=== Parsing file ulhl.ged Parse succeeded === HEADER === Source: ID: 'REGISTERED_SOURCE_NAME' Name: '(null)' Version: '(null)' Corporation: Name: '(null)' Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Data: Name: '(null)' Date: 0x Copyright: '(null)' Destination: '(null)' Date: type: 0 date1: calendar type: 0 day: '20', 20 month: 'JAN', 1 year: '1998', 1998 year type: 0 date type: 1 sdn1: 2450834 sdn2: -1 date2: calendar type: 4 day: '', -1 month: '', -1 year: '', -1 year type: 0 date type: 0 sdn1: -1 sdn2: -1 phrase: '' Time: '(null)' Submitter: type: 7 xref: '@SUBMITTER@' object: 0x Submission: 0x File name: '(null)' Copyright: '(null)' Gedcom: Version: '5.5' Form: 'Lineage-Linked' Character set: Name: 'UNICODE' Version: '(null)' Language: '(null)' Place hierarchy: '(null)' Note: ==== UNICODE transmission test. Each UNICODE character is stored in Lo-Hi order (Intel) The transmission does NOT start with a byte order mark (BOM) Each line is terminated using line feed. This GEDCOM transmission contains a charcter set test. It consists of a single family (two parents, many children). The parents are used to test the cyrillic and greek letters. In both 'persons' the BIRT.PLAC tag contains some capital and the DEAT.PLAC tag some small letters of alphabet. The children contain some combined letters and special charcters. The NAME tag of each 'person' is the name of the characters tested within the person. The first children contain some special characters. Here the strings given in BIRT.PLAC and DEAT.PLAC are 'character name (test character), ...' where 'character name'is the name of the character (like 'british pound') and 'test character' is a single byte representing this character in ANSEL. The last children contain some combined characters. The name tag gives the name of the non-spacing character tested within the 'person'. Within the name the hex-values of the non-spacing character is given UNICODE. The DEAT.PLAC tag contains all latin characters which are combined with the non-spacing character tested here and which have a UNICODE code point. The BIRT.PLAC tag contain the same letters without the non-spacing part. Example: One 'person' is named 'ring above'. The BIRT.PLAC tag contains all latin letters which have a UNICODE code point if combined with a ring above. The DEAT.PLAC tag contain the same charcters combined with this ring. Note: Not all charcters can be displayed on all computers. This strongly depends on the installed fonts and codepages. This file based on the following source: www.unicode.org delivered the connection from the code point names to the actual values. Note, that much more UNICODE characters are possible (like the chinese alphabet). ==== User data: 0x === FAMILY (@FAMILY@) === Family events: 0x Husband: type: 2 xref: '@FATHER@' object: 0x Wife: type: 2 xref: '@MOTHER@' object: 0x Children: reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD0@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD1@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD2@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD3@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD4@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD5@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD6@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD7@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD8@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD9@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD10@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD11@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD12@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD13@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD14@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD15@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD16@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD17@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD18@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD19@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD20@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD21@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD22@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD23@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD24@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD25@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD26@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD27@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD28@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD29@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD30@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD31@' object: 0x User data: 0x reference: type: 2 xref: '@CHILD32@' object: 0x User data: 0x Number of children: '(null)' Submitters: 0x LDS spouse sealings: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@FATHER@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: '/cyrillic/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: 'M' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: 0x Spouse to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@MOTHER@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: '/greek/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: 'F' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: 0x Spouse to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD0@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: '/Special Characters 0/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'capital L with stroke (Ł), capital O with stroke (Ø), capital D with stroke (Đ), capital thorn (Þ)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'capital AE (Æ), capital ligature OE (Œ), modified prime (ʹ), middle dot (·), music flat sign (♭)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD1@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: '/Special Characters 1/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'registered sign (®), plus-minus sign (±), capital O with horn (Ơ), capital U with horn (Ư)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'modifier right half ring (ʾ), modifier left half ring (ʿ), small L with stroke (ł), small O with stroke (ø), small D with stroke (đ)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD2@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: '/Special Characters 2/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'small thorn (þ), small AE (æ), small ligature OE (œ), modified double prime (ʺ)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'small dotless i (ı), pound sign (£), small eth (ð), small O with horn (ơ), small U with horn (ư)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD3@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: '/Special Characters 3/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'degree sign (°), script small L (ℓ), sound recording copyright (℗), copyright sign (©)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'music sharp sign (♯), inverted question mark (¿), inverted exclamation mark (¡), small sharp S (ß)' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD4@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0309/HOOK ABOVE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEIOU,Yaeio,uy' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ẢẺỈỎỦ,Ỷảẻỉỏ,ủỷ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD5@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0300/GRAVE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEIOU,WYaei,ouwy' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÀÈÌÒÙ,ẀỲàèì,òùẁỳ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD6@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0301/ACUTE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ACEGI,KLMNO,PRSUW,YZace,giklm,noprs,uwyz' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÁĆÉǴÍ,ḰĹḾŃÓ,ṔŔŚÚẂ,ÝŹáćé,ǵíḱĺḿ,ńóṕŕś,úẃýź' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD7@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0302/CIRCUMFLEX/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ACEGH,IJOSU,WYZac,eghij,osuwy,z' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÂĈÊĜĤ,ÎĴÔŜÛ,ŴŶẐâĉ,êĝĥîĵ,ôŝûŵŷ,ẑ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD8@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0303/TILDE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEINO,UVYae,inouv,y' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÃẼĨÑÕ,ŨṼỸãẽ,ĩñõũṽ,ỹ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD9@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0304/MACRON/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEGIO,Uaegi,ou' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ĀĒḠĪŌ,Ūāēḡī,ōū' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD10@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0306/BREVE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEGIO,Uaegi,ou' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ĂĔĞĬŎ,Ŭăĕğĭ,ŏŭ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD11@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0307/DOT ABOVE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'BCDEF,GHIMN,PRSTW,XYZbc,defgh,mnprs,twxyz' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ḂĊḊĖḞ,ĠḢİṀṄ,ṖṘṠṪẆ,ẊẎŻḃċ,ḋėḟġḣ,ṁṅṗṙṡ,ṫẇẋẏż' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD12@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0308/DIAERESIS/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEHIO,UWXYa,ehiot,uwxy' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÄËḦÏÖ,ÜẄẌŸä,ëḧïöẗ,üẅẍÿ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD13@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 030C/CARON/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ACDEG,IKLNO,RSTUZ,acdeg,ijkln,orstu,z' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ǍČĎĚǦ,ǏǨĽŇǑ,ŘŠŤǓŽ,ǎčďěǧ,ǐǰǩľň,ǒřšťǔ,ž' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD14@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 030A/RING ABOVE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AUauw,y' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÅŮåůẘ,ẙ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD15@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: FE20/LIGATURE LEFT HALF/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD16@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: FE21/LIGATURE RIGHT HALF/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD17@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0315/COMMA ABOVE RIGHT/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD18@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 030B/DOUBLE ACUTE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'OUou' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ŐŰőű' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD19@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0310/CANDRABINDU/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD20@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0327/CEDILLA/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'CDGHK,LNRST,cdghk,lnrst' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ÇḐĢḨĶ,ĻŅŖŞŢ,çḑģḩķ,ļņŗşţ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD21@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0328/OGONEK/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'AEIOU,aeiou' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ĄĘĮǪŲ,ąęįǫų' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD22@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0323/DOT BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ABDEH,IKLMN,ORSTU,VWYZa,bdehi,klmno,rstuv,wyz' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ẠḄḌẸḤ,ỊḲḶṂṆ,ỌṚṢṬỤ,ṾẈỴẒạ,ḅḍẹḥị,ḳḷṃṇọ,ṛṣṭụṿ,ẉỵẓ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD23@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0324/DIAERESIS BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'Uu' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'Ṳṳ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD24@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0325/RING BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'Aa' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'Ḁḁ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD25@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0333/DOUBLE LOW LINE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD26@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0332/LINE BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'BDKLN,RTZbd,hklnr,tz' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'ḆḎḴḺṈ,ṞṮẔḇḏ,ẖḵḻṉṟ,ṯẕ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD27@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0326/COMMA BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD28@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 031C/LEFT HALF RING BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD29@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 032E/BREVE BELOW/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'Hh' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: 'Ḫḫ' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD30@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: FE22/DOUBLE TILDE LEFT HALF/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD31@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: FE23/DOUBLE TILDE RIGHT HALF/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === INDIVIDUAL (@CHILD32@) === Restriction notice: '(null)' names: Name: Name: 'code: 0313/COMMA ABOVE/' Prefix: '(null)' Given: '(null)' Nickname: '(null)' Surname prefix: '(null)' Surname: '(null)' Suffix: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Sex: '(null)' Individual events: Event: 283 (BIRT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Event: 307 (DEAT) Value: '(null)' Type: '(null)' Date: 0x Place: value: '- none -' place_hierarchy: '(null)' citations: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Address: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' Age: 0x Agency: '(null)' Cause: '(null)' citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Age of husband: 0x Age of wife: 0x Family: 0x Adoption parent: '(null)' User data: 0x Individual attributes: 0x LDS individual ordinance: 0x Child to family links: Family: Family: type: 1 xref: '@FAMILY@' object: 0x pedigrees: 0x notes: 0x User data: 0x Spouse to family links: 0x Submitters: 0x Associations: 0x Aliases: 0x Ancestor interest: 0x Descendant interest: 0x citations: 0x multimedia links: 0x notes: 0x Record file nr: '(null)' Ancestral file nr: '(null)' user refs: 0x Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x === SUBMITTER (@SUBMITTER@) === Name: '/H. Eichmann/' Address: Full label: 'email: h.eichmann@gmx.de' Line 1: '(null)' Line 2: '(null)' City: '(null)' State: '(null)' Postal: '(null)' Country: '(null)' User data: 0x Phone 1: '(null)' Phone 2: '(null)' Phone 3: '(null)' multimedia links: 0x Language 1: '(null)' Language 2: '(null)' Language 3: '(null)' Record file nr: '(null)' Record ID: '(null)' change date: 0x User data: 0x