lightGrey then result := true else result:= false fi; end use; unit virtual visite_le : procedure; (* Wierzcholek odwiedzony dostaje kolor czarny*) begin kolor:= c_black end visite_le; unit virtual egal : function( e: node) : boolean; begin if (x= e.x and y= e.y and nr = then result := true else result := false fi; end egal; begin lista := new liste; kolor := c_yellow; end node; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit clear : procedure(col : integer); var i,y, sr : integer; begin y := MinY+40; (* omijam menu *) sr := (minX+maxX) div 2; for i := 0 to (maxX - minX) div 2 do call GUI_line(sr, maxY,sr+i, Y,col); call GUI_line(sr, maxY,sr-i, Y,col); od; for i := 0 to (maxY - Y) do call GUI_Line( sr, maxY,maxX, Y+i,col); call GUI_Line( sr, maxY,minX, Y+i,col); od; call GUI_Rect(MinX,Y,MaxX,MaxY,c_black,c_LightGrey); call GUI_Rect(MinX,StrMinY,MaxX,StrMaxY,c_black,C_lightGrey); end clear; unit clear_all : procedure(col : integer); begin call GUI_Rect(MinX,MaxY,MaxX,MaxY,c_black,c_lightGrey); call GUI_Rect(MinX,StrMinY,MaxX,StrMaxY,c_black,C_lightGrey); end clear_all; unit waittt : procedure; var x,y,i,l,r,z : integer, boo : boolean; begin call GUI_writetext(maxX-100,maxY-25, unpack("continue"),c_lightGrey,c_red); while z=0 do call GUI_mousePressed(x,y,z) od; call GUI_writetext(maxX-100,maxY-25, unpack(" "),c_lightGrey,c_lightgrey); end waittt; unit arret : function : boolean; var x,y,z : integer; begin call Gui_writetext(maxX-100,maxY-25, unpack("STOP? "),c_lightGrey,c_red); call GUI_MousePressed(x,y,z) ; if ( z=3) then result := true; call GUI_writetext(maxX-100,maxY-25, unpack(" "),c_lightGrey,c_lightGrey); else result := false fi; end arret; unit YES : function : boolean; var x,y : integer, l : char; begin l:=GUI_ReadChar(x,y,c_green,c_black); if (l= 'y' or l='Y') then result := true else result := false ; call warning("") fi; end YES; unit speed: procedure(n : integer); var j : integer; begin n:= entier(10/n); for j:=1 to n do j:=j od; end speed; unit sleep: procedure(n : integer); var j : integer; begin for j:=1 to n do j:=j od; end sleep; unit comment : procedure (s : string); begin call GUI_Rect(comX,comY+12,MaxX-5,comY,c_lightGrey,c_lightGrey); call GUI_writetext(comX,comY,unpack(s),c_white,c_lightGrey); end comment; unit warning : procedure (s : string); begin call GUI_Rect(MinX,StrMinY,MaxX,StrMaxY,c_black,c_lightGrey); call GUI_writetext(wrnX,wrnY, unpack(s),c_white,c_lightgrey); end warning; unit choix : class; var uwaga : string, name : string, x,y : integer; end choix; unit choice : function(xx,yy : integer, T: arrayof choix) : integer; var i,j,l,r,z,x,y,n : integer, boo : boolean, IMAGE : arrayof integer; begin n := upper(T); IMAGE := GUI_getImg(xx,yy,100,15*(n+1)); call GUI_Rect(xx,yy,xx+100,yy+15*(n+1),c_white,c_white); for i:= 1 to n do call GUI_writetext(xx+2,yy+i*15,unpack(T(i).name),c_black,c_lightGrey); T(i).x:= xx+2; T(i).y:= yy+i*15; od; do call sleep(2); z := 0; call GUI_MousePressed(x,y,z) ; for j:= 1 to n do if ((x>xx and x< (xx+100)) and (y>T(j).y and y<(T(j).y+15))) then call GUI_writetext(xx+2,yy+j*15, unpack(T(j).name),c_white,c_black); result:=j; (* j-ta opcja wybrana*) else call GUI_writetext(xx+2,yy+j*15, unpack(T(j).name),c_black,c_lightgrey) fi; od; if ( z=1) then exit ; fi; od; call GUI_putImg(xx,yy,IMAGE) end choice; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (* M E N U *) (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit ramki_menu : procedure; begin call GUI_Rect(MinX,MinY,MaxX,MaxY,c_black,c_lightgrey); call GUI_Rect(MinX,StrMinY,MaxX,StrMaxY,c_black,C_lightGrey); end ramki_menu; unit option : class(nb : integer); var Nom : arrayof string; unit virtual action : procedure(j : integer); begin end action; begin array Nom dim (1:nb); inner; end option; unit ikona : class(c:integer,p,q: punkt,ss:string); var sub_menu : menu; unit write_i : procedure; begin call GUI_Rect(p.x,p.y,q.x,q.y,c_white,c_lightGrey); call GUI_writetext(p.x,p.y,unpack(ss),c_white,c); end write_i; end ikona; unit menu : coroutine(Nom:string, minX,maxX,MinY,MaxY:integer,OPTIONS:option); var ICONES: arrayof IKONA, j,i,nb,dl,sz,l,r,w,z,xx,yy : integer, boo : boolean, p,q : punkt; (* dl and sz - wymiary ikon w tym menu *) unit instalation : procedure; var i : integer; begin call GUI_Rect(MinX+1,7,MaxX-4,45,c_blue,c_lightGrey); for i := 0 to nb do call ICONES(i).write_i od; end instalation; handlers others call warning(" ERROR press Y to continue or N to stop?"); boo := YES; if not boo then call GROFF; call ENDRUN fi; call warning(""); wind; end handlers; begin nb := OPTIONS.nb; dl := (MaxX-Minx) div nb; sz := 18; array ICONES dim(0:nb); p:= new punkt(MinX+2,MinY+2); q := new punkt(MaxX-2,MinY +sz); ICONES(0) := new ikona(1,p,q,NOM); for i := 1 to nb do p := new punkt(MinX+2 +(i-1)*dl,minY+sz+2) ; q := new punkt(p.x+dl-2,p.y+sz); ICONES(i) := new ikona(c_lightGrey,p,q,OPTIONS.NOM(i)); od; call ramki_menu; return; do (* obsluga menu *) call instalation; (* rysowanie ikon z tego menu *) do z:=0; while not z=1 do call GUI_MousePressed(xx,yy,z) ; od; call sleep(2); (*nie umiem powstrzymac myszy*) boo := false; (*szukam gdzie zostal nacisniety klawisz myszki*) for j :=1 to nb do if( ICONES(j).p.xnone then attach(ICONES(j).sub_menu); exit; fi; fi; od; od; end menu; (*------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* MOJE MENU *) (* menu jest korutina *) (* ma swoje opcje, z ktorych kazda moze miec swoje pod-menu *) (* kazda opcja odpowiada jakiejs akcji, po wykonaniu ktorej *) (* zostaje uaktywnione pod-menu, o ile istnieje *) (*------------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit OPTIONS_MAIN : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); var ss : string; begin case j when 1 : ss :=""; when 2 : ss := "Create a new graph or take from a file or memory"; when 3 : call warning( "To STOP the execution of an algorithme press BUTTON RIGHT!"); call waittt; ss :=""; when 4 : ss :="usr/local/examp/graf.txt"; open(help_file,text,unpack(ss)); call reset(help_file); esac; call warning(ss); end; begin Nom(1) := "exit"; Nom(2) := "graph"; Nom(3) := "algorithms"; Nom(4) := "help"; end OPTIONS_MAIN; unit OPTIONS_GRAPH : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); var ss : string; begin case j when 1 : call warning(""); call comment(""); when 2 : call clear_all(c_lightGrey); when 3 : call warning("Import a graph from the file or from the memory "); when 4 : call warning("Modify the existing graph "); when 5 : if GRAF<>none then call warning("Saving the recently defined graph."); call else call warning("GRAPH IS EMPTY"); call waittt; fi; when 6 : call warning("Create a new graph"); GRAF := new graph; call GRAF.directORnot; call clear(c_red); esac; end; begin Nom(1) := "return"; Nom(2) := "clear"; Nom(3) := "import"; Nom(4) := "modify"; Nom(5) := "save"; Nom(6) := "create"; end OPTIONS_GRAPH; unit OPTIONS_ALGO : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); var i : integer, ch : char; begin (* miejsce komentarzy *) case j when 1 : call comment(""); call warning(""); when 2 : call comment( "To STOP the execution of an algorithme press RIGHT BUTTON"); call waittt; call comment(""); if Graf<>none then if GRAF.obraz<> none then call GUI_PutImg(MinX+2, MinY+40,Graf.obraz) else call GRAF.print fi; (* wybor wierzcholka od ktorego zacznamy chodzenie*) call GRAF.change_root; fi; when 3 : call WARNING( ""); when 4 : call comment( "Depth First Search recursive "); if graf<> NONE THEN call GRAF.restore; call traverse_rec(GRAF); fi; when 5 : call comment( "TOPOLOGICAL Sort "); call warning("This algorithm require a graph without cycl!"); call waittt; call warning(""); if graf<> NONE THEN call xxxxx(GRAF); fi; esac; end Action; begin NOM(1) := "return"; NOM(2) := "search"; NOM(3) := "cycls"; NOM(4) := "recur"; NOM(5) := "top_sort"; end OPTIONS_ALGO; unit OPTIONS_cycl : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); var i : integer; begin case j when 1 : call comment(""); call warning(""); when 2 : if graf<> NONE THEN call cycle_fond(GRAF); fi; call warning("ALL the fundamental cycls of the graph"); when 3 : call warning(""); if graf<> NONE THEN call EULER(GRAF); fi; when 4 : call warning("Find a Hamilton's cycl"); if graf<> NONE THEN call HAMILTON(GRAF); fi; when 5 : call warning(""); call GUI_Rect(MinX,MinY+40,MaxX,MaxY,c_lightGrey,c_LightGrey); if GRAF<>none then call GRAF.print fi; esac; end Action; begin NOM(1) := "return"; NOM(2) := "fundamental"; NOM(3) := "Euler"; NOM(4) := "Hamilton"; NOM(5) := "restore " end OPTIONS_cycl; unit OPTIONS_help : option class; var page_nb : integer; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); var i ,x,y: integer, ch : char; begin case j when 1 : (* przy powrocie odnawiam ramki dla menu*) call ramki_menu; when 2 : call GUI_Rect(MinX,MinY+40,MaxX,MaxY,c_black,c_black); call warning(""); page_nb := page_nb + 1; for i := 1 to 19 (* drukuje tylko 19 linijek bo ekran jest maly*) do x:=MinX+5; y:=MinY+40+13*i; call GUI_move(x, y); while not eof(help_file) do read(help_file,ch); if ord(ch)=10 then exit else call GUI_writeChar(x,y,ch,c_white,c_black); x:= x+ 10; fi od od; if eof(help_file) then call warning("END OF FILE") fi; when 3 : page_nb := page_nb - 1; (* zresetowac i przewinac o nb stron; strona=19linijek*) call reset(help_file); call GUI_Rect(MinX,MinY+40,MaxX,MaxY,c_black,c_black); for i := 1 to 19* page_nb do while not eof(help_file) do read(help_file,ch); if ord(ch)=10 then exit fi; od od; for i := 1 to 19 (* drukuje tylko 19 linijek bo ekran jest maly*) do call GUI_move(MinX+5, MinY+40+13*i); while not eof(help_file) do read(help_file,ch); if ord(ch)=10 then exit else call HASCII(ord(ch)) fi; od od; when 4 : call GUI_Rect(MinX,MinY+40,MaxX,MaxY,c_lightGrey,c_lightGrey); call reset(help_file); call warning(""); page_nb:= 0; esac; end Action; begin page_nb := 0; NOM(1) := "return"; NOM(2) := "next"; NOM(3) := "prev"; NOM(4) := "reset"; end OPTIONS_help; unit OPTIONS_import : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); begin case j when 1 : call comment(""); call warning(""); when 2 : call warning("From file c:\loglan95\graf.dta "); graf := new graph; call GRAF.take; call GRAF.print; when 3 : call warning(" Taking current graf from memory "); if Graf<>none then if GRAF.obraz<>none then call GUI_putImg(MinX+2, MinY+40,Graf.obraz) fi else call warning("Graph is empty")fi; esac; end Action; begin NOM(1) := "return"; NOM(2) := "file"; NOM(3) := "memory"; end OPTIONS_import; unit OPTIONS_modify : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); begin case j when 1 : call comment(""); call warning(""); when 2 : call warning("Add a new node using button RIGHT of the mouse"); if Graf<>none then call GRAF.createNODE else call warning(" GRAPH IS EMPTY!") fi; when 3 : call warning("Add a new arc "); if GRAF<>none then call GRAF.createARC('i') else call warning("Graph is empty") fi; when 4 : if GRAF<>none then call GRAF.DeleteARC('d') else call warning("Graph is empty") fi; when 5 : if graf<>none then call GRAF.print else call warning("Graph is empty") fi; when 6 : call warning("The current immage of the graph is saved."); if graf<> none then call move(MinX+2,MinY+40); Graf.obraz := getmap(MaxX-2,MaxY-2) else call warning("Graph was not yet created")fi; when 7 : call warning( "This is the immage of the graph previously saved"); if Graf<>none then call move(MinX+2, MinY+40); if GRAF.obraz<>none then call putmap(Graf.obraz)fi else call warning("The image of Graph is empty")fi; esac; end Action; begin Nom(1) := "return"; Nom(2) := "add node"; Nom(3) := "add arc"; Nom(4) := "del arc"; Nom(5) := "print"; Nom(6) := "getmap"; Nom(7) := "putmap"; end OPTIONS_modify; unit OPTIONS_go : option class; unit virtual Action : procedure(j : integer); var ss : string; begin (* miejsce komentarzy *) case j when 1 : call comment( ""); call warning(""); when 2 : call comment( "Breadth First Search "); if GRAF<> none then call GRAF.restore; call BFS_bis( GRAF); FI; when 3 : call comment( "Depth First Search "); if graf<> NONE THEN call GRAF.restore; call DFS(GRAF); fi; when 4 : call comment( "STRANGE Search "); if graf<> NONE THEN call GRAF.restore; call WHAT(GRAF); fi; when 5 : call comment( "Breadth First Search_BIS "); if GRAF<> none then call GRAF.restore; call BFS_bis( GRAF); FI; when 6 : call comment( "PILE_FILE SEARCH "); if GRAF<> none then call GRAF.restore; call PI_FI( GRAF); FI; when 7 : if Graf<>none then call GRAF.print else call warning("Graph is empty")fi; when 8 : call clear(c_blue); esac; end Action; begin Nom(1) := "return"; Nom(2) := "BFS"; Nom(3) := "DFS"; Nom(4) := "WHAT?"; Nom(5) := "BFS_2"; Nom(6) := "DFS_2"; Nom(7) := "print"; Nom(8) := "clear" end OPTIONS_go; VAR i, delta : integer, boo : boolean, O_main, O_help, O_cycl, O_graph, O_algo, O_import, O_modify, O_go : option, menu_main, menu_aux : menu, GRAF : GRAPH, w : node, G_file,help_file : file; handlers others call warning(" ERROR press Y to continue or N to stop?"); boo := YES; if not boo then call GROFF; call ENDRUN fi; call warning(""); wind; end handlers; begin (****** program glowny ******) call GUI_Rect(MinX,MinY,MaxX,MaxY,c_lightGrey,c_lightGrey); for i := 1 to 14 do call GUI_Writetext(150+i*5,100+i*4, unpack("B R E A D T H F I R S T S E A R C H"),i,c_black); call GUI_Writetext(200-i*5,200+i*4, unpack("D E P T H F I R S T S E A R C H"),i,c_black); od; call waittt; O_MAIN := new OPTIONS_MAIN(4); menu_main := new menu("MAIN_MENU",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_MAIN); O_graph := new OPTIONS_graph(6); menu_main.ICONES(2).sub_menu, menu_aux := new menu("CREATE or TAKE A GRAPH",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_graph); O_import := new OPTIONS_import(3); menu_aux.ICONES(3).sub_menu := new menu("TAKE GRAPH from a file or from memory",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_import); O_modify := new OPTIONS_modify(7); menu_aux.ICONES(4).sub_menu := new menu("MODIFY THE GRAPH",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_modify); menu_aux.ICONES(6).sub_menu := new menu("MODIFY THE GRAPH",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_modify); O_algo := new OPTIONS_algo(5); menu_main.ICONES(3).sub_menu,menu_aux := new menu("ALGORITHMES on GRAPHS",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_algo); O_go := new OPTIONS_go(8); menu_aux.ICONES(2).sub_menu := new menu("BREDTH FIRST SEARCH or DEPTH FIRST SEARCH",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_go); O_cycl := new OPTIONS_cycl(5); menu_aux.ICONES(3).sub_menu := new menu("RECHERCHE the CYCLS",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_cycl); O_help := new OPTIONS_help(4); menu_main.ICONES(4).sub_menu := new menu("HELP",minX,maxX,minY,maxY,O_help); attach(menu_main); while true do call warning("DO YOU REALY LIKE TO EXIT (Y/N)?"); boo := YES; if boo then exit fi; call warning(""); attach(menu_main); od; call GROFF; end; end end graf; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*)