program QMsort; (*_____________________________________________________*) (* Pawel Susicki 1988/89 *) (* Two sorting algorithms: quick-sort and merge-sort *) (* Warning : int /m8000 qsort *) (* The maximal number of elements < 46 *) (*_____________________________________________________*) unit NewPage : procedure; begin write( chr(27), "[2J") end NewPage; unit SetCursor : procedure(row, column : integer); var c,d,e,f : char, i,j : integer; begin i := row div 10; j := row mod 10; c := chr(48+i); d := chr(48+j); i := column div 10; j := column mod 10; e := chr(48+i); f := chr(48+j); write( chr(27), "[", c, d, ";", e, f, "H") end SetCursor; unit Initialization : procedure(output max , min : integer); begin call NewPage; call SetCursor(5,20); writeln("TWO SORTING ALGORITHMES"); call SetCursor(7, 20); write("by Pawel Susicki 1988/1989"); call SetCursor(12,10); write("This program presents the parralel realisation of the "); call SetCursor(13,10); write("Merge-sort and Quick-sort Algoriths."); call SetCursor(14,10); writeln("The Elements of the sequence are chosen randomly."); Call SetCursor(20,5); write("Number of elements : ");readln(max); write(" min for a process :");readln(min); write(" press CR to start"); readln; end Initialization; (*------------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit ekran:IIUWGRAPH process(nr:integer,skip:integer); unit print:procedure(begin_line,index,val,kolor :integer); begin call color(kolor); call move(1+index*skip,begin_line); call draw(1+index*skip,begin_line-val); call color(0); call move(1+index*skip,begin_line-val-1); call draw(1+index*skip,begin_line-150); call move(index*skip,begin_line); call draw(index*skip,begin_line-150); call move(2+index*skip,begin_line); call draw(2+index*skip,begin_line-150); end print; unit lightprint:procedure(begin_line,index,val,kolor:integer); begin call color(kolor); for i := 0 to 2 do call move(i+index*skip,begin_line); call draw(i+index*skip,begin_line-val); od; call color(0); for i :=0 to 1 do call move(i+index*skip,begin_line-val-1); call draw(i+index*skip,begin_line-150); od; end lightprint; unit printchr:procedure(x,y:integer,s:string); var A : arrayof char,i : integer; begin A := unpack(s); call move(x,y); call color(14); for i := lower(A) to upper(A) do call HASCII(0); call hascii(ord(A(i))); od; end printchr; begin call gron(0); call cls; return; do accept print,lightprint,printchr; od; end ekran; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit A: process(nr:integer,begin_line:integer,ile:integer, E:ekran,kolor:integer); (* This process is used to keep the given sequence of elements *) (* and to do all necessary manipulations on it. *) var tab:arrayof integer; unit take:function(i:integer):integer; begin result:=tab(i); end take; unit put_tab:procedure(i,val:integer); begin tab(i):=val; call E.print(begin_line,i,val,kolor); end put_tab; unit light:procedure(i:integer); begin call E.lightprint(begin_line,i,tab(i),kolor); end light; unit normal:procedure(i:integer); begin call E.print(begin_line,i,tab(i),kolor); end normal; unit swap:procedure(i,j:integer); var aux:integer; begin aux:=tab(i); tab(i):=tab(j); tab(j):=aux; call E.print(begin_line,i,tab(i),kolor); call E.print(begin_line,j,tab(j),kolor); end swap; unit comp:function(i,j:integer):integer; begin if tab(i)tab(j) then result:=1; else result:=0; fi; fi; end comp; unit printchr:procedure(x,y:integer,s:string); begin call E.printchr(x,begin_line-y,s); end printchr; handlers when ACCERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"ACCERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; when CONERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"CONERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; when LOGERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"LOGERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; when MEMERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"MEMERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; when NUMERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"NUMERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; when TYPERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"TYPERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; when SYSERROR:call E.printchr(325,325,"SYSERROR"); call E.groff;call endrun; end handlers; begin array tab dim(1:ile); return; do accept take,put_tab,swap,comp,light,normal,printchr; od; end A; (*----------------------------------------------------------------*) unit sync:process(nr:integer); (*This process is used uniquely for the sake of synchronization*) unit slock:procedure; begin accept sunlock; end slock; unit sunlock:procedure; begin end sunlock; begin return; do accept slock; od; end sync; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*) unit BS:process(nr:integer,from,until:integer,T:A,father:P); (* Bubbel-sort algorithm. Both main-processes PMS and PQS use *) (* this algorithm in the case the longeur of the table is0 then call T.swap(left,left+1); l:=false; fi; if left=from then call T.light(left); fi; left:=left+1; if left >= until then exit; fi; call T.normal(left);(*bylo reverse*) od; call T.normal(from); if l then exit; fi; od; call father.sync; end BS; (*---------------------------------------------------------------*) unit P: process(nr, from,until,min:integer, T:A, father:P, b:boolean,S:sync); (* Process- prefix for both Quick and Merge sort *) var kolega:P, bubble:BS, left,right:integer; unit sync:procedure; end sync; handlers when ACCERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("ACCERROR");call endrun; when CONERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("CONERROR");call endrun; when LOGERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("LOGERROR");call endrun; when MEMERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("MEMERROR");call endrun; when NUMERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("NUMERROR");call endrun; when TYPERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("TYPERROR");call endrun; when SYSERROR:call T.E.GROFF;writeln("SYSERROR");call endrun; end handlers; end P; unit PMS:P process; (* Algorithm MERGE-SORT. *) var ll,rr:integer; var tab:arrayof integer; var l,r:boolean; begin return; call T.light(from); left:=from+(until-from)div 2; right:=left+1; l:=false; r:=true; if left > from then l:=true; if right-from+1 > min then kolega:=new PMS(0,from,left,min,T,this PMS,false,S); resume(kolega); else bubble:=new BS(0,from,left,T,this PMS); resume(bubble); fi; fi; if until > right then r:=true; if until-right+1 > min then kolega:=new PMS(0,right,until,min,T,this PMS,false,S); resume(kolega); else bubble:=new BS(0,right,until,T,this PMS); resume(bubble); fi; fi; if l then accept sync; fi; if r then accept sync; fi; array tab dim(from:until); left:=from; ll:=from; rr:=right; do if left>=rr then tab(ll):=T.take(right); right:=right+1; else if right>until then tab(ll):=T.take(left); left:=left+1; else if T.comp(left,right)<0 then tab(ll):=T.take(left); left:=left+1; else tab(ll):=T.take(right); right:=right+1; fi; fi; fi; ll:=ll+1; if ll>until then exit; fi; od; left:=from; do call T.put_tab(left,tab(left)); left:=left+1; if left>until then exit; fi; od; if not b then call father.sync; else call T.printchr(50,60,"MERGE - SORT" ); call S.sunlock; fi; end PMS; unit PQS:P process; var counter:integer; unit shuffle:procedure; begin call T.light(from); left:=from+1; right:=until; do while T.comp(from,left) >=0 do call T.normal(left); left:=left+1; if left < right then call T.normal(left); fi; if left > right then exit; fi; od; while T.comp(from,right)<=0 do call T.normal(right); right:=right-1; if left < right then call T.normal(right); fi; if left > right then exit; fi; od; if left= right then exit; fi; od; call T.swap(from,right); end shuffle; unit gen:procedure(from,until:integer; inout c:integer); begin if from < until then c:=c+1; if until-right > min then kolega:=new PQS(0,from,until,min,T,this PQS,false,S); resume(kolega); else bubble:=new BS(0,from,until,T,this PQS); resume(bubble); fi; fi; end gen; begin counter:=0; return; call shuffle; while imax(right-from,until-right) > min+1 do if until-right < right-from then call gen(right+1,until,counter); until:=right-1; else call gen(from,right-1,counter); from:=right+1; fi; call shuffle; od; call gen(right+1,until,counter); call gen(from,right-1,counter); while counter > 0 do accept sync; counter:=counter-1; od; if not b then call father.sync; else call T.printchr(50,60,"QUICK - SORT"); call S.sunlock; fi; end PQS; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*) var E:ekran,T0,T1:A, S:sync, P1:PMS, P2:PQS, i,x,max,min:integer; begin call Initialization(max,min); E:=new ekran(0,600/max); resume(E); (* the processes TO and T1 are used to operate on the given sequence*) T0:=new A(0,160,max,E,10); T1:=new A(0,320,max,E,11); resume(T0); resume(T1); i:=1; while i <= max do x := random*150; call T0.put_tab(i,x); call T1.put_tab(i,x); i:=i+1; od; S:=new sync(0); resume(S); P1:=new PMS(0,1,max,min,T0,none,true,S); P2:=new PQS(0,1,max,min,T1,none,true,S); resume(P1); resume(P2); call S.slock;(* main wait for all other processes *) call S.slock; call E.printchr(450,325,"press CR"); readln; call E.groff; call endrun; end qsort.