program drzewo; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* 2-3 tree J.Kujawski 1989-90 *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) CONST min = 0 , max = 99 , lewy = ".lsyn" , prawy = ".psyn" , srodkowy = ".ssyn" ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) VAR node :drzewo , i,j : integer ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) SIGNAL emptytree ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT drzewo:class; Var klucz:integer, lsyn,psyn:drzewo, logl,logp:boolean; Unit lisc : function :boolean ; begin result := lsyn = none end lisc end drzewo; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT licznosc :function (d:drzewo , p:integer , log:boolean):integer ; (* Liczy ile miejsca potrzeba do wydruku linii *) Var licznik : integer ; Signal alarm ; Unit licz :procedure (d:drzewo) ; begin i := i+1 ; if d = none then raise alarm fi; if i = p then if log then licznik := licznik + 1 else if d.logp then licznik := licznik + 6 else licznik := licznik + 3 ; fi fi else call licz (d.lsyn) ; if d.logp then call licz(d.psyn.lsyn) ; call licz(d.psyn.psyn) ; else call licz(d.psyn) fi fi ; i := i-1 end licz ; Handlers when alarm : licznik := 0 ; wind end handlers ; Begin licznik :=0 ; i := 0 ; call licz (d) ; result := licznik end licznosc ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT infix :procedure(d : drzewo) ; Begin if d.lisc then write(d.klucz:3) else call infix (d.lsyn ); call infix (d.psyn ) fi end infix ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT empty : function (d : drzewo) : boolean ; Begin result := d = none End empty ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT minimum : function (d : drzewo) : integer ; Begin if d = none then raise emptytree else if d.lisc then result := d.klucz else result := minimum (d.lsyn) fi fi end minimum ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT member : function ( k:integer , d:drzewo ) : boolean ; Begin if d <> none then if d.klucz <> k then if d.klucz < k then result := member(k,d.psyn); else result := member(k,d.lsyn); fi else result := true fi else result := false fi end member ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT insert : procedure ( k : integer ; inout d : drzewo ) ; Var pom1,pom2 : drzewo , max1,max2 : integer ; Signal jest ; Unit ins : procedure ( a:drzewo ) ; Begin if a.klucz = k then raise jest fi ; if a.lisc then pom1 := new drzewo ; if a.klucz < k then pom1.klucz := k ; max1 := a.klucz else pom1.klucz := a.klucz ; max1 := k ; a.klucz := k fi else if k <= a.klucz then call ins (a.lsyn ) ; if pom1 <> none then if a.logl then pom2 := a.psyn ; a.psyn := pom1 ; max2 := a.klucz ; a.klucz := max1 ; max1 := max2 ; pom1 := pom2 else if a.logp then pom2 := a.psyn ; a.psyn := pom1 ; max2 := a.klucz ; a.klucz := max1 ; max1 := max2 ; pom1 := pom2 ; a.logp,pom1.logl := false else pom2 := new drzewo ; pom2.lsyn := pom1 ; pom2.psyn := a.psyn ; pom2.klucz := a.klucz ; a.klucz := max1 ; pom2.logl,a.logp := true ; a.psyn := pom2 ; pom1 := none fi fi fi else call ins (a.psyn) ; if pom1 <> none then if a.logp then pom2 := a.psyn ; a.psyn := a.psyn.lsyn ; pom2.lsyn := pom2.psyn ; pom2.psyn := pom1 ; max2 := max1 ; max1 := pom2.klucz ; pom2.klucz := max2 ; pom1 := pom2 ; pom1.logl,a.logp := false else if not a.logl then pom2 := new drzewo ; pom2.psyn := pom1 ; pom2.lsyn := a.psyn ; a.psyn := pom2 ; pom2.klucz := max1 ; a.logp,pom2.logl := true ; pom1 := none fi fi fi fi fi end ins ; Handlers when jest : call setcursor(20,1) ; call eraseline ; writeln("element ",k:2," already in this tree") ; call setcursor (25,30) ; call reverse ; write ("press any key") ; call cursorleft (1) ; call normal ; call czekaj ; call setcursor (25,30) ; call eraseline ; call setcursor (20,1) ; call eraseline ; terminate end handlers ; Begin if d=none then d := new drzewo ; d.klucz := k else call ins (d) ; if pom1 <> none then pom2 := new drzewo ; pom2.klucz := max1 ; pom2.lsyn := d ; pom2.psyn := pom1 ; d := pom2 fi fi end insert ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT delete:procedure(k:integer;inout d:drzewo); Var pom,pom1 : drzewo , nowymax : integer , kon : boolean ; Signal koniec ,niema ; Unit del : procedure (inout d : drzewo ) ; Begin if d.lisc then if d.klucz = k then kill (d) else raise niema fi else if d.klucz >= k then call del (d.lsyn) ; if kon then raise koniec fi ; if d.lsyn = none then if pom = none then if d.logp then pom1 := d ; d := d.psyn ; d.logl := false ; kill (pom1) ; kon := true else pom := d.psyn ; kill (d) fi else if k = d.klucz then d.klucz := nowymax fi ; if d.logp then if d.psyn.lsyn.logp then pom1 := d.psyn.lsyn ; d.psyn.lsyn := d.psyn.lsyn.psyn ; d.lsyn :=pom ; pom1.psyn := d.psyn ; d.psyn := pom1.lsyn ; pom1.lsyn := d ; d := pom1 ; d.logp,d.psyn.logl := false ; d.lsyn.logp , d.psyn.lsyn.logl := false ; kon := true else pom1 := d.psyn ; d.lsyn := pom ; d.psyn := d.psyn.lsyn ; pom1.lsyn := d ; d := pom1 ; d.logl := false ; d.lsyn.psyn.logl := true ; pom := none ; kon := true fi else if d.psyn.logp then pom1 := d.psyn ; d.lsyn := pom ; d.psyn := d.psyn.lsyn ; pom1.lsyn := d ; d := pom1 ; d.logp , d.psyn.logl := false ; if d.lsyn.logl then d.lsyn.logl := false ; d.logl := true fi ; pom := none ; kon := true else d.lsyn := pom ; d.psyn.logl , d.logp := true ; pom := d ; d := none ; fi fi fi else if k = d.klucz then d.klucz := nowymax fi; pom := none ; kon := true fi else call del (d.psyn) ; if kon then raise koniec fi ; if d.psyn = none then if pom = none then nowymax := d.lsyn.klucz ; pom := d.lsyn ; kill (d) else if d.logp then d.psyn := pom ; d.logp := false ; d.psyn.logl := false ; pom := none else if d.lsyn.logp then pom1 := d.lsyn ; d.psyn := pom ; d.lsyn := pom1.psyn.psyn ; pom1.psyn.psyn := d ; d := pom1.psyn ; pom1.psyn := d.lsyn ; d.lsyn := pom1 ; d.logl , d.lsyn.logp := false ; pom := none else pom1 := d.lsyn ; d.psyn := pom ; d.lsyn := d.lsyn.psyn ; pom1.psyn :=d ; pom :=pom1 ; pom1.logp , pom1.psyn.logl := true ; d := none ; fi fi fi fi fi fi end del ; Handlers when niema : call setcursor(20,1) ; writeln("There is no ",k:2," in the tree") ; call setcursor (25,30) ; call reverse ; write ("press any key") ; call cursorleft (1) ; call normal ; call czekaj ; call setcursor (25,30) ; call eraseline ; call setcursor(20,1) ; call eraseline ; terminate ; when koniec : terminate end handlers ; Begin if d = none then raise niema else call del (d) ; if pom <> none then d := pom fi fi end delete ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) Unit delmin : procedure (inout d : drzewo) ; Var a : integer ; Begin if empty (d) then raise emptytree else a := minimum (d) ; call delete (a,d) fi End delmin (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* PROCEDURY prawie GRAFICZNE *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit Reverse : procedure; begin write( chr(27), "[7m") end Reverse; unit Normal : procedure; begin write( chr(27), "[0m") end Normal; unit EraseLine : procedure; begin write( chr(27), "[K") end EraseLine; unit inchar : IIUWgraph function : integer; (*podaj nr znaku przeslanego z klawiatury *) var i : integer; begin do i := inkey; if i <> 0 then exit fi; od; result := i; end inchar; unit NewPage : procedure; begin write( chr(27), "[2J") end NewPage; unit SetCursor : procedure(row, column : integer); var c,d,e,f : char, i,j : integer; begin i := row div 10; j := row mod 10; c := chr(48+i); d := chr(48+j); i := column div 10; j := column mod 10; e := chr(48+i); f := chr(48+j); write( chr(27), "[", c, d, ";", e, f, "H") end SetCursor; unit CursorLeft : procedure (columns : integer); var e,f : char, i,j : integer; begin i := columns div 10; j := columns mod 10; e := chr(48+i); f := chr(48+j); write( chr(27), "[", e, f, "D") end CursorLeft; unit CursorRight : procedure (columns : integer); var e,f : char, i,j : integer; begin i := columns div 10; j := columns mod 10; e := chr(48+i); f := chr(48+j); write( chr(27), "[", e, f, "C") end CursorRight; unit CursorUp : procedure (rows : integer); var c,d : char, i,j : integer; begin i := rows div 10; j := rows mod 10; c := chr(48+i); d := chr(48+j); write( chr(27), "[", c, d, "A") end CursorUp; unit CursorDown : procedure (rows : integer); var c,d : char, i,j : integer; begin i := rows div 10; j := rows mod 10; c := chr(48+i); d := chr(48+j); write( chr(27), "[", c, d, "B") end CursorDown; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT czekaj :procedure ; Var i :integer ; Begin i := inchar End czekaj ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit PrAnyKey : procedure; begin call setcursor (25,30) ; call reverse ; write ("press any key") ; call cursorleft (1) ; call normal ; call czekaj ; call setcursor (25,30) ; call eraseline ; call setcursor(20,1) ; call eraseline; end PrAnyKey; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT tytul : procedure ; Begin call newpage ; call setcursor (10,30) ; write ("PRIORITY QUEUE in 2-3 TREE ") ; call setcursor (15,32) ; write ("Author : Adam Kujawski") ; call PrAnyKey; end tytul ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT menu : procedure ; Unit insdelmenu : procedure(formal : boolean) ; Var c1,c2,c3 : integer ; Begin call newpage ; call setcursor (5,25) ; write ("Give a number x to insert ") ; call setcursor (7,25) ; write ( " 0 < x < 100 .") ; call setcursor (9,25) ; writeln (" 0 --- to terminate the operation") ; Do call setcursor(15,39); call eraseline ; c1 := 0 ; c2 := 0 ; do c1 := inchar ; if c1 >= 48 andif c1 <= 57 then write (chr(c1)) ; do c2 := inchar ; if c2 >= 48 andif c2 <= 57 then write (chr (c2)) ; do c3 := inchar ; if c3 = 13 then j := (c1-48) * 10 + (c2-48) ; exit exit exit else if c3 = 8 then c2 := 0 ; call cursorleft(1) ; call eraseline ; exit fi fi od else if c2 = 13 then j := c1-48 ; exit exit else if c2 = 8 then c1 := 0 ; call cursorleft (1) ; call eraseline ; exit fi fi fi od fi od ; if j < 100 andif j > 0 then if formal then call insert (j,node) ; else call delete (j,node) ; fi ; call setcursor(20,1) ; call eraseline ; write (" O.K.") else if j = 0 then exit fi fi Od end insdelmenu ; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) Unit membermenu : procedure ; Var c1,c2,c3 : integer , bool1 : boolean ; Begin call newpage ; call setcursor (5,25) ; write ("Give a number x ") ; call setcursor (7,25) ; write ( " 0 < x < 100 .") ; call setcursor (9,25) ; writeln (" 0 --- to terminate the operation") ; Do call setcursor(15,39); call eraseline ; c1 := 0 ; c2 := 0 ; do c1 := inchar ; if c1 >= 48 andif c1 <= 57 then write (chr(c1)) ; do c2 := inchar ; if c2 >= 48 andif c2 <= 57 then write (chr (c2)) ; do c3 := inchar ; if c3 = 13 then j := (c1-48) * 10 + (c2-48) ; exit exit exit else if c3 = 8 then c2 := 0 ; call cursorleft(1) ; call eraseline ; exit fi fi od else if c2 = 13 then j := c1-48 ; exit exit else if c2 = 8 then c1 := 0 ; call cursorleft (1) ; call eraseline ; exit fi fi fi od fi od ; if j < 100 andif j > 0 then bool1 := member (j,node) ; call setcursor (20,20) ; if bool1 then write(" Element ",j:2," exists already in the tree.") else write (" There is no ",j:2," in the tree.") fi ; call PrAnyKey; fi ; if j = 0 then exit fi Od end membermenu ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) Unit help : procedure ; Begin call newpage ; call setcursor (7,1) ; write (" If you do not know : ") ; write (" ^d = 'Ctrl' + 'd' .") ; call PrAnyKey; end help ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) Unit emptymenu : procedure ; Var bo : boolean ; Begin call newpage ; bo := empty (node) ; call setcursor (12,25) ; if bo then write ( "The tree is empty.") ; else write ("This is not empty tree.") ; fi ; call PrAnyKey; end emptymenu ; (*------------------------------------------------------------------------*) Unit minimummenu:procedure ; Var x : integer ; Begin if empty (node) then raise emptytree else x := minimum(node) ; call newpage ; call setcursor(12,20) ; write ("A minimal element of the tree : ",x:2," .") ; call PrAnyKey; fi end minimummenu; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------*) Unit rysmenu :procedure ; Unit listawezlow : class ; var dr : drzewo , kier : integer , next,pop : listawezlow ; end listawezlow ; Var aktualny : listawezlow , pom : listawezlow ; Begin aktualny := new listawezlow ; aktualny.dr := node ; DO call newpage ; call setcursor (10,30); call reverse ; write (" S U B M E N U ") ; call normal ; call setcursor (13,27); write ("-> , <- - to change the actual tree") ; call setcursor (14,27); write ("enter - draw the actual tree") ; call setcursor (15,27); write ("Esc - return to M E N U") ; call setcursor (25,1); write ("actual = root") ; pom := aktualny ; while pom.pop <> none do pom := pom.pop od; while <> none do case pom.kier when 1 : write (lewy) ; when 2 : write (srodkowy) ; when 3 : write (prawy) esac ; pom := od; DO i := inchar ; if i > 0 then case i when 13 : exit ; when 27 : exit exit esac else case i + 80 when 8 : if aktualny.dr <> node then aktualny := aktualny.pop ; call cursorleft(5) ; call eraseline ; kill ( ; aktualny.kier := 0 fi ; when 5 :if aktualny.dr <> none then pom := new listawezlow ; pom.pop := aktualny ; pom.dr := aktualny.dr.lsyn ; := pom ; aktualny.kier := 1 ; aktualny := pom ; write (lewy) fi ; when 3 :if aktualny.dr <> none then pom := new listawezlow ; pom.pop := aktualny ; if aktualny.dr.logp then pom.dr := aktualny.dr.psyn.psyn else pom.dr := aktualny.dr.psyn fi ; := pom ; aktualny.kier := 3 ; aktualny := pom ; write (prawy) ; fi ; when 0 :if aktualny.dr <> none then if aktualny.dr.logp then pom := new listawezlow ; pom.pop := aktualny ; := pom ; pom.dr := aktualny.dr.psyn.lsyn ; aktualny.kier := 2 ; aktualny := pom ; write (srodkowy) fi ; fi esac fi OD ; call rys (aktualny.dr) OD end rysmenu ; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*) Begin DO call newpage ; call setcursor (13,31); call reverse ; write (" M E N U ") ; call normal ; call setcursor (13,30); write ("i - insert") ; call setcursor (14,30); write ("d - delete"); call setcursor (15,30); write ("m - member" ); call setcursor (16,30); write ("e - empty?") ; call setcursor (17,30); write ("w - draw tree"); call setcursor (18,30); write ("^m - minimum"); call setcursor (19,30); write ("^d - delmin"); call reverse ; call setcursor (25,1); write (" F1 - HELP , Esc - end of the execution "); call normal ; DO i := inchar ; if i = 27 then exit exit else if i > 80 then case i when 105 : call insdelmenu(true) ; when 100 : call insdelmenu(false) ; when 109 : call membermenu ; when 101 : call emptymenu ; when 119 : call rysmenu ; esac; exit else case i + 60 when 64 : call delmin (node) ; when 73 : call minimummenu ; when 1 : call help ; esac; exit; fi fi OD OD; call NewPage; end menu ; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) UNIT rys:IIUWGraph procedure(d:drzewo) ; Const skok = 6 ; Var licznik,poziom,licznik2 : integer , krok,krok2,staryx,staryy : integer ; Unit ramka :procedure (wr,kol,dl:integer) ; Var x1,y1,l,h :integer ; Begin x1 := (wr) * 8 - 2 ; y1 := (kol) * 8 -2 ; l := 8 * dl + 4 ; h := 12 ; call move (x1,y1) ; call draw (x1+l,y1) ; call draw (x1+l,y1+h) ; call draw (x1,y1+h) ; call draw (x1,y1) ; call move (x1 + l div 2,y1) ; call draw (staryx ,staryy ) ; call move (x1+2,y1+2) end ramka ; Unit print : procedure (a : integer) ; Begin if a > 9 then call hascii (48 + a div 10) fi; call hascii (48 + a mod 10) end print ; Unit odstep : function(d :drzewo,poziom :integer) : integer ; var i,j : integer ; begin j := licznosc (d,poziom,true) ; i := licznosc (d,poziom,false) ; result :=( 85 - i ) div (j+1) end odstep ; Unit linia :procedure (d:drzewo); (* poziom = drukowany poziom *) (* i - numer poziomu *) begin i := i+1 ; if poziom - 1 = i then if d.logp then staryx := licznik2 * 8 + 20; staryy := i * skok * 8 + 10 ; licznik2 := licznik2 + 6 + krok2 else staryx := licznik2 * 8 + 8; staryy := i * skok * 8 + 10 ; licznik2 := licznik2 + 3 +krok2 fi fi ; if i = poziom then if d.logp then call ramka (licznik, poziom*skok ,5) ; call print (d.klucz) ; call hascii (44) ; call print (d.psyn.klucz) ; licznik := licznik + 6 + krok else call ramka (licznik, poziom*skok ,2) ; call print (d.klucz) ; licznik := licznik + 3 + krok fi else call linia (d.lsyn) ; if d.logp then call linia(d.psyn.lsyn) ; call linia(d.psyn.psyn) ; else call linia(d.psyn) fi fi; i := i-1 end linia ; Unit napis1 : procedure ; begin call move ( 275 ,335) ; call hascii (78) ; call hascii (97) ; call hascii (99) ; call hascii (105) ; call hascii (115) ; call hascii (110) ; call hascii (105) ; call hascii (106) ; call hascii (32) ; call hascii (99) ; call hascii (111) ; call hascii (107) ; call hascii (111) ; call hascii (108) ; call hascii (119) ; call hascii (105) ; call hascii (101) ; call hascii (107) end napis1 ; Unit napis2 : procedure ; begin call move ( 275 ,300) ; call hascii (66) ; call hascii (114) ; call hascii (97) ; call hascii (107) ; call hascii (32) ; call hascii (109) ; call hascii (105) ; call hascii (101) ; call hascii (106) ; call hascii (115) ; call hascii (99) ; call hascii (97) end napis2 ; Unit napis3 : procedure ; begin call move ( 285 ,300) ; call hascii (79) ; call hascii (46) ; call hascii (75) ; call hascii (46) ; end napis3 ; Begin call gron(0) ; poziom:=1 ; Do j := licznosc(d,poziom,false) ; if j>0 andif j<82 then i := 0 ; krok2 := odstep (d,poziom-1) ; krok := odstep (d,poziom) ; licznik := krok + 1 ; licznik2 :=krok2 + 1 ; staryx := 350 ; staryy := skok * 8 -2 ; call linia(d) ; poziom := poziom+1 else exit fi Od ; call napis1 ; if j >= 82 then call napis2 else call napis3 fi ; call czekaj ; call groff end rys; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) HANDLERS when emptytree : call newpage ; call setcursor(12,30) ; write ("EMPTY TREE !") ; call PrAnyKey; (* call setcursor (25,30) ; call reverse ; write ("nacisnij cokolwiek") ; call cursorleft (1) ; call normal ; call czekaj ;*) return End handlers; (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* program glowny *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) BEGIN call tytul ; call menu END kolejka ;