Program SystemedeFenetrage; Const Noir =0,Bleu =1,Vert =2,Cyan =3, Rouge =4,Magenta =5,Marron =6,GrisCLair =7, GrisFonce =8,BleuClair =9,VertClair =10,CyanClair =11, RougeClair =12,MagentaClair =13,Jaune =14,Blanc =15; (*****************************************************************************) (* premiere famille de classes : les classes graphiques *) (*****************************************************************************) Unit Ptr : Class; End Ptr; Unit Windows : Ptr Class(father :windows,x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer); Close hauteur,largeur; Var lborder,cfond,cborder : integer, lbande,cfbande,cbbande : integer, hauteur,largeur : integer, xpos,ypos,xmax,ymax : integer, xdeb,ydeb : integer, num_id : integer, ListM : Lclic, ListK : LKey, nombande : arrayof char, barcde : menu, save_map : arrayof integer; Unit option : procedure (l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6 : integer,l7 : arrayof char); Begin cfond:=l1; lborder:=l2; cborder:=l3; lbande:=l4; cfbande:=l5; cbbande:=l6; nombande:=copy(l7); End option; Unit Affiche : procedure; Var i,j,k :integer; Begin call father.rectanglef(x1,y1,x2,y2,cfond); for i:=0 to lborder do call father.rectangle(x1+i,y1+i,x2-i,y2-i,cborder); od; i:=y1+lborder+1; call father.rectanglef(x1+lborder+1,i,x2-lborder-1,i+imax(14,lbande),cfbande); j:=(x2-x1-2*lborder-8*(upper(nombande)-lower(nombande)))/2; for i:=lower(nombande) to upper(nombande) do k:=x1+lborder+j+i*8; call father.outxyascii(k,y1+lborder+2,ord(nombande(i)),cbbande,cfbande); od; call affichesuite; if(barcde<>none) then call barcde.affichemenu; fi End Affiche; Unit virtual affichesuite :procedure; End affichesuite; Unit virtual rectangle : procedure(xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,c :integer); End rectangle; Unit virtual rectanglef : procedure(xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,c : integer); End rectanglef; Unit virtual outxyascii : procedure(x,y,car,cf,cb : integer); End outxyascii; Unit virtual outxytext : procedure(x,y:integer,chaine:string,c1,c2:integer); End outxytext; Begin hauteur:=y2-y1-2*lborder; largeur:=x2-x1-2*lborder; End Windows; Unit Bitmap : Windows Class; End Bitmap; Unit Son : Windows Class; End Son; Unit Maine : Windows Class; End Maine; Unit Dialogue : Son Class; End Dialogue; Unit Catalogue : Dialogue Class; End Catalogue; Unit Question : Dialogue Class; End Question; Unit Widgets : Ptr Class(father : windows); End Widgets; (**********************************************************************) Unit Menu : Widgets Class(x,y,col_e,col_f: integer); Var liste : ensemble; Unit item : element class(nom : string,key : integer,suite :Menu); End item; Unit insert : procedure(nom : string,key : integer,s : menu); var e : item; Begin e:=new item(nom,key,s); if(liste=none) then liste:=new ensemble; fi; call liste.insert(e); End insert; Unit virtual affichemenu : procedure; End affichemenu; End Menu; Unit Menu_V : Menu Class; Unit virtual affichemenu : procedure; Var cour : item, tlen : arrayof char, len : integer, xx,yy : integer; Begin call liste.initialise; xx:=x; yy:=y; if(liste.getelm(cour)) then while(cour<>none) do call father.outxytext(xx,yy,cour.nom,col_e,col_f); tlen:=unpack(cour.nom); len:=upper(tlen)-lower(tlen)+1; kill(tlen); if(father.ListM=none) then father.ListM:=new LClic; fi; call father.ListM.insert(new elm_c(0 ,xx,yy,xx+len*8,yy+14)); (* id *) yy:=yy+20; if not liste.getelm(cour) then exit fi od fi End affichemenu; End Menu_V; Unit Menu_H : Menu Class; End Menu_H; Unit Bottons : Widgets Class; End Bottons; Unit Racc : Bottons Class; End Racc; Unit Opt_list : Bottons Class; End Opt_list; Unit Oneline : Opt_list Class; End Oneline; Unit Multiline : Opt_list Class; End Multiline; Unit Botton : Bottons Class; End Botton; Unit Lift : Widgets Class; End Lift; Unit Lift_V : Lift Class; End Lift_V; Unit Lift_H : Lift Class; End Lift_H; (*****************************************************************************) (* deuxieme famille de classes : les structures de donnees *) (*****************************************************************************) Unit element : class; (* general *) End element; Unit elm_c : element class(id,x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer); (* listclic *) End elm_c; Unit elm_a : element class(p : Applications); (* liste application *) End elm_a; Unit Ensemble : CLass; Var root,last : node, courant : node; Unit node : class(elm : element); Var next : node; End node; Unit virtual insert : procedure(e : element); Begin if not member(e) then if empty then root:=new node(e); last:=root; else node(e);; fi fi End insert; Unit virtual delete : procedure(e : element); Var flag : node; Begin if member(e) then; if flag=last then last:=courant;; kill(flag); else if<>none then; kill(flag); fi fi fi End delete; Unit virtual member : function (e : element) : boolean; Var savecou : node, bl : boolean; Begin courant:=root; savecou:=courant; bl:=false; while(courant<>none) do if not egalite(courant.elm,e) then savecou:=courant;; else bl:=true; exit; fi od; courant:=savecou; result:=bl; End member; Unit virtual egalite : function (e1,e2 :element) :boolean; End egalite; Unit empty : function : boolean; Begin result:=(root=none); End empty; Unit initialise : procedure; Begin courant:=root; End initialise; Unit getelm : function(output e : element) :boolean; Begin if(courant<>none) then e:=courant.elm; result:=true;; else result:=false; fi End getelm; End Ensemble; Unit Queue : Ensemble Class; End Queue; Unit Ofpriority : Queue Class; End Ofpriority; Unit ListD : Ensemble Class; End ListD; Unit LClic : ListD Class; Unit virtual egalite : function (e1,e2 :element) :boolean; Begin if (e1 qua elm_c.x1=e2 qua elm_c.x1 and e1 qua elm_c.x2=e2 qua elm_c.x2 and e1 qua elm_c.y1=e2 qua elm_c.y1 and e1 qua elm_c.y2=e2 qua elm_c.y2) then result:=TRUE; else result:=FALSE; fi End egalite; Unit appartient : function (x,y : integer) : boolean; Var e : elm_c, b : boolean; Begin call initialise; b:=false; while(getelm(e)) do if (x>=e.x1 and x<=e.x2 and y>=e.y1 and y<=e.y2) then b:=TRUE; exit; fi od; result:=b; End appartient; End LClic; Unit LBot : ListD Class; End LBot; Unit LAppli : ListD Class; End LAppli; Unit LKey : ListD Class; End LKey; Unit LWin : ListD Class; End LWin; Unit Stack : Ensemble Class; End Stack; (*****************************************************************************) (* Famille de process *) (*****************************************************************************) Unit Applications : process (node,x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer,father : Gest_Wind); Var w : windows, (* maine *) Filles : windows, (* son *) i : integer; Unit virtual gestionnaire : procedure(id : integer); Begin End gestionnaire; Begin writeln("coucou"); w:=new windows(father.getw,x1,y1,x2,y2); return; writeln("toto"); call w.option(Noir,3,VertClair,15,VertCLair,Noir,unpack("nom")); call w.affiche; do od; End Applications; (************************************************************************) (************************************************************************) Unit Gest_event : mouse process (node : integer,gest : gest_wind); Unit ready : procedure; End ready; Unit event : function(output v,h,p,l,r,c : integer) : boolean; Begin result:=getpress(v,h,p,l,r,c); End; Var i :integer, v,h,p,l,r,c : integer; Begin return; accept ready; call init(1,1); call showcursor; do if(event(v,h,p,l,r,c)) then call gest.event(v,h,p,l,r,c); fi; od End Gest_event; (***********************************************************************) (***********************************************************************) Unit Gest_wind : iiuwgraph process(node,x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer,gest:gest_event); Var i,k :integer, v,p,h,l,r,c : integer, ListK : LKey, ListM : LClic, ListA : LAppli, w : windows, j : graph; Unit getinfo : procedure (g : gest_event); Begin gest:=g; disable getinfo; writeln("getinfo"); End getinfo; Unit event : procedure (input lv,lh,lp,ll,lr,lc : integer); Begin v:=lv; h:=lh; p:=lp; l:=ll; r:=lr; c:=lc; End event; Unit traitement : procedure; Begin if((h=164 and l=27) or c=3) then call fin; fi; (* recherche dans un arbre des fenetres filles si l'evenement *) (* appartient a qqn *) End traitement; Unit fin : procedure; begin call groff; writeln("on ferme"); call endrun; End fin; (***********************************************************************) Unit graph : windows class; Unit virtual rectangle : procedure (x1,y1,x2,y2,c : integer); Begin call patern(x1,y1,x2,y2,c,0); End rectangle; Unit virtual rectanglef : procedure (x1,y1,x2,y2,c : integer); Begin call patern(x1,y1,x2,y2,c,1); End rectanglef; Unit virtual ligne : procedure (x1,y1,x2,y2,c : integer); Begin call color(c); call move(x1,y1); call draw(x2,y2); End ligne; Unit virtual outxyascii : procedure (x,y,car,cf,cb :integer); Begin call move(x,y); call color(cf); call border(cb); call hascii(car); End outxyascii; Unit virtual outxytext : procedure (x,y :integer, chaine :string,c1,c2 :integer); Begin call outstring(x,y,chaine,c1,c2); End outxytext; Unit virtual affichesuite : procedure; Var x,y : integer; Begin x:=x1+100-lborder; y:=y1+lbande+lborder+1; call rectanglef(x,y,x+lborder,y2-lborder-1,cborder); x:=x+lborder; y:=y2-100-lborder; call rectanglef(x,y,x2-lborder,y+lborder,cborder); xdeb:=x1+100+10; ydeb:=y1+lborder+lbande+10; End affichesuite; End graph; Unit initialisation1 : procedure; Var itermed1 : menu_v, i,j : integer; Begin i:=w.lborder+10+20; j:=y1+w.lborder+10+w.lbande+20*4; itermed1:=new menu_V(w.father,i,j,Blanc,GrisFonce); call itermed1.insert("Nouveau",319,none); call itermed1.insert("Ouvrir",320,none); call itermed1.insert("D‚placer",321,none); call itermed1.insert("Copier",322,none); call itermed1.insert("Supprimer",323,none); call itermed1.insert("Propri‚t‚",324,none); i:=w.lborder+10; j:=y1+w.lborder+10+w.lbande; w.barcde:=new menu_V(w.father,i,j,Blanc,GrisFonce); call w.barcde.insert("Fichier",315,itermed1); call w.barcde.insert("Options",316,none); call w.barcde.insert("Fenetre",317,none); call w.barcde.insert("Aide",318,none); End initialisation1; Unit initialisation2 : procedure; Begin ListA:=new LAppli; End initialisation2; Unit xdeb : function : integer; Begin result:=w.xdeb; End xdeb; Unit ydeb : function : integer; Begin result:=w.ydeb; End ydeb; Unit getw : function : windows; Begin result:=w; End getw; Begin call gron(0 ); (* 3 = 1024x768x256 *) j:=new graph(none,x1,y1,x2,y2); w:=new windows(j,x1,y1,x2,y2); call w.option(Grisfonce,3,BleuClair,15,BleuCLair,Blanc,unpack("Gest_Wind")); call initialisation1; call w.affiche; call J.option(Grisfonce,3,BleuClair,15,BleuCLair,Blanc,unpack("Gest_Wind")); call j.affichesuite; return; accept getinfo; enable xdeb,ydeb,getw; call gest.ready; call initialisation2; do accept event; call traitement; od; call groff; End Gest_wind; (*****************************************************************************) (* P r o g r a m m e P r i n c i p a l *) (*****************************************************************************) Var i : integer, G1 : Gest_wind, Z1 : applications, G2 : Gest_event, x,y :integer; Begin G1:=new Gest_wind(0,0,0,640,480,none); G2:=new Gest_event(0,G1); resume(G1); resume(G2); call G1.getinfo(G2); x:=G1.xdeb; writeln("x=",x); y:=G1.ydeb; writeln("y=",y); Z1:=new applications(0,x+10,y+10,x+330,y+210,G1); call G1.ListA.insert(new elm_a(Z1)); resume(Z1); End.