# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
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-INPUT = src
+INPUT = src README.md
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# (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub
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# configuration options related to source browsing
+VLP is an abbreviation of Virtual Loglan Processor.
+What is Loglan?
+Loglan (Loglan-82) is a programming Language designed and realized in Institute
+of Computer Science in University of Warsaw. It is universal language, whose
+fundamental characteristic is rich modular structure. Main concepts of language
+are classes and modules prefixing. These were introduced in Simula-67, and
+had a signifant effect on programming metodology and understanding of modern
+language modules concept. This influence is visible in many programming
+languages such as: Modula, Smalltalk or (to a certain degree) Ada. Module
+prefixing in Loglan is more general mechanism than it was in Simula-67. It
+allows reaching many different goals, whose practital importance is enormous
+(...) [1]
+Whom created VLP?
+Original author of VLP was: dr Oskar Świda.
+Where could I find out more about Loglan?
+- [Official page][official_page]
+- [Official project page][project]
+What is a difference between official project and this one?
+This is a fork Qt3 based VLP. Last entry of original code is dated: 15 Jan 1998.
+Qt3 was released on: 16 October 2001, so precise date is not known by me.
+Fork contains VLP, Loglan compilator and interpreter. It is carried
+independently by me (Rafał Długołęcki).
+Main targets of this fork are:
+1. Document everything
+2. Rewrite compilator to use grammar file, which will be parsed by e.g. Bison
+3. Separate layout code from the logic
+[1]: "Szałas, A and Warpechowska, J (1991). Loglan"
+[official_page]: http://lem12.uksw.edu.pl/
+[project]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/loglan82
--- /dev/null
+VLP is an abbreviation of Virtual Loglan Processor.
+What is Loglan?
+Loglan (Loglan-82) is a programming Language designed and realized in Institute
+of Computer Science in University of Warsaw. It is universal language, whose
+fundamental characteristic is rich modular structure. Main concepts of language
+are classes and modules prefixing. These were introduced in Simula-67, and
+had a signifant effect on programming metodology and understanding of modern
+language modules concept. This influence is visible in many programming
+languages such as: Modula, Smalltalk or (to a certain degree) Ada. Module
+prefixing in Loglan is more general mechanism than it was in Simula-67. It
+allows reaching many different goals, whose practital importance is enormous
+(...) [1]
+Whom created VLP?
+Original author of VLP was: dr Oskar Świda.
+Where could I find out more about Loglan?
+- [Official page][official_page]
+- [Official project page][project]
+What is a difference between official project and this one?
+This is a fork Qt3 based VLP. Last entry of original code is dated: 15 Jan 1998.
+Qt3 was released on: 16 October 2001, so precise date is not known by me.
+Fork contains VLP, Loglan compilator and interpreter. It is carried
+independently by me (Rafał Długołęcki).
+Main targets of this fork are:
+1. Document everything
+2. Rewrite compilator to use grammar file, which will be parsed by e.g. Bison
+3. Separate layout code from the logic
+[1]: "Szałas, A and Warpechowska, J (1991). Loglan"
+[official_page]: http://lem12.uksw.edu.pl/
+[project]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/loglan82
-AC_INIT([Virtual Loglan Processor], [3.4-b1], [bugz@dlugolecki.net.pl], [vlp], [http://dlugolecki.net.pl/software/vlp/])
+AC_INIT([VLP], [3.4-b1], [bugz@dlugolecki.net.pl], [vlp], [http://dlugolecki.net.pl/software/vlp/])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.10 no-define])