program projet1; begin pref iiuwgraph block unit bst2 : class; var racine : noeud; unit noeud : class(x,y : integer); var gauche,droite : noeud; end noeud; unit liste : class(x,y: integer); var suiv,pred : liste; end liste; unit insert : procedure(x,y : integer); var d,td : boolean; var t,tt : noeud; begin d:=false; tt,t:=racine; while (t<>none) do if d then td:=xnone then t:=new noeud(x,y); if td then tt.gauche:=t; else tt.droite:=t; fi; else racine:=new noeud(x,y); fi; end insert; unit mb : function (x,y : integer) : boolean; var d,td : boolean; var t : noeud; begin d:=false; t:=racine; while (t<>none) do if ((t.x=x) and (t.y=y)) then exit; fi; if d then td:=xnone) then result:=true; else result:=false; fi; end mb; unit twodrange : procedure (t : noeud; x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer; d : boolean; inout l:liste); var t1,t2,tx1,tx2,ty1,ty2 : boolean; begin if t<>none then tx1:=x1none then l.suiv:=new liste(t.x,t.y); l.suiv.pred:=l; l:=l.suiv; else l:=new liste(t.x,t.y); fi; else ; fi; if t2 then call twodrange (t.droite,x1,y1,x2,y2,(not d),l);fi; fi; end twodrange; unit delete : procedure (x,y : integer); var d,td : boolean; var t,tt,pb : noeud; var test : boolean; unit sousmaxi : procedure(t : noeud;surx,click : boolean; inout dsort : boolean; inout n : noeud); begin if t<>none then if surx then if t.x>=n.x then n:=t; dsort:=click; fi; else if t.y>=n.y then n:=t; dsort:=click; fi; fi; call sousmaxi(t.gauche,surx,not(click),dsort,n); call sousmaxi(t.droite,surx,not(click),dsort,n); fi; end sousmaxi; unit sousmini : procedure(t : noeud;surx,click : boolean; inout dsort : boolean;inout n : noeud); begin if t<>none then if surx then if t.x<=n.x then n:=t; dsort:=click; fi; else if t.y<=n.y then n:=t; dsort:=click; fi; fi; call sousmini(t.gauche,surx,not(click),dsort,n); call sousmini(t.droite,surx,not(click),dsort,n); fi; end sousmini; unit delpartiel : procedure(t : noeud;surx : boolean); var n : noeud; var dn : boolean; begin if (t.gauche=none) and (t.droite=none) then kill(t); else if t.gauche<>none then n:=t.gauche; call sousmaxi(t.gauche,surx,not(surx),dn,n); t.x:=n.x; t.y:=n.y; call delpartiel(n,dn); else n:=t.droite; call sousmini(t.droite,surx,not(surx),dn,n); t.x:=n.x; t.y:=n.y; call delpartiel(n,dn); fi; fi; end delpartiel; begin d:=false; t:=racine; while (t<>none) do if ((t.x=x) and (t.y=y)) then exit; fi; if d then td:=xnone then call killall(t.gauche); call killall(t.droite); kill(t); fi; end killall; unit cadre : procedure( t : noeud; inout minx,maxx,miny,maxy : integer); begin if t<>none then if t<>racine then if t.xmaxx then maxx:=t.x; fi; if t.y>maxy then maxy:=t.y; fi; if t.y0 or c<=1 then exit; fi; od; if negatif then compt:=compt+1; fi; call move(x+(4-compt)*8,y); if negatif then call hascii(45); fi; do aux:=entier(val/c); call hascii(48+aux); val:=val-aux*c; c:=c/10; if c<1 then exit; fi; od; end outtextxy; unit imprimegraphe : procedure (t : noeud); unit chaine : class(x,y: integer); var last,next : chaine; end chaine; var r : noeud; var et,c : integer; var d,td,dd : boolean; var suite : boolean; var tt : noeud; var p : chaine; const cleft =-75; const cright =-77; const cup =-72; unit boite : procedure(cx,cy:integer); begin call move(cx-34,cy-10); call draw(cx+42,cy-10); call draw(cx+42,cy+10); call draw(cx-34,cy+10); call draw(cx-34,cy-10); call move(cx+4,cy); call draw(cx+4,cy+10); end boite; unit imprimepartiel : procedure (t : noeud; cx,cy,px,py,c: integer; inout suite : boolean;d : boolean); var a : integer; begin if t<>none then if (c=3 and (t.gauche<>none or t.droite<>none)) then suite:=true; fi; call boite(cx,cy); if c<>0 then call move(px+4,py+10);call draw(cx+4,cy-10);fi; call outtextxy(t.x,cx-32,cy); if d then call move(cx,cy-8);call hascii(72); else call move(cx,cy-8);call hascii(86); fi; call outtextxy(t.y,cx+8,cy); if c<3 then a:=entier(40*8/exp(ln(2)*(c+1))); call imprimepartiel(t.gauche,cx-a,cy+80,cx,cy,c+1,suite,not d); call imprimepartiel(t.droite,cx+a,cy+80,cx,cy,c+1,suite,not d); if suite then call move(200,300); call outstring("Appuyer sur une fleche pour la suite"); fi; fi; fi; end imprimepartiel; Begin if t<>none then r:=t; p:=new chaine(t.x,t.y); kill(p.last); call gron(nocard); dd:=false; do et:=0; suite:=false; call imprimepartiel(r,314,10,-1,-1,et,suite,dd); call move(60,320); call outstring ("<- ou 4:Branche gauche; -> ou 6:Branche droite;"); call outstring("³ ou 8:Pere; <Ù:Menu;"); call move(435,318); call hascii(94); c:=readkey; call cls; case c when 52 : c:=cleft; when 54 : c:=cright; when 56 : c:=cup; esac; case c when cleft : if r.gauche<>none then r:=r.gauche; chaine(r.x,r.y);;; dd:=not dd; fi; when cright : if r.droite<>none then r:=r.droite; chaine(r.x,r.y);;; dd:=not dd; fi; when cup : if p.last<>none then dd:=not dd; x:=p.last.x; y:=p.last.y; p:=p.last; d:=false; tt:=t; while (tt<>none) do if ((tt.x=x) and (tt.y=y)) then exit; fi; if d then td:=xnone then if not(d) then call line(lx,t.y,hx,t.y); call croix(t); call dessine(t.gauche,lx,hx,ly,t.y,not(d)); call dessine(t.droite,lx,hx,t.y,hy,not(d)); else call line(t.x,ly,t.x,hy); call croix(t); call dessine(t.gauche,lx,t.x,ly,hy,not(d)); call dessine(t.droite,t.x,hx,ly,hy,not(d)); fi; fi; end dessine; unit croix: procedure (t:noeud); begin call move((t.x*ax+b)-2,(t.y*cx+d)-2); call draw((t.x*ax+b)+2,(t.y*cx+d)+2); call move((t.x*ax+b)-2,(t.y*cx+d)+2); call draw((t.x*ax+b)+2,(t.y*cx+d)-2); end croix; unit line : procedure (x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer); begin call move(entier(x1*ax+b),entier(y1*cx+d)); call draw(entier(x2*ax+b),entier(y2*cx+d)); end line; unit readkey : function : integer; var c : integer; begin do c:=inkey; if c<>0 then exit; fi; od; result:=c; end readkey; unit clrscr : procedure; begin write( chr(27), "[2J") end clrscr; unit normal:procedure; begin write(chr(27),"[0m"); end normal; unit inverse:procedure; begin write(chr(27),"[7m"); end inverse; unit writeliste : procedure(l :liste); var i,c : integer; begin i:=0; while lespoints<>none do writeln(lespoints.x,",",lespoints.y); if lespoints.pred<>none then lespoints:=lespoints.pred; else exit; fi; i:=i+1; if (i mod 22)=0 then call writexy(30,24,"Appuyez sur une touche"); c:=readkey; fi; od; end writeliste; unit lecture : procedure (inout x : integer); begin do readln(x); if x<=9999 and x>=-999 then exit; fi; writeln(" Mauvaise coordonn‚e"); od; end lecture; unit afficheMenu:procedure(n : integer,inv : boolean); begin if inv then call inverse;fi; case n when 1 : call writexy(20,5,"Inserer un element "); when 2 : call writexy(20,6,"Inserer plusieurs elements"); when 3 : call writexy(20,7,"Recherche d' un element "); when 4 : call writexy(20,8,"Range searching "); when 5 : call writexy(20,9,"Affiche tous les elements "); when 6 : call writexy(20,10,"Delete "); when 7 : call writexy(20,11,"Efface arbre "); when 8 : call writexy(20,12,"Affiche arbre "); when 9 : call writexy(20,13,"Dessine Plan "); when 10: call writexy(20,14,"Bye Bye "); esac; if inv then call normal;fi; end afficheMenu; begin arbre:= new bst2; call arbre.insert(2,9); call arbre.insert(11,1); call arbre.insert(6,8); call arbre.insert(3,3); call arbre.insert(5,15); call arbre.insert(8,11); call arbre.insert(0,6); call arbre.insert(7,4); call arbre.insert(9,7); call arbre.insert(14,5); call arbre.insert(10,13); call arbre.insert(16,14); call arbre.insert(15,2); call arbre.insert(13,16); call arbre.insert(1,12); call arbre.insert(12,10); do call clrscr; call writexy(19,1,"ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»"); for n:=2 to 14 do call writexy(19,n,"º º"); od; call writexy(19,15,"ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ"); call writexy(31,2,"MENU"); for n:=2 to 10 do call afficheMenu(n,false); od; n:=1; call afficheMenu(n,true); do z:=readkey; if z=-80 or z=50 then p:=n; if n=10 then n:=1 else n:=n+1; fi; call afficheMenu(n,true); call afficheMenu(p,false); fi; if z=-72 or z=56 then p:=n; if n=1 then n:=10 else n:=n-1; fi; call afficheMenu(n,true); call afficheMenu(p,false); fi; if z=13 then exit; fi; od; case n when 1 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Inserer un element"); write("x : "); call lecture(x); write("y : "); call lecture(y); call arbre.insert(x,y); when 2 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Inserer plusieurs elements"); do writeln("x : "); call lecture(x); writeln("y : "); call lecture(y); call arbre.insert(x,y); write("Encore ? (ENTER/n)"); writeln; z:=readkey; if z<>13 then exit;fi; od; when 3 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Recherche d'un element"); write("x : "); call lecture(x); write("y : "); call lecture(y); if (arbre.mb(x,y)) then writeln("Cet element fait partie de l'arbre."); else writeln("Cet element ne fait pas partie de l'arbre."); fi; z:=readkey; when 4 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Range searching"); writeln("x1,y1"); writeln(" ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ "); writeln(" ³ ³ "); writeln(" ³ ³ "); writeln(" ³ ³ "); writeln(" ³ ³ "); writeln(" ³ ³ "); writeln(" ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ "); writeln(" x2,y2"); write("x1 : "); call lecture(x1); write("y1 : "); call lecture(y1); write("x2 : "); call lecture(x2); write("y2 : "); call lecture(y2); if (x2none then call writeliste(lespoints); else writeln(" Aucun points dans ce rectangle."); fi; z:=readkey; when 5 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Affiche tous les elements"); call arbre.cadre(arbre.racine,x1,x2,y1,y2); x1:=x1-1; x2:=x2+1; y1:=y1-1; y2:=y2+1; kill(lespoints); call arbre.twodrange(arbre.racine,x1,y1,x2,y2,false, lespoints); call writeliste(lespoints); z:=readkey; when 6 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Suppression d'un element"); write("x : "); call lecture(x); write("y : "); call lecture(y); if arbre.mb(x,y) then call arbre.delete(x,y); else writeln("Element non trouve..."); z:=readkey; fi; when 7 : call clrscr; call writexy(10,2,"Destruction de l'arbre"); writeln("Etes vous sur de vouloir detruire l'arbre ? (o/n)"); readln(choix); if choix='o' or choix='O' then call arbre.killall(arbre.racine); arbre:=new bst2; fi; when 8 : call clrscr; call imprimegraphe(arbre.racine); when 9 : call gron(nocard); call cls; call arbre.cadre(arbre.racine,x1,x2,y1,y2); x1:=x1-1; x2:=x2+1; y1:=y1-1; y2:=y2+1; ax:=maxx/(x2-x1); b:=-x1*ax; cx:=maxy/(y2-y1); d:=-y1*cx; call dessine(arbre.racine,x1,x2,y1,y2,false); z:=readkey; call groff; when 10 : call clrscr; exit;exit; esac; od; end; end; (* end bst2 *) end; (* end iiuwgraph *)