program chinczyk; (*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Program autorstwa Tomasza Michalaka i Piotra Miekusa. *) (* Coroutiny biorace udzial w grze sa sparametryzowana coroutina jednego *) (* typu.Dokonano rowniez wielu zmian i poprawek w wspolprogramie arbitra *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) var kostka,i,ia:integer; var tab: arrayof arrayof integer; var gracz: arrayof coroutine; var f:file; (* * * * * *) unit player:iiuwgraph coroutine(g:integer); var x,y,i,j,k,l:integer; var b:boolean; begin return; do; b:=false; call move(280,240); call A.outhline("use curcors to point pawn"); call move(300,250); call A.outhline(" and press END"); call move(360,230); call move(360,230); call track(360,230); x:=inxpos; y:=inypos; call move(280,240); call A.outhline(" "); call move(300,250); call A.outhline(" "); for i:=1 to 4 do j:=tab(g,i); if j=0 then,g,i).x;,g,i).y; else if j<41 then,1,1).x;,1,1).y; else k,l:=0; fi; fi; if k>0 andif l>0 andif k<47 andif l<36 then b:=true; exit fi; od; if b then call A.przesunpion(i); else call A.przesunpion(0); fi; detach; od; end player; unit gracz1:coroutine(g,eh,spp:integer); var stran :arrayof integer; var pp,j,i,nrkil,witch :integer; var home :arrayof boolean; var polepos :boolean; unit man:class; (* pawn *) var ple,saf,rsa :integer; var kil,hun,fin,mov :boolean; end man; var pawn :arrayof man; unit pawns:procedure; var h:integer; begin for i:=1 to 4 do pawn(i).ple:=tab(g,i); od; pp:=0; polepos:=true; for i:=1 to 4 do home(i):=false; od; for i:=1 to 4 do h:=tab(g,i); if h=0 then pp:=pp+1 fi; if h=spp then polepos:=false fi; if h>100 then home(h-100):=true fi; od; if pp=0 then polepos:=false fi; end pawns; unit finish:function:boolean; unit inhome:function(a:integer):boolean; begin result:=false; if a>1 andif a<=eh andif a+kostka>eh then if a+kostka-eh<5 andif not home(a+kostka-eh) then result:=true; pawn(i).mov:=true; else pawn(i).mov:=false; fi; else pawn(i).mov:=true; fi; end inhome; begin result:=false; for i:=1 to 4 do pawn(i).fin:=false; if pawn(i).ple>0 andif pawn(i).ple<99 then if inhome(pawn(i).ple) then result:=true; pawn(i).fin:=true; fi else pawn(i).mov:=false; fi; od; end finish; unit killer:function:integer; begin for i:=1 to 4 do pawn(i).kil:=false; pawn(i).hun:=false; j:=pawn(i).ple; if j>0 andif j<50 then j:=j+kostka; if j>40 then j:=j-40 fi; if stran(j)=/=0 then if stran(j)=/=g then pawn(i).hun:=true else pawn(i).kil:=true; pawn(i).mov:=false; result:=result+1; fi; fi; fi; od; end killer; unit strangers:procedure; begin for i:=1 to 40 do stran(i):=0;od; for i:=1 to 4 do for j:=1 to 4 do if tab(i,j)>0 andif tab(i,j)<50 then stran(tab(i,j)):=i; fi; od; od; end strangers; unit safety:procedure; unit rafset:function(a:integer):integer; var b,c,p:integer; var finplo :boolean; begin if a>40 then a:=a mod 40 fi; result:=0; finplo:=false; if a mod 10=1 then if (a+9) div 10 =/=g then result:=1 fi; fi; for p:=1 to 6 do if a = 1 then a:=40; else a:=a-1; fi; b:=stran(a); if a mod 10 =0 then finplo:=true fi; if b=/=0 andif b=/=g then if finplo then c:=(((a-1) div 10)+2) mod 4; if c=0 then c:=4 fi; if c=/=g then result:=result+1 fi; else result:=result+1; fi; fi; od; end rafset; begin for i:=1 to 4 do if pawn(i).ple>0 andif pawn(i).ple<99 then pawn(i).saf:=rafset(pawn(i).ple); pawn(i).rsa:=pawn(i).saf-rafset(pawn(i).ple+kostka); else pawn(i).saf:=6; pawn(i).rsa:=-12; fi; od; end safety; unit move:procedure; var speed:boolean; var moves:arrayof boolean; begin j:=-12; speed:=true; array moves dim(1:4); for i:=1 to 4 do moves(i):=false; if not pawn(i).kil andif pawn(i).hun then moves(i):=true; speed:=false; fi od; for i:=1 to 4 do if not pawn(i).kil andif pawn(i).ple>0 andif pawn(i).mov then if speed orif moves(i) then if pawn(i).rsa>j then witch:=i; j:=pawn(i).rsa fi fi fi od; kill (moves); if witch>4 then witch:=0 fi; end move; begin array pawn dim(1:4); array home dim(1:4); array stran dim(1:40); for i:=1 to 4 do pawn(i):=new man; od; return; do call pawns; call strangers; if finish then for i:=1 to 4 do if pawn(i).fin then witch:=i fi; od; else if polepos and kostka=6 then i:=1; while tab(g,i)=/=0 do i:=i+1; od; if i>4 then i:=4 fi; witch:=i; else nrkil:=killer; witch:=0; if nrkil=/=4-pp then call safety; call move; fi; fi; fi; call A.przesunpion(witch); detach; od; end gracz1; (* * * * * *) unit gracz3:coroutine; unit possible_pool:function(gracz,pion,kostka:integer):integer; var beg,dom,i:integer,b:boolean; begin beg:=(gracz-1)*10+1; if tab(gracz)(pion)=0 then if kostka=6 then result:=beg; else result:=0; fi; else if tab(gracz)(pion)>=100 then result:=0; else if tab(gracz)(pion)=beg then dom:=kostka+tab(gracz)(pion)+100; for i:=1 to 4 do b:=false; if tab(gracz)(i)=dom then b:=true; fi; if b then result:=0; else result:=100; fi; od; else b:=false; for i:=1 to 4 do if i<>pion andif tab(gracz)(pion)+kostka=tab(gracz)(i) then b:=true; fi; od; if b then result:=0; else result:=tab(gracz)(pion)+kostka; fi; fi; fi; fi; end possible_pool; unit inni_w_domu:function(gracz:integer):integer; var i:integer; begin result:=0; for i:=1 to 4 do if tab(gracz)(i)>=100 then result:=result+1; fi; od; end inni_w_domu; unit inni_jeszcze_w_domu:function(gracz:integer):integer; var i:integer; begin result:=0; for i:=1 to 4 do if tab(gracz)(i)=0 then result:=result+1; fi; od; end inni_jeszcze_w_domu; unit wyjscie_z_domu:function(pion:integer):integer; begin if tab(3)(pion)=0 and kostka=6 then result:=1; else result:=0; fi; end wyjscie_z_domu; unit state_of_player:function(player:integer):integer; var i:integer; begin result:=0; for i:=1 to 4 do if tab(player,i)=0 then result:=result-1; else if tab(player,i)>=100 then result:=result+2; fi; fi; od; if result<0 then result:=0; fi; end state_of_player; unit pod_biciem:function(pool:integer):integer; var i,j,k:integer; begin if pool=0 or pool>=100 then result:=0; else for i:=1 to 4 do if i<>3 then for j:=1 to 4 do for k:=1 to 6 do if possible_pool(i,j,k)=pool then result:=result+1; fi; od; od; fi; od; fi; end pod_biciem; unit wyjscie_spod_bicia:function(pion:integer):integer; var p,k:integer; begin p:=pod_biciem(tab(3)(pion)); if p>0 then k:=pod_biciem(possible_pool(3,pion,kostka)); if p-k>0 then result:=p-k; else if p=k then result:=spodmn*p; else result:=0; fi; fi; fi; end wyjscie_spod_bicia; unit wejscie_pod_bicie:function(pion:integer):integer; begin result:=pod_biciem(possible_pool(3,pion,kostka)); end wejscie_pod_bicie; unit bicie:function(pion:integer):integer; var i,j,p:integer; begin result:=0; p:=possible_pool(3,pion,kostka); if p<100 then for i:=1 to 4 do if i<>3 then for j:=1 to 4 do if tab(i,j)=p then result:=state_of_player(i)*3; fi; od; fi; od; fi; end bicie; unit stoi_moj:function(pole:integer):boolean; var pion:integer; begin result:=false; for pion:=1 to 4 do if tab(3,pion)=pole then result:=true; fi; od; end stoi_moj; unit dom:function(pion:integer):integer; begin if tab(3)(pion)<100 and possible_pool(3,pion,kostka)>=100 then result:=1; else result:=0; fi; end dom; var turniej:arrayof integer; var ii,j:integer; var spodmn,inni,innij:integer; begin array turniej dim(1:4); spodmn:=2; return; do (* call A.gdziepiony; *) for ii:=1 to 4 do turniej(ii):=0; od; inni:=inni_w_domu(1); inni:=inni+inni_w_domu(2); inni:=inni+inni_w_domu(4); innij:=inni_jeszcze_w_domu(1); innij:=innij+inni_jeszcze_w_domu(2); innij:=innij+inni_jeszcze_w_domu(4); for ii:=1 to 4 do turniej(ii):=turniej(ii)+dom(ii)*inni*3; turniej(ii):=turniej(ii)+wyjscie_z_domu(ii)*(inni+innij); turniej(ii):=turniej(ii)+bicie(ii); turniej(ii):=turniej(ii)-wejscie_pod_bicie(ii); turniej(ii):=turniej(ii)+wyjscie_spod_bicia(ii); od; for ii:=1 to 4 do if possible_pool(3,ii,kostka)=0 orif stoi_moj(possible_pool(3,ii,kostka)) then turniej(ii):=-1; fi; od; j:=1; for ii:=2 to 4 do if turniej(ii)>turniej(j) then j:=ii; fi; if turniej(ii)=turniej(j) then if tab(3)(ii)>tab(3)(j) then j:=ii; fi; fi; od; if turniej(j)>=0 then call A.przesunpion(j); fi; detach; od; end gracz3; (***************************************************************) unit gracz4: coroutine; const g=4; const start=31; const endpos=30; var players : arrayof boy; unit boy:class; var pos,back : integer; var suicide,stab,finish,moveout : boolean; end boy; unit playerinit:procedure; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 4 do players(i).pos:=tab(g,i); od; end playerinit; unit finishing:function(nr:integer):boolean; var i,j:integer; begin result:=false; i:=players(nr).pos; if i<>0 then if i+kostka>endpos and i+kostka nr then if (players(j).pos-100+1)=i+kostka-endpos then result:=false; fi; fi; od; fi; fi; end finishing; unit suiciding:function(nr:integer):boolean; var i:integer; begin result:=false; if players(nr).pos<>0 then for i:=1 to 4 do if nr<>i then if (players(nr).pos+kostka-1) mod 40 + 1 = players(i).pos andif players(i).pos<100 then result:=true; exit; fi; fi; od else for i:= 1 to 4 do if i<>nr andif players(i).pos=start then result:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; end suiciding; unit stabing:function(nr:integer):boolean; var i,j:integer; var b1,b2:boolean; begin result:=false; for i:=1 to 4 do if i<>g then for j:= 1 to 4 do if players(nr).pos > 0 and players(nr).pos <100 then b1:=(players(nr).pos+kostka-1) mod 40 +1 =tab(i,j) ; b2:=players(nr).pos>=start and b1; if b1 and (players(nr).pos+kostka-1) mod 40 + 1<=endpos orif b2 then result:=true; exit exit; fi else result:=(kostka=6 and players(nr).pos=0 and tab(i,j)=start); exit exit; fi; od; fi; od; end stabing; unit atback:function(nr:integer):integer; var i,j,np:integer; begin np:=players(nr).pos; result:=0; if np<>0 then if np < 7 then for i:=1 to 4 do if i<>g then for j:=1 to 4 do if (tab(i,j) < np) then if tab(i,j)>0 then result:=result+1; fi else if tab(i,j) > 40-(6-np) then result:=result+1; fi; fi; od; fi; od; else for i:=1 to 4 do if i<>g then for j:=1 to 4 do if tab(i,j) < np andif tab(i,j) > np-7 then result:=result +1; fi; od; fi; od; fi; fi; end atback; unit begining : function(nr:integer):boolean; begin result:=players(nr).pos=0 and kostka=6; end begining; unit move:function:integer; var i,j,k : integer; var ok:boolean; begin for i:= 1 to 4 do players(i).back:=atback(i); players(i).suicide:=suiciding(i); players(i).stab:=stabing(i); players(i).finish:=finishing(i); players(i).moveout:=begining(i); od; ok:=false; (********************* bije i wychodzi ************) for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).moveout then for j:=1 to 4 do if g<>j then for k:=1 to 4 do if tab(j,k)=start then result:=i; ok:=true; exit exit exit; fi; od; fi; od; fi; od; (******************** gonia go i konczy **************) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).pos>0 andif players(i).pos<100 andif players(i).finish andif players(i).back > 0 then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************** gonia go i bije ******************) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).pos<100 andif players(i).back>0 andif players(i).stab then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************* bije ********************************) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).stab then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************** goni go conajmniej dwoch **********) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).pos<100 andif players(i).back>=2 andif not players(i).suicide then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************* wychodzi ****************************) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).moveout andif not players(i).suicide then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************* konczy *******************************) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).finish then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************** gonia go **********) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).pos<100 andif players(i).pos>0 andif players(i).back>0 andif not players(i).suicide then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************* nie bije swojego *********************) if not ok then for i:=4 downto 1 do if players(i).pos<100 andif players(i).pos>0 andif not players(i).suicide then result:=i; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; (******************* bije swojego *********************) if not ok then for i:=1 to 4 do if players(i).suicide then result := 0 ; ok:=true; exit; fi; od; fi; if not ok then result:=0 fi; end move; (****** MAIN *****) (*****************) var aa:char; var i,m:integer; begin array players dim(1:4); for i:=1 to 4 do players(i):=new boy; od; return; do call playerinit; m:=move; call A.przesunpion(m); detach; od; end gracz4; (********* * * * * * * * * * * * *************) unit arbiter:iiuwgraph coroutine; var x,y,zawod,i,j,ktory,sk : integer; var polestartu,skon,zero,wejscie,plansza: arrayof integer; var dom,old,tabcub : arrayof arrayof integer; var tabpi : arrayof arrayof arrayof integer; var dtab : arrayof arrayof string; var ctabs : arrayof string; const c=1.3; (********** plan **************) unit line:class(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer); end line; unit inchar : function: integer; var i : integer; begin do i := inkey; if i <> 0 then exit fi; od; result := i; end inchar; unit OUTHLINE: procedure(b:string); var i,j:integer; var a :arrayof char; begin a:=unpack(b); i:=upper(a); for j:=1 to i do call hascii(0); call hascii(ord(a(j))); od; kill (a); end outhline; unit sdrp:procedure(a,b,c,d:integer); begin call move(a,c); call draw(b,c); call draw(b,d); call draw(a,d); call draw(a,c); end sdrp unit sdrp1:procedure; begin call sdrp(45,76,23,49); call move(76,23); call draw(80,26); call draw(80,52); call draw(49,52); call draw(45,49); end sdrp1; unit sdrp2:procedure; begin call sdrp(48,82,23,49); call move(82,49); call draw(78,52); call draw(44,52); call draw(44,26); call draw(48,23); end sdrp2; unit sdrp3:procedure; begin call sdrp(48,82,26,52); call move(48,52); call draw(44,49); call draw(44,23); call draw(78,23); call draw(82,26); end sdrp3; unit sdrp4:procedure; begin call sdrp(45,76,26,52); call move(45,26); call draw(49,23); call draw(80,23); call draw(80,49); call draw(76,52); end sdrp4; unit drp1:procedure(a,b:integer,t:arrayof string); begin call move(a,b); call outhline(t(1)); call move(a,b+8); call outhline(t(2)); call move(a,b+16); call outhline(t(3)); end drp1 unit drp11:procedure(d:integer); begin call sdrp1; call drp1(51,25,dtab(d)); end; unit drp21:procedure(d:integer); begin call sdrp2; call drp1(53,25,dtab(d)); end; unit drp31:procedure(d:integer); begin call sdrp3; call drp1(53,28,dtab(d)); end; unit drp41:procedure(d:integer); begin call sdrp4; call drp1(51,28,dtab(d)); end; unit mktab:procedure; var i,j:integer; begin array tabpi dim(1:4); for i:=1 to 4 do array tabpi(i) dim(1:4); for j:=1 to 4 do array tabpi(i,j) dim(1:200); od; od; for i:=1 to 4 do call cls; call drp11(i); call move(43,22); tabpi(i,1):=getmap(84,54); od; for i:=1 to 4 do call cls; call drp21(i); call move(43,22); tabpi(i,2):=getmap(84,54); od; for i:=1 to 4 do call cls; call drp31(i); call move(43,22); tabpi(i,3):=getmap(84,54); od; for i:=1 to 4 do call cls; call drp41(i); call move(43,22); tabpi(i,4):=getmap(84,54); od; end mktab; unit piszpion:coroutine(x,y,k:integer); var i,j:integer; begin return; do call move(x,y); for i:=1 to 2 do call putmap(tabpi(ktory,k)); for j:=1 to 30 do od; call putmap(zero); for j:=1 to 30 do od; od; call putmap(tabpi(ktory,k)); detach; od; end piszpion; var pl:arrayof arrayof arrayof piszpion; unit mkpl:procedure; var a,b,c,i,j:integer; begin array pl dim(0:104); array pl(0) dim(1:4); for i:=1 to 4 do array pl(0,i) dim (1:4); array pl(100+i) dim (1:4); for j:=1 to 4 do array pl(100+i,j) dim (1:1); od; od; for i:=1 to 40 do array pl(i) dim(1:1); array pl(i,1) dim(1:1); od; open(f,integer,unpack("pola")); call reset(f); for i:=1 to 40 do get(f,a); get(f,b); get(f,c); pl(i,1,1):=new piszpion(a,b,c); od; for i:=1 to 4 do for j:=1 to 4 do get(f,a); get(f,b); get(f,c); pl(0,i,j):=new piszpion(a,b,c); od; od; for i:=1 to 4 do for j:=101 to 104 do get(f,a); get(f,b); get(f,c); pl(j,i,1):=new piszpion(a,b,c); od; od; end mkpl; unit sq:procedure(x,y:integer); begin call move(c*(x+1)+40,20+y+1); call draw(c*(x+35)+40,20+y+1); call draw(c*(x+35)+40,20+y+35); call draw(c*(x+1)+40,20+y+35); call draw(c*(x+1)+40,20+y+1); end sq; unit cube:procedure; begin call move(0,8); call draw(32,8); call draw(32,34); call draw(0,34); call draw(0,8); call draw(10,0); call draw(41,0); call draw(32,8); call move(41,0); call draw(41,26); call draw(32,34); end; unit cubes:procedure(i,a,b,c:integer); begin call cube; call move(4,9); call outhline(ctabs(a)); call move(4,17); call outhline(ctabs(b)); call move(4,25); call outhline(ctabs(c)); call move(0,0); tabcub(i):=getmap(41,34); call cls; end cubes; unit cu:procedure(i,j:integer); begin call move(310,70); call outhline("PLAYER : "); case j when 1: call outhline("1"); when 2: call outhline("2"); when 3: call outhline("3"); when 4: call outhline("4"); esac; call move(360,80); call putmap(tabcub(i)); end cu; unit hjm:procedure(nw:arrayof arrayof integer); var i,j,x:integer; var z:string; unit drp:procedure(i,j:integer); var b1,b2:boolean; begin b1:=old(i,j)=0; if not b1 then b2:=plansza(old(i,j))=0 fi; if b2 or b1 then if b1 then attach(pl(0,i,j)); else attach(pl(old(i,j),1,1)); fi; call putmap(zero); fi; if nw(i,j)=0 then x:=ktory; ktory:=i; attach(pl(0,i,j)); ktory:=x; else if nw(i,j)>100 then attach(pl(nw(i,j),i,1)); else attach(pl(nw(i,j),1,1)); fi; fi; end drp; begin i:=ktory; do for j:=1 to 4 do if old(i,j)<>nw(i,j) then call drp(i,j); fi; old(i,j):=nw(i,j); od; i:=i mod 4 +1; if i=ktory then exit fi; od; end; unit drpl:procedure; var i,x,y,x1,x2,y1,y2:integer; begin call gron(1); open(f,integer,unpack("plan")); call reset(f); for i:=1 to 47 do get(f,x1); get(f,y1); call move(x1,y1); get(f,x2); get(f,y2); call draw(x2,y2); x:=735-x1; y:=y1; call move(x,y); x:=735-x2; y:=y2; call draw(x,y); x:=735-x1; y:=328-y1; call move(x,y); x:=735-x2; y:=328-y2; call draw(x,y); x:=x1; y:=328-y1; call move(x,y); x:=x2; y:=328-y2; call draw(x,y); od; end drpl; unit starter:procedure; var i,j:integer; begin array zero dim(1:1300); call gron(1); call move(0,0); zero:=getmap(42,32); call cubes(1,1,2,1); call cubes(2,3,1,4); call cubes(3,3,2,4); call cubes(4,5,1,5); call cubes(5,5,2,5); call cubes(6,5,5,5); call mktab; call mkpl; call drpl; call sq(72,0); call sq(395,36); call sq(395,252); call sq(72,216); for i:=1 to 4 do for j:=1 to 4 do ktory:=i; attach(pl(0,i,j)); od; od; i:=inchar; end starter; (************** end plan ***********) unit przesunpion:procedure(co:integer); var g,s,t:integer; unit start:procedure; begin g:=polestartu(ktory); tab(ktory,co):=g; if plansza(g)=/=0 then tab((plansza(g)/10),(plansza(g) mod 10)):=0; fi; plansza(g):=ktory*10+co; end start; begin if co<1 orif co>4 then return fi; if ktory<1 orif ktory>4 then return fi; s:=tab(ktory,co); g:=s+kostka; if s>100 then return fi; if s=0 then if kostka=6 then call start fi; return; fi; t:=wejscie(ktory); if s<=t andif g>t then t:=g-t; if t<5 andif dom(ktory,t)=0 then dom(ktory,t):=co; tab(ktory,co):=100+t; plansza(s):=0; fi; return; else if g>40 then g:=g-40 fi; if plansza(g)=/=0 then tab((plansza(g)/10),(plansza(g) mod 10)):=0; fi; tab(ktory,co):=g; plansza(g):=plansza(s); plansza(s):=0; fi; end przesunpion; unit koniec: function: boolean; var doszedl: boolean; begin doszedl:=true; for i:=1 to 4 do if dom(ktory,i)=0 then doszedl:=false;exit fi od; if doszedl then sk:=sk+1; skon(ktory):=sk; fi; result:= sk=4 end koniec; unit komunikat: procedure; var m: arrayof integer; begin array m dim (1:4); for i:=1 to 4 do m(skon(i)):=i; od; call groff; writeln; for i:=1 to 4 do writeln (i:1," miejsce zajal gracz ",m(i):1) od end komunikat; begin (* arbiter *) array tab dim (1:4); array old dim (1:4); array dom dim (1:4); array ctabs dim (1:5); array tabcub dim (1:6); array plansza dim (1:40); array skon dim (1:4); array wejscie dim (1:4); array polestartu dim (1:4); array dtab dim(1:4); for i:=1 to 4 do skon(i):=0; array tabcub(i) dim(1:200); array dtab(i) dim (1:3); array tab(i) dim (1:4); array old(i) dim (1:4); array dom(i) dim (1:4); polestartu(i):=10*(i-1)+1; wejscie(i):=polestartu(i)-1; od; wejscie(1):=40; for i:=5 to 6 do array tabcub(i) dim(1:200); od; ctabs(1):=" "; ctabs(2):=" * "; ctabs(3):="* "; ctabs(4):=" *"; ctabs(5):="* *"; dtab(1,1):=" 1 "; dtab(1,2):=" 1 "; dtab(1,3):=" 1 "; dtab(2,1):="2 "; dtab(2,2):=" 2 "; dtab(2,3):=" 2"; dtab(3,1):=" 3"; dtab(3,2):=" 3 "; dtab(3,3):="3 "; dtab(4,1):=" "; dtab(4,2):="444"; dtab(4,3):=" "; return; call starter; ktory:=0; do ktory:= (ktory mod 4) + 1; if skon(ktory)=/=0 then repeat fi; do kostka:=entier(random*6)+1; call cu(kostka,ktory); attach (gracz(ktory)); call hjm(tab); if koniec then exit exit fi; if kostka=/=6 or skon(ktory)=/=0 then exit fi od od; call komunikat; read (i); call endrun end arbiter; var A: arbiter; (* * * * * *) begin (* program glowny *) array gracz dim (1:4); writeln ("Type how many PLAYERS want to enjoy game"); read(ia); for i:=1 to ia do gracz(i) := new player(i); od; if ia=0 then ia:=1;gracz(1):=new gracz1(1,40,1); fi; for i:=ia+1 to 2 do gracz(i) := new gracz1(i,(i-1)*10,i*10-9); od; gracz(3):=new gracz3; gracz(4):=new gracz4; A := new arbiter; attach (A) end chinczyk