Take the following files:
- compat-libstdc++ ....rpm
- qt1x-1.45-16.i386.rpm
- qt1x-1.45-devel-16.i386.rpm
or similar versions, they may differ as indicated by the number
16, 17, ...
install them in this order :
- rpm -Uvh compat-libstdc++-6.2-
- rpm -Uvh qt1x-1.45-16.i386.rpm
- rpm -Uvh qt1x-devel-1.45-16.i386.rpm
Do not worry if a message of eventual conflicts appear.
The library qt1.45 is installed in the following directory /usr/lib/qt-1.45
Now you are ready to install VLP 2.6 - Virtual Loglan Processor version of