h("Esc escape from the field \n (no changes are made)\nReturn end of typing\n (all correct changes are\n respected)\n<- move the cursor to the\n previous character \n-> move the cursor to the\n next character\nHome move the cursor to the\n first character\nEnd move the cursor to the\n last character\nIns change the typing mode\n (insert/overwrite)\nDel delete the given character\nBdel delete the previous charac\n ter") h("Edit activation of the struc-\n tural editing\nFiles enables operations on\n files\nSetup enables window resizing\n and changes of the actual\n directory\nQuit exit from the editor\n") h("F2 resize a window\nEsc escape to the main menu\nEnter develop the distinguished\n field (replace the nonter\n minal by a new value)\nAlt-a add a field of the same\n type after the distin-\n guished field\nAlt-b add a field of the same\n type before the distin-\n guished field\nAlt-d delete the distinguished\n field\nAlt-e extend the distinguished\n field to its super-struc\n ture\nAlt-f add the first field to\n the list containing\n the distinguished field\nAlt-l add the last field to\n the list containing\n the distinguished field\nAlt-m modify the distinguished\n field\nAlt-n narrow the distinguished\n field to its first sub-\n structure\nAlt-p prune the distinguished\n field (replace the field\n by a nonterminal)\n")