X-Git-Url: https://git.dlugolecki.net.pl/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=t%2Foutput%2Fuhlbomcl.ref;h=5684679930f0e50bc46ca801d224c05c8e18187e;hb=a9e4b4df0cb08b63e54593533002dd9eb18487b3;hp=9bfc482af124595e5da6d4fafb6be96722165709;hpb=cd45e8e482ac37d1f222b1e8b50017c5eaa19c23;p=gedcom-parse.git diff --git a/t/output/uhlbomcl.ref b/t/output/uhlbomcl.ref index 9bfc482..5684679 100644 --- a/t/output/uhlbomcl.ref +++ b/t/output/uhlbomcl.ref @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -=== Parsing file ./input/uhlbomcl.ged +=== Parsing file uhlbomcl.ged Header start == 1 CHAR (292) UNICODE (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) Source is REGISTERED_SOURCE_NAME (ctxt is 1001, parent is 1) @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Source context 1001 in parent 1 == 1 GEDC (326) (null) (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 VERS (391) 5.5 (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 FORM (325) Lineage-Linked (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) -== 1 NOTE (348) UNICODE transmission test. (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) +Note: UNICODE transmission test. (ctxt is 1, parent is 1) == 2 CONT (300) Each UNICODE character is stored in Hi-Lo order (non-Intel) (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) The transmission does start with a byte order mark (BOM) (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) Each line is terminated using carriage return + line feed. (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) @@ -41,6 +41,41 @@ Source context 1001 in parent 1 == 2 CONT (300) www.unicode.org delivered the connection from the code point names (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) to the actual values. Note, that much more UNICODE characters are (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) possible (like the chinese alphabet). (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) +Complete note: +UNICODE transmission test. +Each UNICODE character is stored in Hi-Lo order (non-Intel) +The transmission does start with a byte order mark (BOM) +Each line is terminated using carriage return + line feed. +This GEDCOM transmission contains a charcter set test. It consists +of a single family (two parents, many children). The parents are used +to test the cyrillic and greek letters. In both 'persons' the +BIRT.PLAC tag contains some capital and the DEAT.PLAC tag some +small letters of alphabet. +The children contain some combined letters and special charcters. +The NAME tag of each 'person' is the name of the characters tested +within the person. +The first children contain some special characters. Here the strings +given in BIRT.PLAC and DEAT.PLAC are 'character name (test character), ...' +where 'character name'is the name of the character (like 'british pound') +and 'test character' is a single byte representing this character +in ANSEL. +The last children contain some combined characters. The name tag gives +the name of the non-spacing character tested within the 'person'. +Within the name the hex-values of the non-spacing character is given +UNICODE. The DEAT.PLAC tag contains all latin characters which are +combined with the non-spacing character tested here and which have +a UNICODE code point. The BIRT.PLAC tag contain the same letters +without the non-spacing part. +Example: One 'person' is named 'ring above'. The BIRT.PLAC +tag contains all latin letters which have a UNICODE code point if +combined with a ring above. The DEAT.PLAC tag contain the same +charcters combined with this ring. +Note: Not all charcters can be displayed on all computers. +This strongly depends on the installed fonts and codepages. +This file based on the following source: +www.unicode.org delivered the connection from the code point names +to the actual values. Note, that much more UNICODE characters are +possible (like the chinese alphabet). == 1 SUBM (382) @SUBMITTER@ (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DATE (306) 20 JAN 1998 (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) Header end, context is 1 @@ -67,30 +102,30 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD0@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 0/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) capital L with stroke (?), capital O with stroke (Ø), capital D with stroke (?), capital thorn (Þ) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) capital L with stroke (?), capital O with stroke (?), capital D with stroke (?), capital thorn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) capital AE (Æ), capital ligature OE (?), modified prime (?), middle dot (·), music flat sign (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 3) +== 2 PLAC (358) capital AE (?), capital ligature OE (?), modified prime (?), middle dot (?), music flat sign (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 5) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD1@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 1/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) registered sign (®), plus-minus sign (±), capital O with horn (?), capital U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) registered sign (?), plus-minus sign (?), capital O with horn (?), capital U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) modifier right half ring (?), modifier left half ring (?), small L with stroke (?), small O with stroke (ø), small D with stroke (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) +== 2 PLAC (358) modifier right half ring (?), modifier left half ring (?), small L with stroke (?), small O with stroke (?), small D with stroke (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 5) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD2@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 2/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) small thorn (þ), small AE (æ), small ligature OE (?), modified double prime (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) small thorn (?), small AE (?), small ligature OE (?), modified double prime (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) small dotless i (?), pound sign (£), small eth (ð), small O with horn (?), small U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 3) +== 2 PLAC (358) small dotless i (?), pound sign (?), small eth (?), small O with horn (?), small U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 5) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD3@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 3/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) degree sign (°), script small L (?), sound recording copyright (?), copyright sign (©) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) degree sign (?), script small L (?), sound recording copyright (?), copyright sign (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) music sharp sign (?), inverted question mark (¿), inverted exclamation mark (¡), small sharp S (ß) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 1) +== 2 PLAC (358) music sharp sign (?), inverted question mark (?), inverted exclamation mark (?), small sharp S (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD4@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0309/HOOK ABOVE/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -104,28 +139,28 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD5@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AEIOU,WYaei,ouwy (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) ÀÈÌÒÙ,??àèì,òù?? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,???? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 14) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD6@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0301/ACUTE/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) ACEGI,KLMNO,PRSUW,YZace,giklm,noprs,uwyz (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Á?É?Í,????Ó,???Ú?,Ý?á?é,?í???,?ó???,ú?ý? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 22) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,?????,?????,?????,???? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 34) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD7@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0302/CIRCUMFLEX/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) ACEGH,IJOSU,WYZac,eghij,osuwy,z (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Â?Ê??,Î?Ô?Û,???â?,ê??î?,ô?û??,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 16) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,?????,?????,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 26) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD8@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0303/TILDE/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AEINO,UVYae,inouv,y (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Ã??ÑÕ,???ã?,?ñõ??,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 10) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 16) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD9@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0304/MACRON/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -153,7 +188,7 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD12@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AEHIO,UWXYa,ehiot,uwxy (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) ÄË?ÏÖ,Ü???ä,ë?ïö?,ü??ÿ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 8) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,???? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 19) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD13@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 030C/CARON/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -167,7 +202,7 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD14@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AUauw,y (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Å?å??,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 6) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD15@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: FE20/LIGATURE LEFT HALF/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -209,7 +244,7 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD20@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) CDGHK,LNRST,cdghk,lnrst (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Ç????,?????,ç????,????? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 18) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,????? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 20) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD21@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0328/OGONEK/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -332,9 +367,9 @@ Family start, xref is @FAMILY@ == 1 CHIL (293) @CHILD32@ (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) Family end, xref is @FAMILY@ -=== Total conversion failures: 391 +=== Total conversion failures: 460 -=== Parsing file ./input/uhlbomcl.ged +=== Parsing file uhlbomcl.ged Header start == 1 CHAR (292) UNICODE (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) Source is REGISTERED_SOURCE_NAME (ctxt is 1001, parent is 1) @@ -342,7 +377,7 @@ Source context 1001 in parent 1 == 1 GEDC (326) (null) (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 VERS (391) 5.5 (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 FORM (325) Lineage-Linked (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) -== 1 NOTE (348) UNICODE transmission test. (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) +Note: UNICODE transmission test. (ctxt is 1, parent is 1) == 2 CONT (300) Each UNICODE character is stored in Hi-Lo order (non-Intel) (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) The transmission does start with a byte order mark (BOM) (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) Each line is terminated using carriage return + line feed. (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) @@ -376,6 +411,41 @@ Source context 1001 in parent 1 == 2 CONT (300) www.unicode.org delivered the connection from the code point names (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) to the actual values. Note, that much more UNICODE characters are (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 2 CONT (300) possible (like the chinese alphabet). (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) +Complete note: +UNICODE transmission test. +Each UNICODE character is stored in Hi-Lo order (non-Intel) +The transmission does start with a byte order mark (BOM) +Each line is terminated using carriage return + line feed. +This GEDCOM transmission contains a charcter set test. It consists +of a single family (two parents, many children). The parents are used +to test the cyrillic and greek letters. In both 'persons' the +BIRT.PLAC tag contains some capital and the DEAT.PLAC tag some +small letters of alphabet. +The children contain some combined letters and special charcters. +The NAME tag of each 'person' is the name of the characters tested +within the person. +The first children contain some special characters. Here the strings +given in BIRT.PLAC and DEAT.PLAC are 'character name (test character), ...' +where 'character name'is the name of the character (like 'british pound') +and 'test character' is a single byte representing this character +in ANSEL. +The last children contain some combined characters. The name tag gives +the name of the non-spacing character tested within the 'person'. +Within the name the hex-values of the non-spacing character is given +UNICODE. The DEAT.PLAC tag contains all latin characters which are +combined with the non-spacing character tested here and which have +a UNICODE code point. The BIRT.PLAC tag contain the same letters +without the non-spacing part. +Example: One 'person' is named 'ring above'. The BIRT.PLAC +tag contains all latin letters which have a UNICODE code point if +combined with a ring above. The DEAT.PLAC tag contain the same +charcters combined with this ring. +Note: Not all charcters can be displayed on all computers. +This strongly depends on the installed fonts and codepages. +This file based on the following source: +www.unicode.org delivered the connection from the code point names +to the actual values. Note, that much more UNICODE characters are +possible (like the chinese alphabet). == 1 SUBM (382) @SUBMITTER@ (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DATE (306) 20 JAN 1998 (ctxt is 1, conversion failures: 0) Header end, context is 1 @@ -402,30 +472,30 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD0@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 0/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) capital L with stroke (?), capital O with stroke (Ø), capital D with stroke (?), capital thorn (Þ) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) capital L with stroke (?), capital O with stroke (?), capital D with stroke (?), capital thorn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) capital AE (Æ), capital ligature OE (?), modified prime (?), middle dot (·), music flat sign (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 3) +== 2 PLAC (358) capital AE (?), capital ligature OE (?), modified prime (?), middle dot (?), music flat sign (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 5) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD1@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 1/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) registered sign (®), plus-minus sign (±), capital O with horn (?), capital U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) registered sign (?), plus-minus sign (?), capital O with horn (?), capital U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) modifier right half ring (?), modifier left half ring (?), small L with stroke (?), small O with stroke (ø), small D with stroke (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) +== 2 PLAC (358) modifier right half ring (?), modifier left half ring (?), small L with stroke (?), small O with stroke (?), small D with stroke (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 5) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD2@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 2/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) small thorn (þ), small AE (æ), small ligature OE (?), modified double prime (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) small thorn (?), small AE (?), small ligature OE (?), modified double prime (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) small dotless i (?), pound sign (£), small eth (ð), small O with horn (?), small U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 3) +== 2 PLAC (358) small dotless i (?), pound sign (?), small eth (?), small O with horn (?), small U with horn (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 5) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD3@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) /Special Characters 3/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) degree sign (°), script small L (?), sound recording copyright (?), copyright sign (©) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 2) +== 2 PLAC (358) degree sign (?), script small L (?), sound recording copyright (?), copyright sign (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) music sharp sign (?), inverted question mark (¿), inverted exclamation mark (¡), small sharp S (ß) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 1) +== 2 PLAC (358) music sharp sign (?), inverted question mark (?), inverted exclamation mark (?), small sharp S (?) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD4@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0309/HOOK ABOVE/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -439,28 +509,28 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD5@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AEIOU,WYaei,ouwy (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) ÀÈÌÒÙ,??àèì,òù?? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,???? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 14) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD6@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0301/ACUTE/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) ACEGI,KLMNO,PRSUW,YZace,giklm,noprs,uwyz (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Á?É?Í,????Ó,???Ú?,Ý?á?é,?í???,?ó???,ú?ý? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 22) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,?????,?????,?????,???? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 34) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD7@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0302/CIRCUMFLEX/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) ACEGH,IJOSU,WYZac,eghij,osuwy,z (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Â?Ê??,Î?Ô?Û,???â?,ê??î?,ô?û??,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 16) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,?????,?????,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 26) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD8@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0303/TILDE/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AEINO,UVYae,inouv,y (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Ã??ÑÕ,???ã?,?ñõ??,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 10) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 16) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD9@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0304/MACRON/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -488,7 +558,7 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD12@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AEHIO,UWXYa,ehiot,uwxy (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) ÄË?ÏÖ,Ü???ä,ë?ïö?,ü??ÿ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 8) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,???? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 19) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD13@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 030C/CARON/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -502,7 +572,7 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD14@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) AUauw,y (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Å?å??,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 4) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 6) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD15@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: FE20/LIGATURE LEFT HALF/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -544,7 +614,7 @@ Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD20@ == 1 BIRT (283) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 2 PLAC (358) CDGHK,LNRST,cdghk,lnrst (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 DEAT (307) (null) (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) -== 2 PLAC (358) Ç????,?????,ç????,????? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 18) +== 2 PLAC (358) ?????,?????,?????,????? (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 20) Rec INDI start, xref is @CHILD21@ == 1 FAMC (320) @FAMILY@ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) == 1 NAME (342) code: 0328/OGONEK/ (ctxt is 333, conversion failures: 0) @@ -667,5 +737,5 @@ Family start, xref is @FAMILY@ == 1 CHIL (293) @CHILD32@ (ctxt is 2, conversion failures: 0) Family end, xref is @FAMILY@ -=== Total conversion failures: 782 +=== Total conversion failures: 920 Parse succeeded