Moved to gedcom subdirectory.
authorPeter Verthez <>
Sun, 9 Dec 2001 09:50:23 +0000 (09:50 +0000)
committerPeter Verthez <>
Sun, 9 Dec 2001 09:50:23 +0000 (09:50 +0000)
13 files changed:
gedcom/encoding.c [moved from encoding.c with 100% similarity]
gedcom/encoding.h [moved from encoding.h with 100% similarity]
gedcom/gedcom.y [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/gedcom_1byte.lex [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/gedcom_hilo.lex [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/gedcom_internal.h [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/gedcom_lex_common.c [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/gedcom_lohi.lex [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/interface.c [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/interface.h [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/message.c [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/multilex.c [new file with mode: 0644]
gedcom/multilex.h [new file with mode: 0644]

similarity index 100%
rename from encoding.c
rename to gedcom/encoding.c
similarity index 100%
rename from encoding.h
rename to gedcom/encoding.h
diff --git a/gedcom/gedcom.y b/gedcom/gedcom.y
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d957ca0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2667 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+/* Design of the parser:
+   ---------------------
+   In general, a GEDCOM file contains records, each consisting of a line
+   (which we'll call a section), hierarchically containing other lines
+   (subsections of the section).
+   This means that in general we have:
+     A 'record' is a 'section' (sect) containing 'subsections' (subs)
+     Each 'subsection' (sub) is again a specific 'section' (sect)
+   In parser notation, this means:
+     record : sect
+     sect   : <some prefix> subs <some suffix>
+     subs   : <empty> | subs sub
+     sub    : sect_a | sect_b | ...
+   This pattern is repeated throughout the parser for the different types of
+   sections.
+   Cardinality of the subsections:
+   -------------------------------
+   Note that in the above, the order of the subsections is of no importance.
+   Indeed, this is the case in the GEDCOM grammar.  However, this also makes
+   it difficult to check whether there are not too many subsections of a
+   specific type, or whether a mandatory subsection is indeed there.
+   Suppose there is a section A that can contain 0 or 1 B section and
+   2 C sections.
+   This can be expressed in parser notation as follows:
+     A    : CC | BCC | CBC | CCB
+   So, cardinality is indeed expressable.  However, as the number of subsection
+   types and the limits grow bigger (and even theoretically limitless), listing
+   all possible permutations becomes quickly unfeasible.
+   Much simpler is to say:
+     A    : subs
+     subs : <empty> | subs sub
+     sub  : B | C
+   and then check the cardinality in the semantic actions, which is the
+   solution chosen in the parser below, using the following macros:
+    - OPEN(<parent>)
+         Make a new context for the <parent> tag to count child tags in
+    - OCCUR2(<child>, <min>, <max>)
+         Express that the <child> tag should occur at least <min> times and
+        at most <max> tags within its parent
+        What this actually does is the following.  It increments the counter
+        for that tag and then checks whether the maximum is exceeded.  If so,
+        then a parser error is produced.  The minimum is not actually checked
+        by this macro, but it makes the statements more declarative.
+    - OCCUR1(<child>, <min>)
+         Express that the <child> tag should occur at least <min> times within
+        its parent (no upper limit)
+        Actually, this only increments the counter for the tag, but it looks
+        very like the previous macro.
+        If the minimum is 0, it is not necessary to express this constraint.
+    - CHECKn(<child1>, ..., <childn>)
+         This closes the context for the parent tag and checks whether the
+        given <child> tags did effectively occur within the parent (i.e.
+        these are the tags that were mandatory).
+        Since the <min> values above are always 0 or 1 in GEDCOM, this is
+        sufficient.  All sub-tags that declare a minimum of 1 in the OCCUR
+        macros should be listed in this macro here.
+        The macros CHECK0 to CHECK4 are defined like this (the first one
+        has no arguments and is only used to close the parent context; note
+        that this is necessary for correct functioning).
+   Example of usage:
+     Only sections that have subsections need to use these macros.  This can
+     be done like this (the OPEN and CHECK macros are used as mid-rule
+     actions around the subsections):
+       head_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_HEAD
+                   { OPEN(HEAD) }
+                   head_subs
+                   { CHECK1(SOUR) }
+                   CLOSE { <semantic actions> }
+       head_subs : <empty>
+                 | head_subs head_sub
+                 ;
+       head_sub  : head_sour_sect  { OCCUR2(SOUR, 1, 1) }
+                 | head_dest_sect  { OCCUR2(DEST, 0, 1) }
+                 | head_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+                ;
+/* General notes:
+   - The syntax analysis doesn't handle the contents of the line values;
+     this is done in the semantic analysis.
+ */
+#include "gedcom_internal.h"
+#include "multilex.h"
+#include "encoding.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+int  count_level    = 0;
+int  fail           = 0;
+int  compat_enabled = 1;
+int  gedcom_high_level_debug = 0; 
+int  compatibility  = 0; 
+Gedcom_err_mech error_mechanism = IMMED_FAIL;
+char line_item_buf[MAXGEDCLINELEN * UTF_FACTOR + 1];
+char *line_item_buf_ptr;
+enum _COMPAT {
+  C_FTREE = 0x01
+/* These are defined at the bottom of the file */ 
+void push_countarray();
+void set_parenttag(char* tag);
+char* get_parenttag(); 
+void set_parentctxt(Gedcom_ctxt ctxt);
+Gedcom_ctxt get_parentctxt();
+void pop_countarray();
+int  count_tag(int tag);
+int  check_occurrence(int tag);
+void set_compatibility(char* program);
+int  compat_mode(int flags); 
+#define CLEAR_BUFFER(BUF)                                                     \
+     memset(BUF, 0, sizeof(BUF));
+#define HANDLE_ERROR                                                          \
+     { if (error_mechanism == IMMED_FAIL) {                                   \
+        YYABORT;                                                             \
+       }                                                                      \
+       else if (error_mechanism == DEFER_FAIL) {                              \
+         yyerrok; fail = 1;                                                   \
+       }                                                                      \
+       else if (error_mechanism == IGNORE_ERRORS) {                           \
+        yyerrok;                                                             \
+       }                                                                      \
+     }
+#define START(PARENTTAG,PARENTCTXT)                                           \
+     { ++count_level;                                                         \
+       set_parenttag(#PARENTTAG);                                             \
+       set_parentctxt(PARENTCTXT);                                            \
+       push_countarray();                                                     \
+     }
+#define PARENT                                                              \
+     get_parentctxt()
+#define CHK(TAG)                                                              \
+     { if (!check_occurrence(TAG_##TAG)) {                                    \
+         char* parenttag = get_parenttag();                                   \
+         gedcom_error("The tag '%s' is mandatory within '%s', but missing",   \
+                     #TAG, parenttag);                                       \
+         HANDLE_ERROR;                                                        \
+       }                                                                      \
+     }
+#define POP                                                                   \
+     { pop_countarray();                                                      \
+       --count_level;                                                         \
+     }
+#define CHECK0 POP; 
+#define CHECK1(TAG1) { CHK(TAG1); POP; }
+#define CHECK2(TAG1,TAG2)                                                     \
+     { CHK(TAG1); CHK(TAG2); POP; }
+#define CHECK3(TAG1,TAG2,TAG3)                                                \
+     { CHK(TAG1); CHK(TAG2); CHK(TAG3); POP; }
+#define CHECK4(TAG1,TAG2,TAG3,TAG4)                                           \
+     { CHK(TAG1); CHK(TAG2); CHK(TAG3); CHK(TAG4); POP; } 
+#define OCCUR1(CHILDTAG, MIN) { count_tag(TAG_##CHILDTAG); } 
+#define OCCUR2(CHILDTAG, MIN, MAX)                                            \
+     { int num = count_tag(TAG_##CHILDTAG);                                   \
+       if (num > MAX) {                                                       \
+         char* parenttag = get_parenttag();                                   \
+         gedcom_error("The tag '%s' can maximally occur %d "                  \
+                     "time(s) within '%s'",                                  \
+                     #CHILDTAG, MAX, parenttag);                             \
+         HANDLE_ERROR;                                                        \
+       }                                                                      \
+     }
+#define INVALID_TAG(CHILDTAG)                                                 \
+     { char* parenttag = get_parenttag();                                     \
+       gedcom_error("The tag '%s' is not a valid tag within '%s'",            \
+                   CHILDTAG, parenttag);                                     \
+       HANDLE_ERROR;                                                          \
+     }
+#define INVALID_TOP_TAG(CHILDTAG)                                             \
+     { gedcom_error("The tag '%s' is not a valid top-level tag",              \
+                   CHILDTAG); \
+       HANDLE_ERROR; \
+     }
+%union {
+  int  number;
+  char *string;
+  Gedcom_ctxt ctxt;
+%expect 300
+%token <string> BADTOKEN
+%token <number> OPEN
+%token <string> CLOSE
+%token <string> ESCAPE
+%token <string> DELIM
+%token <string> ANYCHAR
+%token <string> POINTER
+%token <string> USERTAG
+%token <string> TAG_ABBR
+%token <string> TAG_ADDR
+%token <string> TAG_ADR1
+%token <string> TAG_ADR2
+%token <string> TAG_ADOP
+%token <string> TAG_AFN
+%token <string> TAG_AGE
+%token <string> TAG_AGNC
+%token <string> TAG_ALIA
+%token <string> TAG_ANCE
+%token <string> TAG_ANCI
+%token <string> TAG_ANUL
+%token <string> TAG_ASSO
+%token <string> TAG_AUTH
+%token <string> TAG_BAPL
+%token <string> TAG_BAPM
+%token <string> TAG_BARM
+%token <string> TAG_BASM
+%token <string> TAG_BIRT
+%token <string> TAG_BLES
+%token <string> TAG_BLOB
+%token <string> TAG_BURI
+%token <string> TAG_CALN
+%token <string> TAG_CAST
+%token <string> TAG_CAUS
+%token <string> TAG_CENS
+%token <string> TAG_CHAN
+%token <string> TAG_CHAR
+%token <string> TAG_CHIL
+%token <string> TAG_CHR
+%token <string> TAG_CHRA
+%token <string> TAG_CITY
+%token <string> TAG_CONC
+%token <string> TAG_CONF
+%token <string> TAG_CONL
+%token <string> TAG_CONT
+%token <string> TAG_COPR
+%token <string> TAG_CORP
+%token <string> TAG_CREM
+%token <string> TAG_CTRY
+%token <string> TAG_DATA
+%token <string> TAG_DATE
+%token <string> TAG_DEAT
+%token <string> TAG_DESC
+%token <string> TAG_DESI
+%token <string> TAG_DEST
+%token <string> TAG_DIV
+%token <string> TAG_DIVF
+%token <string> TAG_DSCR
+%token <string> TAG_EDUC
+%token <string> TAG_EMIG
+%token <string> TAG_ENDL
+%token <string> TAG_ENGA
+%token <string> TAG_EVEN
+%token <string> TAG_FAM
+%token <string> TAG_FAMC
+%token <string> TAG_FAMF
+%token <string> TAG_FAMS
+%token <string> TAG_FCOM
+%token <string> TAG_FILE
+%token <string> TAG_FORM
+%token <string> TAG_GEDC
+%token <string> TAG_GIVN
+%token <string> TAG_GRAD
+%token <string> TAG_HEAD
+%token <string> TAG_HUSB
+%token <string> TAG_IDNO
+%token <string> TAG_IMMI
+%token <string> TAG_INDI
+%token <string> TAG_LANG
+%token <string> TAG_LEGA
+%token <string> TAG_MARB
+%token <string> TAG_MARC
+%token <string> TAG_MARL
+%token <string> TAG_MARR
+%token <string> TAG_MARS
+%token <string> TAG_MEDI
+%token <string> TAG_NAME
+%token <string> TAG_NATI
+%token <string> TAG_NATU
+%token <string> TAG_NCHI
+%token <string> TAG_NICK
+%token <string> TAG_NMR
+%token <string> TAG_NOTE
+%token <string> TAG_NPFX
+%token <string> TAG_NSFX
+%token <string> TAG_OBJE
+%token <string> TAG_OCCU
+%token <string> TAG_ORDI
+%token <string> TAG_ORDN
+%token <string> TAG_PAGE
+%token <string> TAG_PEDI
+%token <string> TAG_PHON
+%token <string> TAG_PLAC
+%token <string> TAG_POST
+%token <string> TAG_PROB
+%token <string> TAG_PROP
+%token <string> TAG_PUBL
+%token <string> TAG_QUAY
+%token <string> TAG_REFN
+%token <string> TAG_RELA
+%token <string> TAG_RELI
+%token <string> TAG_REPO
+%token <string> TAG_RESI
+%token <string> TAG_RESN
+%token <string> TAG_RETI
+%token <string> TAG_RFN
+%token <string> TAG_RIN
+%token <string> TAG_ROLE
+%token <string> TAG_SEX
+%token <string> TAG_SLGC
+%token <string> TAG_SLGS
+%token <string> TAG_SOUR
+%token <string> TAG_SPFX
+%token <string> TAG_SSN
+%token <string> TAG_STAE
+%token <string> TAG_STAT
+%token <string> TAG_SUBM
+%token <string> TAG_SUBN
+%token <string> TAG_SURN
+%token <string> TAG_TEMP
+%token <string> TAG_TEXT
+%token <string> TAG_TIME
+%token <string> TAG_TITL
+%token <string> TAG_TRLR
+%token <string> TAG_TYPE
+%token <string> TAG_VERS
+%token <string> TAG_WIFE
+%token <string> TAG_WILL
+%type <string> anystdtag
+%type <string> anytoptag
+%type <string> line_item
+%type <string> line_value
+%type <string> mand_line_item
+%type <string> mand_pointer
+%type <string> note_line_item
+%type <string> anychar
+%type <string> opt_xref
+%type <string> opt_value
+%type <ctxt> head_sect
+file        : head_sect records trlr_sect
+               { if (fail == 1) YYABORT; }
+            ;
+records     : /* empty */
+            | records record
+            ;
+record      : fam_rec
+            | indiv_rec
+            | multim_rec
+            | note_rec
+            | repos_rec
+            | source_rec
+            | submis_rec
+            | submit_rec
+            | no_std_rec
+           ;
+/**** Header                                                      ****/
+head_sect    : OPEN DELIM TAG_HEAD
+               { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_HEAD, $1, NULL, $3);
+                START(HEAD, $<ctxt>$) }
+               head_subs
+               { if (compat_mode(C_FTREE))
+                  CHECK3(SOUR, GEDC, CHAR)
+                else
+                  CHECK4(SOUR, SUBM, GEDC, CHAR)
+              }
+               CLOSE
+               { end_record(REC_HEAD, $<ctxt>4); }
+             ;
+head_subs    : /* empty */
+             | head_subs head_sub
+             ;
+head_sub     : head_sour_sect  { OCCUR2(SOUR, 1, 1) }
+             | head_dest_sect  { OCCUR2(DEST, 0, 1) }
+             | head_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+             | head_subm_sect  { OCCUR2(SUBM, 1, 1) }
+             | head_subn_sect  { OCCUR2(SUBN, 0, 1) }
+             | head_file_sect  { OCCUR2(FILE, 0, 1) }
+             | head_copr_sect  { OCCUR2(COPR, 0, 1) }
+             | head_gedc_sect  { OCCUR2(GEDC, 1, 1) }
+             | head_char_sect  { OCCUR2(CHAR, 1, 1) }
+             | head_lang_sect  { OCCUR2(LANG, 0, 1) }
+             | head_plac_sect  { OCCUR2(PLAC, 0, 1) }
+             | head_note_sect  { OCCUR2(NOTE, 0, 1) }
+             | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/* HEAD.SOUR */
+head_sour_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SOUR mand_line_item 
+                 { set_compatibility($4);
+                  $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR, PARENT,
+                                           $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(SOUR, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 head_sour_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR, PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL); }
+               ;
+head_sour_subs : /* empty */
+               | head_sour_subs head_sour_sub
+               ;
+head_sour_sub : head_sour_vers_sect  { OCCUR2(VERS, 0, 1) }
+              | head_sour_name_sect  { OCCUR2(NAME, 0, 1) }
+              | head_sour_corp_sect  { OCCUR2(CORP, 0, 1) } 
+              | head_sour_data_sect  { OCCUR2(DATA, 0, 1) }
+              | no_std_sub
+              ;
+head_sour_vers_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_VERS mand_line_item
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_VERS, PARENT,
+                                                $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(VERS, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_VERS,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+head_sour_name_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NAME mand_line_item
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_NAME, PARENT,
+                                                $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(NAME, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_NAME,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+head_sour_corp_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CORP mand_line_item 
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_CORP, PARENT,
+                                                $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(CORP, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      head_sour_corp_subs
+                     { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_CORP,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+head_sour_corp_subs : /* empty */
+                    | head_sour_corp_subs head_sour_corp_sub
+                    ;
+head_sour_corp_sub : addr_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+                   | no_std_sub
+                   ;
+head_sour_data_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATA mand_line_item 
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_DATA, PARENT,
+                                                $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(DATA, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      head_sour_data_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                     CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_DATA,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+head_sour_data_subs : /* empty */
+                    | head_sour_data_subs head_sour_data_sub
+                    ;
+head_sour_data_sub : head_sour_data_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+                   | head_sour_data_copr_sect  { OCCUR2(COPR, 0, 1) }
+                   | no_std_sub
+                   ;
+head_sour_data_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item
+                           { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_DATA_DATE,
+                                                     PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                            START(DATE, $<ctxt>$)
+                          }
+                           no_std_subs
+                           { CHECK0 }
+                           CLOSE
+                           { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_DATA_DATE,
+                                        PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                          }
+                         ;
+head_sour_data_copr_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_COPR mand_line_item
+                           { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_DATA_COPR,
+                                                     PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                            START(COPR, $<ctxt>$)
+                          }
+                           no_std_subs
+                           { CHECK0 }
+                           CLOSE
+                           { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SOUR_DATA_COPR,
+                                        PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                          }
+                         ;
+/* HEAD.DEST */
+head_dest_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DEST mand_line_item
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_DEST,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(DEST, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 no_std_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_DEST,
+                              PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+/* HEAD.DATE */
+head_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item 
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_DATE,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(DATE, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 head_date_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_DATE,
+                              PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+head_date_subs : /* empty */
+               | head_date_subs head_date_sub
+               ;
+head_date_sub  : head_date_time_sect  { OCCUR2(TIME, 0, 1) }
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+head_date_time_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TIME mand_line_item
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_DATE_TIME,
+                                                PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(TIME, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_DATE_TIME,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+/* HEAD.SUBM */
+head_subm_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SUBM mand_pointer
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SUBM,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(SUBM, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 no_std_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SUBM,
+                              PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+/* HEAD.SUBN */
+head_subn_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SUBN mand_pointer 
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_SUBN,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(SUBN, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 no_std_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_SUBN,
+                              PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+/* HEAD.FILE */
+head_file_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FILE mand_line_item 
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_FILE,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(FILE, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 no_std_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_FILE, PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+/* HEAD.COPR */
+head_copr_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_COPR mand_line_item 
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_COPR,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(COPR, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 no_std_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_COPR, PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+/* HEAD.GEDC */
+head_gedc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_GEDC
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_GEDC,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, NULL, NULL);
+                  START(GEDC, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 head_gedc_subs
+                { CHECK2(VERS, FORM) }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_GEDC, PARENT, $<ctxt>4, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+head_gedc_subs : /* empty */
+               | head_gedc_subs head_gedc_sub
+               ;
+head_gedc_sub  : head_gedc_vers_sect  { OCCUR2(VERS, 1, 1) }
+               | head_gedc_form_sect  { OCCUR2(FORM, 1, 1) }
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+head_gedc_vers_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_VERS mand_line_item  
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_GEDC_VERS,
+                                                PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(VERS, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_GEDC_VERS,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+head_gedc_form_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FORM mand_line_item   
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_GEDC_FORM,
+                                                PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(FORM, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_GEDC_FORM,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+/* HEAD.CHAR */
+head_char_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CHAR mand_line_item 
+                 { if (open_conv_to_internal($4) == 0) YYERROR;
+                  $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_CHAR,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(CHAR, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 head_char_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_CHAR, PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+head_char_subs : /* empty */
+               | head_char_subs head_char_sub
+               ;
+head_char_sub  : head_char_vers_sect  { OCCUR2(VERS, 0, 1) }
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+head_char_vers_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_VERS mand_line_item   
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_CHAR_VERS,
+                                                PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(VERS, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_CHAR_VERS,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+/* HEAD.LANG */
+head_lang_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_LANG mand_line_item   
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_LANG,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(LANG, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 no_std_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_LANG, PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+/* HEAD.PLAC */
+head_plac_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PLAC
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_PLAC,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, NULL, NULL);
+                  START(PLAC, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 head_plac_subs
+                { CHECK1(FORM) }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_PLAC, PARENT, $<ctxt>4, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+head_plac_subs : /* empty */
+               | head_plac_subs head_plac_sub
+               ;
+head_plac_sub  : head_plac_form_sect  { OCCUR2(FORM, 1, 1) }
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+head_plac_form_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FORM mand_line_item   
+                      { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_PLAC_FORM,
+                                                PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                       START(FORM, $<ctxt>$)
+                     }
+                      no_std_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE
+                      { end_element(ELT_HEAD_PLAC_FORM,
+                                   PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                     }
+                    ;
+/* HEAD.NOTE */
+head_note_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NOTE mand_line_item 
+                 { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_HEAD_NOTE,
+                                           PARENT, $1, $3, $4, $4);
+                  START(NOTE, $<ctxt>$)
+                }
+                 head_note_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE
+                 { end_element(ELT_HEAD_NOTE, PARENT, $<ctxt>5, NULL);
+                }
+               ;
+head_note_subs : /* empty */
+               | head_note_subs head_note_sub
+               ;
+head_note_sub  : continuation_sub  /* 0:M */
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+/**** Trailer                                                     ****/
+/* Don't need callbacks here, there is no information... */
+trlr_sect   : OPEN DELIM TAG_TRLR CLOSE { }
+            ;
+/**** Family record                                               ****/
+               { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_FAM, $1, $3, $5);
+                START(FAM, $<ctxt>$) }
+               fam_subs
+              { CHECK0 }
+               CLOSE
+               { end_record(REC_FAM, $<ctxt>6); }
+             ;
+fam_subs     : /* empty */
+             | fam_subs fam_sub
+             ;
+fam_sub      : fam_event_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+             | fam_husb_sect  { OCCUR2(HUSB, 0, 1) }
+             | fam_wife_sect  { OCCUR2(WIFE, 0, 1) }
+             | fam_chil_sect  /* 0:M */
+             | fam_nchi_sect  { OCCUR2(NCHI, 0, 1) }
+             | fam_subm_sect  /* 0:M */
+             | lds_spouse_seal_sub  /* 0:M */
+             | source_cit_sub  /* 0:M */
+             | multim_link_sub  /* 0:M */
+             | note_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+             | ident_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+             | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+             | no_std_sub
+             ;
+/* FAM.HUSB */
+fam_husb_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_HUSB mand_pointer    
+                { START(HUSB, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE
+                       { }
+              ;
+/* FAM.WIFE */
+fam_wife_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_WIFE mand_pointer 
+                { START(WIFE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE
+                       { }
+              ;
+/* FAM.CHIL */
+fam_chil_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CHIL mand_pointer
+                { START(CHIL, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE
+                       { }
+              ;
+/* FAM.NCHI */
+fam_nchi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NCHI mand_line_item    
+                { START(NCHI, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE
+                       { }
+              ;
+/* FAM.SUBM */
+fam_subm_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SUBM mand_pointer
+                { START(SUBM, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE
+                       { }
+              ;
+/**** Individual record                                           ****/
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_INDI, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(INDI, $<ctxt>$) }
+              indi_subs
+             { CHECK0 }
+              CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_INDI, $<ctxt>6); }
+            ;
+indi_subs   : /* empty */
+            | indi_subs indi_sub
+            ;
+indi_sub    : indi_resn_sect  { OCCUR2(RESN, 0, 1) }
+            | pers_name_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | indi_sex_sect  { OCCUR2(SEX, 0, 1) }
+            | indiv_even_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | indiv_attr_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | lds_indiv_ord_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | chi_fam_link_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | spou_fam_link_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | indi_subm_sect  /* 0:M */
+            | assoc_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | indi_alia_sect  /* 0:M */
+            | indi_anci_sect  /* 0:M */
+            | indi_desi_sect  /* 0:M */
+            | source_cit_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | multim_link_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | note_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | indi_rfn_sect  { OCCUR2(RFN, 0, 1) }
+            | indi_afn_sect  /* 0:M */
+            | ident_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+           | ftree_addr_sect { if (!compat_mode(C_FTREE))
+                                 INVALID_TAG("ADDR");
+                             }
+           | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/* INDI.RESN */
+indi_resn_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_RESN mand_line_item     
+                 { START(RESN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.SEX */
+indi_sex_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_SEX mand_line_item     
+                 { START(SEX, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.SUBM */
+indi_subm_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SUBM mand_pointer 
+                 { START(SUBM, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.ALIA */
+indi_alia_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ALIA mand_pointer
+                 { START(ALIA, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.ANCI */
+indi_anci_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ANCI mand_pointer
+                 { START(ANCI, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.DESI */
+indi_desi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DESI mand_pointer
+                 { START(DESI, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.RFN */
+indi_rfn_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_RFN mand_line_item     
+                 { START(RFN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.AFN */
+indi_afn_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_AFN mand_line_item      
+                 { START(AFN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* INDI.ADDR (Only for 'ftree' compatibility) */
+ftree_addr_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ADDR opt_line_item
+                  { START(ADDR, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+/**** Multimedia record                                           ****/
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_OBJE, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(OBJE, $<ctxt>$) }
+              obje_subs
+             { CHECK2(FORM, BLOB) }
+              CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_OBJE, $<ctxt>6); }
+            ;
+obje_subs   : /* empty */
+            | obje_subs obje_sub
+            ;
+obje_sub    : obje_form_sect  { OCCUR2(FORM, 1, 1) }
+            | obje_titl_sect  { OCCUR2(TITL, 0, 1) }
+            | note_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | obje_blob_sect  { OCCUR2(BLOB, 1, 1) }
+            | obje_obje_sect  { OCCUR2(OBJE, 0, 1) }
+            | ident_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/* OBJE.FORM */
+obje_form_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FORM mand_line_item       
+                 { START(FORM, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* OBJE.TITL */
+obje_titl_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TITL mand_line_item       
+                 { START(TITL, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* OBJE.BLOB */
+obje_blob_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_BLOB
+                 { START(BLOB, NULL) }
+                 obje_blob_subs
+                { CHECK1(CONT) }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+obje_blob_subs : /* empty */
+               | obje_blob_subs obje_blob_sub
+               ;
+obje_blob_sub  : obje_blob_cont_sect  { OCCUR1(CONT, 1) }
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+obje_blob_cont_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CONT mand_line_item        
+                      { START(CONT, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+/* OBJE.OBJE */
+obje_obje_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_OBJE mand_pointer 
+                 { START(OBJE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/**** Note record                                                 ****/
+note_rec    : OPEN DELIM POINTER DELIM TAG_NOTE note_line_item
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_NOTE, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(NOTE, $<ctxt>$) }
+              note_subs
+             { CHECK0 }
+              CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_NOTE, $<ctxt>6); }
+            ;
+note_line_item : /* empty */
+                   { if (!compat_mode(C_FTREE)) {
+                      gedcom_error("Missing value"); YYERROR;
+                    }
+                  }
+               | DELIM line_item
+                   { gedcom_debug_print("==Val: %s==\n", $2);
+                    $$ = $2; }
+               ;
+note_subs   : /* empty */
+            | note_subs note_sub
+            ;
+note_sub    : continuation_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | source_cit_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | ident_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/**** Repository record                                           ****/
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_REPO, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(REPO, $<ctxt>$) }
+              repo_subs
+             { CHECK0 }
+              CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_REPO, $<ctxt>6); }
+            ;
+repo_subs   : /* empty */
+            | repo_subs repo_sub
+            ;
+repo_sub    : repo_name_sect  { OCCUR2(NAME, 0, 1) }
+            | addr_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | note_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | ident_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/* REPO.NAME */
+repo_name_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NAME mand_line_item         
+                 { START(NAME, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE {}
+               ;
+/**** Source record                                               ****/
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_SOUR, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(SOUR, $<ctxt>$) }
+              sour_subs
+             { CHECK0 }
+              CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_SOUR, $<ctxt>6); }
+            ;
+sour_subs   : /* empty */
+            | sour_subs sour_sub
+            ;
+sour_sub    : sour_data_sect  { OCCUR2(DATA, 0, 1) }
+            | sour_auth_sect  { OCCUR2(AUTH, 0, 1) }
+            | sour_titl_sect  { OCCUR2(TITL, 0, 1) }
+            | sour_abbr_sect  { OCCUR2(ABBR, 0, 1) }
+            | sour_publ_sect  { OCCUR2(PUBL, 0, 1) }
+            | sour_text_sect  { OCCUR2(TEXT, 0, 1) }
+            | source_repos_cit_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | multim_link_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | note_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+            | ident_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+            | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/* SOUR.DATA */
+sour_data_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATA
+                 { START(DATA, NULL) }
+                 sour_data_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+sour_data_subs : /* empty */
+               | sour_data_subs sour_data_sub
+               ;
+sour_data_sub  : sour_data_even_sect  /* 0:M */
+               | sour_data_agnc_sect  { OCCUR2(AGNC, 0, 1) }
+               | note_struc_sub  /* 0:M */
+              | no_std_sub
+               ;
+sour_data_even_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_EVEN mand_line_item 
+                      { START(EVEN, NULL) }
+                      sour_data_even_subs
+                     { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+sour_data_even_subs : /* empty */
+                    | sour_data_even_subs sour_data_even_sub
+                    ;
+sour_data_even_sub  : sour_data_even_date_sect { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+                    | sour_data_even_plac_sect { OCCUR2(PLAC, 0, 1) }
+                    | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+sour_data_even_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item          
+                           { START(DATE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                         ;
+sour_data_even_plac_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PLAC mand_line_item          
+                           { START(PLAC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                         ;
+sour_data_agnc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_AGNC mand_line_item          
+                      { START(AGNC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+/* SOUR.AUTH */
+sour_auth_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_AUTH mand_line_item
+                 { START(AUTH, NULL) }
+                 sour_auth_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+sour_auth_subs : /* empty */
+               | sour_auth_subs sour_auth_sub
+               ;
+sour_auth_sub  : continuation_sub  /* 0:M */
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+/* SOUR.TITL */
+sour_titl_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TITL mand_line_item  
+                 { START(TITL, NULL) }
+                 sour_titl_subs 
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+sour_titl_subs : /* empty */
+               | sour_titl_subs sour_titl_sub
+               ;
+sour_titl_sub  : continuation_sub  /* 0:M */
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+/* SOUR.ABBR */
+sour_abbr_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ABBR mand_line_item           
+                 { START(ABBR, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SOUR.PUBL */
+sour_publ_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PUBL mand_line_item  
+                 { START(PUBL, NULL) }
+                 sour_publ_subs  
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+sour_publ_subs : /* empty */
+               | sour_publ_subs sour_publ_sub
+               ;
+sour_publ_sub  : continuation_sub  /* 0:M */
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+/* SOUR.TEXT */
+sour_text_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TEXT mand_line_item   
+                 { START(TEXT, NULL) }
+                 sour_text_subs  
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+sour_text_subs : /* empty */
+               | sour_text_subs sour_text_sub
+               ;
+sour_text_sub  : continuation_sub  /* 0:M */
+               | no_std_sub
+               ;
+/**** Submission record                                           ****/
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_SUBN, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(SUBN, $<ctxt>$) }
+              subn_subs
+             { CHECK0 }
+              CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_SUBN, $<ctxt>6); }
+            ;
+subn_subs   : /* empty */
+            | subn_subs subn_sub
+            ;
+subn_sub    : subn_subm_sect  { OCCUR2(SUBM, 0, 1) }
+            | subn_famf_sect  { OCCUR2(FAMF, 0, 1) }
+            | subn_temp_sect  { OCCUR2(TEMP, 0, 1) }
+            | subn_ance_sect  { OCCUR2(ANCE, 0, 1) }
+            | subn_desc_sect  { OCCUR2(DESC, 0, 1) }
+            | subn_ordi_sect  { OCCUR2(ORDI, 0, 1) }
+            | subn_rin_sect  { OCCUR2(RIN, 0, 1) }
+            | no_std_sub
+            ;
+/* SUBN.SUBM */
+subn_subm_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SUBM mand_pointer
+                 { START(SUBM, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBN.FAMF */
+subn_famf_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FAMF mand_line_item            
+                 { START(FAMF, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBN.TEMP */
+subn_temp_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TEMP mand_line_item            
+                 { START(TEMP, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBN.ANCE */
+subn_ance_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ANCE mand_line_item            
+                 { START(ANCE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBN.DESC */
+subn_desc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DESC mand_line_item            
+                 { START(DESC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBN.ORDI */
+subn_ordi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ORDI mand_line_item            
+                 { START(ORDI, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBN.RIN */
+subn_rin_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_RIN mand_line_item            
+                 { START(RIN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/**** Submitter record                                            ****/
+             { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_SUBM, $1, $3, $5);
+               START(SUBM, $<ctxt>$) }
+             subm_subs
+            { CHECK1(NAME) }
+             CLOSE
+             { end_record(REC_SUBM, $<ctxt>6); }
+           ;
+subm_subs  : /* empty */
+           | subm_subs subm_sub
+           ;
+subm_sub   : subm_name_sect  { OCCUR2(NAME, 0, 1) }
+           | addr_struc_sub  /* 0:1 */
+           | multim_link_sub  /* 0:M */
+           | subm_lang_sect  { OCCUR2(LANG, 0, 3) }
+           | subm_rfn_sect  { OCCUR2(RFN, 0, 1) }
+           | subm_rin_sect  { OCCUR2(RIN, 0, 1) }
+           | change_date_sub  /* 0:1 */
+           | no_std_sub
+           ;
+/* SUBM.NAME */
+subm_name_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NAME mand_line_item             
+                 { START(NAME, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBM.LANG */
+subm_lang_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_LANG mand_line_item             
+                 { START(LANG, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBM.RFN */
+subm_rfn_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_RFN mand_line_item             
+                 { START(RFN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/* SUBM.RIN */
+subm_rin_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_RIN mand_line_item             
+                 { START(RIN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+/**** Substructures                                               ****/
+addr_struc_sub : addr_sect { OCCUR2(ADDR, 0, 1) }
+               | phon_sect { OCCUR2(PHON, 0, 3) }
+               ;
+addr_sect   : OPEN DELIM TAG_ADDR mand_line_item 
+              { START(ADDR, NULL) }
+              addr_subs
+             { CHECK0 }
+              CLOSE { }
+            ;
+addr_subs   : /* empty */
+            | addr_subs addr_sub
+            ;
+addr_sub    : addr_cont_sect  /* 0:M */
+            | addr_adr1_sect  { OCCUR2(ADR1, 0, 1) }
+            | addr_adr2_sect  { OCCUR2(ADR2, 0, 1) }
+            | addr_city_sect  { OCCUR2(CITY, 0, 1) }
+            | addr_stae_sect  { OCCUR2(STAE, 0, 1) }
+            | addr_post_sect  { OCCUR2(POST, 0, 1) }
+            | addr_ctry_sect  { OCCUR2(CTRY, 0, 1) }
+            | no_std_sub
+            ;
+addr_cont_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CONT mand_line_item              
+                 { START(CONT, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+addr_adr1_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ADR1 mand_line_item              
+                 { START(ADR1, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+addr_adr2_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ADR2 mand_line_item              
+                 { START(ADR2, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+addr_city_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CITY mand_line_item              
+                 { START(CITY, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+addr_stae_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_STAE mand_line_item              
+                 { START(STAE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+addr_post_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_POST mand_line_item              
+                 { START(POST, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+addr_ctry_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CTRY mand_line_item              
+                 { START(CTRY, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+phon_sect   : OPEN DELIM TAG_PHON mand_line_item              
+              { START(PHON, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+            ;
+assoc_struc_sub : asso_sect /* 0:M */
+                ;
+asso_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ASSO mand_pointer
+            { START(ASSO, NULL) }
+            asso_subs
+           { CHECK2(TYPE,RELA) }
+            CLOSE { }
+          ;
+asso_subs : /* empty */
+          | asso_type_sect  { OCCUR2(TYPE, 1, 1) }
+          | asso_rela_sect  { OCCUR2(RELA, 1, 1) }
+          | note_struc_sub
+          | source_cit_sub
+         | no_std_sub
+          ;
+asso_type_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TYPE mand_line_item               
+                 { START(TYPE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+asso_rela_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_RELA mand_line_item               
+                 { START(RELA, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+change_date_sub : change_date_chan_sect  { OCCUR2(CHAN, 0, 1) }
+                ;
+change_date_chan_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CHAN
+                        { START(CHAN, NULL) }
+                        change_date_chan_subs
+                       { CHECK1(DATE) }
+                        CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+change_date_chan_subs : /* empty */
+                      | change_date_chan_subs change_date_chan_sub
+                      ;
+change_date_chan_sub  : change_date_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 1, 1) }
+                      | note_struc_sub
+                     | no_std_sub
+                      ;
+change_date_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item 
+                        { START(DATE, NULL) }
+                        change_date_date_subs
+                       { CHECK0 }
+                        CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+change_date_date_subs : /* empty */
+                      | change_date_date_subs change_date_date_sub
+                      ;
+change_date_date_sub : change_date_date_time_sect  { OCCUR2(TIME, 0, 1) }
+                     | no_std_sub
+                     ;
+change_date_date_time_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TIME mand_line_item
+                             { START(TIME, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                           ;
+chi_fam_link_sub : famc_sect  /* 0:M */
+                 ;
+famc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FAMC mand_pointer
+            { START(FAMC, NULL) }
+            famc_subs
+           { CHECK0 }
+            CLOSE { }
+          ;
+famc_subs : /* empty */
+          | famc_subs famc_sub
+          ;
+famc_sub  : famc_pedi_sect  /* 0:M */
+          | note_struc_sub
+          | no_std_sub
+          ;
+famc_pedi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PEDI mand_line_item 
+                 { START(PEDI, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+continuation_sub : cont_sect  /* 0:M */
+                 | conc_sect  /* 0:M */
+                 ;
+cont_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CONT mand_line_item 
+            { START(CONT, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+          ;
+conc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CONC mand_line_item 
+            { START(CONC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+          ; 
+event_detail_sub : event_detail_type_sect  { OCCUR2(TYPE, 0, 1) }
+                 | event_detail_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+                 | place_struc_sub
+                 | addr_struc_sub
+                 | event_detail_age_sect  { OCCUR2(AGE, 0, 1) }
+                 | event_detail_agnc_sect  { OCCUR2(AGNC, 0, 1) }
+                 | event_detail_caus_sect  { OCCUR2(CAUS, 0, 1) }
+                 | source_cit_sub
+                 | multim_link_sub
+                 | note_struc_sub
+                 ;
+event_detail_type_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TYPE mand_line_item 
+                         { START(TYPE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+event_detail_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item 
+                         { START(DATE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+event_detail_age_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_AGE mand_line_item 
+                         { START(AGE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+event_detail_agnc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_AGNC mand_line_item 
+                         { START(AGNC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+event_detail_caus_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CAUS mand_line_item 
+                         { START(CAUS, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+fam_event_struc_sub : fam_event_sect
+                    | fam_gen_even_sect  /* 0:M */
+                    ;
+fam_event_sect : OPEN DELIM fam_event_tag opt_value fam_event_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+fam_event_tag : TAG_ANUL { START(ANUL, NULL) }
+              | TAG_CENS { START(CENS, NULL) }
+              | TAG_DIV { START(DIV, NULL) }
+              | TAG_DIVF { START(DIVF, NULL) }
+              | TAG_ENGA { START(ENGA, NULL) }
+              | TAG_MARR { START(MARR, NULL) }
+              | TAG_MARB { START(MARB, NULL) }
+              | TAG_MARC { START(MARC, NULL) }
+              | TAG_MARL { START(MARL, NULL) }
+              | TAG_MARS { START(MARS, NULL) }
+              ;
+fam_event_subs : /* empty */
+               | fam_event_subs fam_event_sub
+               ;
+fam_event_sub : event_detail_sub
+              | fam_even_husb_sect  { OCCUR2(HUSB, 0, 1) }
+              | fam_even_wife_sect  { OCCUR2(WIFE, 0, 1) }
+              | no_std_sub
+              ;
+fam_even_husb_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_HUSB
+                     { START(HUSB, NULL) }
+                     fam_even_husb_subs
+                    { CHECK1(AGE) }
+                     CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+fam_even_husb_subs : /* empty */
+                   | fam_even_husb_subs fam_even_husb_sub
+                   ;
+fam_even_husb_sub : fam_even_husb_age_sect  { OCCUR2(AGE, 1, 1) }
+                  | no_std_sub
+                  ;
+fam_even_husb_age_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_AGE mand_line_item  
+                         { START(AGE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+fam_even_wife_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_WIFE
+                     { START(HUSB, NULL) }
+                     fam_even_husb_subs
+                    { CHECK1(AGE) }
+                     CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+fam_gen_even_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_EVEN
+                    { START(EVEN, NULL) }
+                    fam_gen_even_subs
+                   { CHECK0 }
+                    CLOSE { }
+                  ;
+fam_gen_even_subs : /* empty */
+                  | fam_gen_even_subs fam_gen_even_sub
+                  ;
+fam_gen_even_sub : event_detail_sub
+                 | fam_even_husb_sect  { OCCUR2(HUSB, 0, 1) }
+                 | fam_even_wife_sect  { OCCUR2(WIFE, 0, 1) }
+                 | no_std_sub
+                 ;
+ident_struc_sub : ident_refn_sect  /* 0:M */
+                | ident_rin_sect  { OCCUR2(RIN, 0, 1) }
+                ;
+ident_refn_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_REFN mand_line_item 
+                  { START(REFN, NULL) }
+                  ident_refn_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+ident_refn_subs : /* empty */
+                | ident_refn_subs ident_refn_sub
+                ;
+ident_refn_sub  : ident_refn_type_sect  { OCCUR2(TYPE, 0, 1) }
+                | no_std_sub
+                ;
+ident_refn_type_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TYPE mand_line_item   
+                       { START(TYPE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+ident_rin_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_RIN mand_line_item   
+                  { START(RIN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_attr_struc_sub : indiv_cast_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_dscr_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_educ_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_idno_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_nati_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_nchi_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_nmr_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_occu_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_prop_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_reli_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_resi_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_ssn_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_titl_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     ;
+indiv_cast_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CAST mand_line_item 
+                  { START(CAST, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_dscr_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DSCR mand_line_item 
+                  { START(DSCR, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_educ_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_EDUC mand_line_item  
+                  { START(EDUC, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_idno_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_IDNO mand_line_item 
+                  { START(IDNO, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_nati_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NATI mand_line_item 
+                  { START(NATI, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_nchi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NCHI mand_line_item 
+                  { START(NCHI, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_nmr_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_NMR mand_line_item 
+                  { START(NMR, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_occu_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_OCCU mand_line_item 
+                  { START(OCCU, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_prop_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PROP mand_line_item 
+                  { START(PROP, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_reli_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_RELI mand_line_item 
+                  { START(RELI, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_resi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_RESI 
+                  { START(RESI, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_ssn_sect  : OPEN DELIM TAG_SSN mand_line_item 
+                  { START(SSN, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_titl_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TITL mand_line_item 
+                  { START(TITL, NULL) }
+                  indiv_attr_event_subs 
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_attr_event_subs : /* empty */
+                      | indiv_attr_event_subs indiv_attr_event_sub
+                      ;
+indiv_attr_event_sub  : event_detail_sub
+                      | no_std_sub
+                      ;
+indiv_even_struc_sub : indiv_birt_sect
+                     | indiv_gen_sect
+                     | indiv_adop_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     | indiv_even_sect  /* 0:M */
+                     ;
+indiv_birt_sect : OPEN DELIM indiv_birt_tag opt_value indiv_birt_subs
+                  { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_birt_tag  : TAG_BIRT { START(BIRT, NULL) }
+                | TAG_CHR { START(CHR, NULL) }
+                ;
+indiv_birt_subs : /* empty */
+                | indiv_birt_subs indiv_birt_sub
+                ;
+indiv_birt_sub  : event_detail_sub
+                | indiv_birt_famc_sect  { OCCUR2(FAMC,0, 1) }
+                | no_std_sub
+                ;
+indiv_birt_famc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FAMC mand_pointer
+                       { START(FAMC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+indiv_gen_sect  : OPEN DELIM indiv_gen_tag opt_value indiv_gen_subs
+                  { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_gen_tag   : TAG_DEAT { START(DEAT, NULL) }
+                | TAG_BURI { START(BURI, NULL) }
+                | TAG_CREM { START(CREM, NULL) }
+                | TAG_BAPM { START(BAPM, NULL) }
+                | TAG_BARM { START(BARM, NULL) }
+                | TAG_BASM { START(BASM, NULL) }
+                | TAG_BLES { START(BLES, NULL) }
+                | TAG_CHRA { START(CHRA, NULL) }
+                | TAG_CONF { START(CONF, NULL) }
+                | TAG_FCOM { START(FCOM, NULL) }
+                | TAG_ORDN { START(ORDN, NULL) }
+                | TAG_NATU { START(NATU, NULL) }
+                | TAG_EMIG { START(EMIG, NULL) }
+                | TAG_IMMI { START(IMMI, NULL) }
+                | TAG_CENS { START(CENS, NULL) }
+                | TAG_PROB { START(PROB, NULL) }
+                | TAG_WILL { START(WILL, NULL) }
+                | TAG_GRAD { START(GRAD, NULL) }
+                | TAG_RETI { START(RETI, NULL) }
+                ;
+indiv_gen_subs  : /* empty */
+                | indiv_gen_subs indiv_gen_sub
+                ;
+indiv_gen_sub   : event_detail_sub
+                | no_std_sub
+                ;
+indiv_adop_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ADOP opt_value 
+                  { START(ADOP, NULL) }
+                  indiv_adop_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+indiv_adop_subs : /* empty */
+                | indiv_adop_subs indiv_adop_sub
+                ;
+indiv_adop_sub  : event_detail_sub
+                | indiv_adop_famc_sect  { OCCUR2(FAMC,0, 1) }
+                | no_std_sub
+                ;
+indiv_adop_famc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FAMC mand_pointer
+                       { START(FAMC, NULL) }
+                       indiv_adop_famc_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+indiv_adop_famc_subs : /* empty */
+                     | indiv_adop_famc_subs indiv_adop_famc_sub
+                     ;
+indiv_adop_famc_sub  : indiv_adop_famc_adop_sect  { OCCUR2(ADOP,0, 1) }
+                     | no_std_sub
+                     ;
+indiv_adop_famc_adop_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ADOP mand_line_item   
+                            { START(ADOP, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                          ;
+indiv_even_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_EVEN
+                  { START(EVEN, NULL) }
+                  indiv_gen_subs
+                 { CHECK0 }
+                  CLOSE { }
+                ;
+lds_indiv_ord_sub : lio_bapl_sect  /* 0:M */
+                  | lio_slgc_sect  /* 0:M */
+                  ;
+lio_bapl_sect : OPEN DELIM lio_bapl_tag lio_bapl_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                CLOSE { }
+              ;
+lio_bapl_tag  : TAG_BAPL { START(BAPL, NULL) }
+              | TAG_CONL { START(CONL, NULL) }
+              | TAG_ENDL { START(ENDL, NULL) }
+              ;
+lio_bapl_subs : /* empty */
+              | lio_bapl_subs lio_bapl_sub
+              ;
+lio_bapl_sub  : lio_bapl_stat_sect  { OCCUR2(STAT, 0, 1) }
+              | lio_bapl_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+              | lio_bapl_temp_sect  { OCCUR2(TEMP, 0, 1) }
+              | lio_bapl_plac_sect  { OCCUR2(PLAC, 0, 1) }
+              | source_cit_sub
+              | note_struc_sub
+             | no_std_sub
+              ;
+lio_bapl_stat_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_STAT mand_line_item   
+                     { START(STAT, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lio_bapl_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item   
+                     { START(DATE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lio_bapl_temp_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TEMP mand_line_item   
+                     { START(TEMP, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lio_bapl_plac_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PLAC mand_line_item   
+                     { START(PLAC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lio_slgc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SLGC
+                { START(SLGC, NULL) }
+                lio_slgc_subs
+               { CHECK1(FAMC) }
+                CLOSE { }
+              ;
+lio_slgc_subs : /* empty */
+              | lio_slgc_subs lio_slgc_sub
+              ;
+lio_slgc_sub  : lio_bapl_sub
+              | lio_slgc_famc_sect  { OCCUR2(FAMC, 1, 1) }
+              ;
+lio_slgc_famc_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FAMC mand_pointer
+                     { START(FAMC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lds_spouse_seal_sub : lss_slgs_sect
+                    ;
+lss_slgs_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SLGS
+                { START(SLGS, NULL) }
+                lss_slgs_subs
+               { CHECK0 }
+                CLOSE { }
+              ;
+lss_slgs_subs : /* empty */
+              | lss_slgs_subs lss_slgs_sub
+              ;
+lss_slgs_sub  : lss_slgs_stat_sect  { OCCUR2(STAT, 0, 1) }
+              | lss_slgs_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+              | lss_slgs_temp_sect  { OCCUR2(TEMP, 0, 1) }
+              | lss_slgs_plac_sect  { OCCUR2(PLAC, 0, 1) }
+              | source_cit_sub
+              | note_struc_sub
+             | no_std_sub
+              ;
+lss_slgs_stat_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_STAT mand_line_item   
+                     { START(STAT, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lss_slgs_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item   
+                     { START(DATE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lss_slgs_temp_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TEMP mand_line_item   
+                     { START(TEMP, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+lss_slgs_plac_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PLAC mand_line_item   
+                     { START(PLAC, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+multim_link_sub : multim_obje_link_sect
+                | multim_obje_emb_sect
+                ;
+multim_obje_link_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_OBJE DELIM POINTER    
+                        { START(OBJE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+multim_obje_emb_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_OBJE
+                       { START(OBJE, NULL) }
+                       multim_obje_emb_subs
+                      { CHECK2(FORM,FILE) }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+multim_obje_emb_subs : /* empty */
+                     | multim_obje_emb_subs multim_obje_emb_sub
+                     ;
+multim_obje_emb_sub : multim_obje_form_sect  { OCCUR2(FORM, 1, 1) }
+                    | multim_obje_titl_sect  { OCCUR2(TITL, 0, 1) }
+                    | multim_obje_file_sect  { OCCUR2(FILE, 1, 1) }
+                    | note_struc_sub
+                   | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+multim_obje_form_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FORM mand_line_item    
+                        { START(FORM, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+multim_obje_titl_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TITL mand_line_item    
+                        { START(TITL, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+multim_obje_file_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FILE mand_line_item    
+                        { START(FILE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+note_struc_sub : note_struc_link_sect  /* 0:M */
+               | note_struc_emb_sect  /* 0:M */
+               ;
+note_struc_link_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NOTE DELIM POINTER
+                       { START(NOTE, NULL) }
+                       note_struc_link_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+note_struc_link_subs : /* empty */
+                     | note_struc_link_subs note_struc_link_sub
+                     ;
+note_struc_link_sub : source_cit_sub
+                    | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+note_struc_emb_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NOTE opt_line_item
+                      { START(NOTE, NULL) }
+                      note_struc_emb_subs
+                     { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+note_struc_emb_subs : /* empty */
+                    | note_struc_emb_subs note_struc_emb_sub
+                    ;
+note_struc_emb_sub  : continuation_sub
+                    | source_cit_sub
+                    | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+pers_name_struc_sub : pers_name_sect /* 0:M */
+                    ;
+pers_name_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NAME mand_line_item 
+                 { START(NAME, NULL) }
+                 pers_name_subs
+                { CHECK0 }
+                 CLOSE { }
+               ;
+pers_name_subs : /* empty */
+               | pers_name_subs pers_name_sub
+               ;
+pers_name_sub  : pers_name_npfx_sect  { OCCUR2(NPFX, 0, 1) }
+               | pers_name_givn_sect  { OCCUR2(GIVN, 0, 1) }
+               | pers_name_nick_sect  { OCCUR2(NICK, 0, 1) }
+               | pers_name_spfx_sect  { OCCUR2(SPFX, 0, 1) }
+               | pers_name_surn_sect  { OCCUR2(SURN, 0, 1) }
+               | pers_name_nsfx_sect  { OCCUR2(NSFX, 0, 1) }
+               | source_cit_sub
+               | note_struc_sub
+              | no_std_sub
+               ;
+pers_name_npfx_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NPFX mand_line_item    
+                      { START(NPFX, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+pers_name_givn_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_GIVN mand_line_item    
+                      { START(GIVN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+pers_name_nick_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NICK mand_line_item    
+                      { START(NICK, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+pers_name_spfx_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SPFX mand_line_item    
+                      { START(SPFX, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+pers_name_surn_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SURN mand_line_item    
+                      { START(SURN, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+pers_name_nsfx_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_NSFX mand_line_item    
+                      { START(NSFX, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+place_struc_sub : place_struc_plac_sect /* 0:M */
+                ;
+place_struc_plac_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PLAC mand_line_item 
+                        { START(PLAC, NULL) }
+                        place_struc_plac_subs
+                       { CHECK0 }
+                        CLOSE { }
+                      ;
+place_struc_plac_subs : /* empty */
+                      | place_struc_plac_subs place_struc_plac_sub
+                      ;
+place_struc_plac_sub : place_plac_form_sect  { OCCUR2(FORM, 0, 1) }
+                     | source_cit_sub
+                     | note_struc_sub
+                    | no_std_sub
+                     ;
+place_plac_form_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FORM mand_line_item    
+                       { START(FORM, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_sub : source_cit_link_sect /* 0:M */
+               | source_cit_emb_sect /* 0:M */
+               ;
+source_cit_link_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SOUR DELIM POINTER
+                       { START(SOUR, NULL) }
+                       source_cit_link_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_link_subs : /* empty */
+                     | source_cit_link_subs source_cit_link_sub
+                     ;
+source_cit_link_sub : source_cit_page_sect  { OCCUR2(PAGE, 0, 1) }
+                    | source_cit_even_sect  { OCCUR2(EVEN, 0, 1) }
+                    | source_cit_data_sect  { OCCUR2(DATA, 0, 1) }
+                    | source_cit_quay_sect  { OCCUR2(QUAY, 0, 1) }
+                    | multim_link_sub
+                    | note_struc_sub
+                   | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+source_cit_page_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_PAGE mand_line_item    
+                       { START(PAGE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_even_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_EVEN mand_line_item 
+                       { START(EVEN, NULL) }
+                       source_cit_even_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_even_subs : /* empty */
+                     | source_cit_even_subs source_cit_even_sub
+                     ;
+source_cit_even_sub  : source_cit_even_role_sect  { OCCUR2(ROLE, 0, 1) }
+                     | no_std_sub
+                     ;
+source_cit_even_role_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_ROLE mand_line_item    
+                          { START(ROLE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                          ;
+source_cit_data_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATA
+                       { START(DATA, NULL) }
+                       source_cit_data_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_data_subs : /* empty */
+                     | source_cit_data_subs source_cit_data_sub
+                     ;
+source_cit_data_sub : source_cit_data_date_sect  { OCCUR2(DATE, 0, 1) }
+                    | source_cit_text_sect  /* 0:M */
+                   | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+source_cit_data_date_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_DATE mand_line_item    
+                            { START(DATE, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                          ;
+source_cit_text_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_TEXT mand_line_item 
+                       { START(TEXT, NULL) }
+                       source_cit_text_subs
+                      { CHECK0 }
+                       CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_text_subs : /* empty */
+                     | source_cit_text_subs source_cit_text_sub
+                     ;
+source_cit_text_sub : continuation_sub
+                    | no_std_sub
+                    ;
+source_cit_quay_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_QUAY mand_line_item    
+                       { START(QUAY, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+                     ;
+source_cit_emb_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_SOUR mand_line_item
+                      { START(SOUR, NULL) }
+                      source_cit_emb_subs
+                     { CHECK0 }
+                      CLOSE { }
+                    ;
+source_cit_emb_subs : /* empty */
+                    | source_cit_emb_subs source_cit_emb_sub
+                    ;
+source_cit_emb_sub : continuation_sub
+                   | source_cit_text_sect  /* 0:M */
+                   | note_struc_sub
+                   | no_std_sub
+                   ;
+source_repos_cit_sub : source_repos_repo_sect  { OCCUR2(REPO, 0, 1) }
+                     ;
+source_repos_repo_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_REPO mand_pointer
+                         { START(REPO, NULL) }
+                         source_repos_repo_subs
+                        { CHECK0 }
+                         CLOSE { }
+                       ;
+source_repos_repo_subs : /* empty */
+                       | source_repos_repo_subs source_repos_repo_sub
+                       ;
+source_repos_repo_sub  : note_struc_sub
+                       | caln_sect  /* 0:M */
+                       | no_std_sub
+                       ;
+caln_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_CALN mand_line_item 
+            { START(CALN, NULL) }
+            caln_subs
+           { CHECK0 }
+            CLOSE { }
+          ;
+caln_subs : /* empty */
+          | caln_subs caln_sub
+          ;
+caln_sub  : caln_medi_sect  { OCCUR2(MEDI, 0, 1) }
+          | no_std_sub
+          ;
+caln_medi_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_MEDI mand_line_item    
+                 { START(MEDI, NULL) } no_std_subs { CHECK0 } CLOSE { }
+               ;
+spou_fam_link_sub : spou_fam_fams_sect  /* 0:M */
+                  ;
+spou_fam_fams_sect : OPEN DELIM TAG_FAMS mand_pointer
+                     { START(FAMS, NULL) }
+                     spou_fam_fams_subs
+                    { CHECK0 }
+                     CLOSE { }
+                   ;
+spou_fam_fams_subs : /* empty */
+                   | spou_fam_fams_subs spou_fam_fams_sub
+                   ;
+spou_fam_fams_sub  : note_struc_sub
+                   | no_std_sub
+                   ;
+/**** General                                                     ****/
+no_std_subs : /* empty */
+            | no_std_subs no_std_sub
+            ;
+no_std_sub  : user_sect /* 0:M */
+           | gen_sect
+           | error error_subs CLOSE  { HANDLE_ERROR }
+           ;
+no_std_rec  : user_rec /* 0:M */
+           | gen_rec
+           | error error_subs CLOSE  { HANDLE_ERROR }
+           ;
+user_rec    : OPEN DELIM opt_xref USERTAG 
+              { if ($4[0] != '_') {
+                 gedcom_error("Undefined tag (and not a valid user tag): %s",
+                              $4);
+                 YYERROR;
+               }
+             }
+              opt_value
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_record(REC_USER, $1, $3, $4);
+               START($4, $<ctxt>$)
+             }
+             user_sects
+              { CHECK0 }
+             CLOSE
+              { end_record(REC_USER, $<ctxt>7); }
+            ;
+user_sect   : OPEN DELIM opt_xref USERTAG 
+              { if ($4[0] != '_') {
+                 gedcom_error("Undefined tag (and not a valid user tag): %s",
+                              $4);
+                 YYERROR;
+               }
+             }
+              opt_value
+              { $<ctxt>$ = start_element(ELT_USER, PARENT, $1, $4, $6, $6);
+               START($4, $<ctxt>$);
+             }
+             user_sects
+              { CHECK0 }
+             CLOSE
+              { end_element(ELT_USER, PARENT, $<ctxt>7, NULL);
+             }
+            ;
+user_sects   : /* empty */     { }
+            | user_sects user_sect { }
+            ;
+opt_xref    : /* empty */        { $$ = NULL; }
+            | POINTER DELIM        { $$ = $1; }
+            ;
+opt_value   : /* empty */        { $$ = NULL; }
+            | DELIM line_value        { $$ = $2; }
+            ;
+line_value  : POINTER        { $$ = $1; }
+            | line_item        { $$ = $1; }
+            ;
+mand_pointer : /* empty */ { gedcom_error("Missing pointer"); YYERROR; }
+             | DELIM POINTER { gedcom_debug_print("==Ptr: %s==\n", $2);
+                              $$ = $2; }
+             ;
+mand_line_item : /* empty */ { gedcom_error("Missing value"); YYERROR; }
+               | DELIM line_item { gedcom_debug_print("==Val: %s==\n", $2);
+                                  $$ = $2; }
+               ;
+opt_line_item : /* empty */ { }
+              | DELIM line_item { }
+              ;
+line_item   : anychar  { size_t i;
+                        CLEAR_BUFFER(line_item_buf);
+                        line_item_buf_ptr = line_item_buf;
+                        /* The following also takes care of '@@' */
+                        if (!strncmp($1, "@@", 3))
+                          *line_item_buf_ptr++ = '@';
+                        else
+                          for (i=0; i < strlen($1); i++)
+                            *line_item_buf_ptr++ = $1[i];
+                        $$ = line_item_buf;
+                       }
+            | ESCAPE   { CLEAR_BUFFER(line_item_buf);
+                        line_item_buf_ptr = line_item_buf;
+                        /* For now, ignore escapes */
+                        $$ = line_item_buf;
+                      }
+            | line_item anychar
+                  { size_t i;
+                   /* The following also takes care of '@@' */
+                   if (!strncmp($2, "@@", 3))
+                     *line_item_buf_ptr++ = '@';
+                   else
+                     for (i=0; i < strlen($2); i++)
+                       *line_item_buf_ptr++ = $2[i];
+                   $$ = line_item_buf;
+                 }
+            | line_item ESCAPE
+                  { /* For now, ignore escapes */
+                   $$ = line_item_buf;
+                 }
+            ;
+anychar     : ANYCHAR        { }
+            | DELIM        { }
+            ;
+error_subs  : /* empty */
+            | error_subs error_sect
+            ;
+error_sect  : OPEN DELIM opt_xref anytag opt_value error_subs CLOSE { }
+gen_sect    : OPEN DELIM opt_xref anystdtag
+              { INVALID_TAG($4); }
+              opt_value opt_sects CLOSE
+              { }
+            ;
+gen_rec : gen_rec_top
+        | gen_rec_norm
+        ;
+gen_rec_norm : OPEN DELIM opt_xref anystdtag
+               { INVALID_TOP_TAG($4) }
+               opt_value opt_sects CLOSE
+               { }
+             ;
+gen_rec_top : OPEN DELIM anytoptag
+              { gedcom_error("Missing cross-reference"); YYERROR; }
+              opt_value opt_sects CLOSE
+                { }
+            ;
+opt_sects   : /* empty */     { }
+            | opt_sects gen_sect { }
+            ;
+anytag      : USERTAG { }
+            | anystdtag { }
+            ;
+anytoptag   : TAG_FAM
+            | TAG_INDI
+            | TAG_OBJE
+            | TAG_NOTE
+            | TAG_REPO
+            | TAG_SOUR
+            | TAG_SUBN
+            | TAG_SUBM
+            ;
+anystdtag   : TAG_ABBR
+            | TAG_ADDR
+            | TAG_ADR1
+            | TAG_ADR2   { }
+            | TAG_ADOP   { }
+            | TAG_AFN   { }
+            | TAG_AGE   { }
+            | TAG_AGNC   { }
+            | TAG_ALIA   { }
+            | TAG_ANCE   { }
+            | TAG_ANCI   { }
+            | TAG_ANUL   { }
+            | TAG_ASSO   { }
+            | TAG_AUTH   { }
+            | TAG_BAPL   { }
+            | TAG_BAPM   { }
+            | TAG_BARM   { }
+            | TAG_BASM   { }
+            | TAG_BIRT   { }
+            | TAG_BLES   { }
+            | TAG_BLOB   { }
+            | TAG_BURI   { }
+            | TAG_CALN   { }
+            | TAG_CAST   { }
+            | TAG_CAUS   { }
+            | TAG_CENS   { }
+            | TAG_CHAN   { }
+            | TAG_CHAR   { }
+            | TAG_CHIL   { }
+            | TAG_CHR   { }
+            | TAG_CHRA   { }
+            | TAG_CITY   { }
+            | TAG_CONC   { }
+            | TAG_CONF   { }
+            | TAG_CONL   { }
+            | TAG_CONT   { }
+            | TAG_COPR   { }
+            | TAG_CORP   { }
+            | TAG_CREM   { }
+            | TAG_CTRY   { }
+            | TAG_DATA   { }
+            | TAG_DATE   { }
+            | TAG_DEAT   { }
+            | TAG_DESC   { }
+            | TAG_DESI   { }
+            | TAG_DEST   { }
+            | TAG_DIV   { }
+            | TAG_DIVF   { }
+            | TAG_DSCR   { }
+            | TAG_EDUC   { }
+            | TAG_EMIG   { }
+            | TAG_ENDL   { }
+            | TAG_ENGA   { }
+            | TAG_EVEN   { }
+            | TAG_FAM    { }
+            | TAG_FAMC   { }
+            | TAG_FAMS   { }
+            | TAG_FCOM   { }
+            | TAG_FILE   { }
+            | TAG_FORM   { }
+            | TAG_GEDC   { }
+            | TAG_GIVN   { }
+            | TAG_GRAD   { }
+            | TAG_HEAD   { }
+            | TAG_HUSB   { }
+            | TAG_IDNO   { }
+            | TAG_IMMI   { }
+            | TAG_INDI   { }
+            | TAG_LANG   { }
+            | TAG_LEGA   { }
+            | TAG_MARB   { }
+            | TAG_MARC   { }
+            | TAG_MARL   { }
+            | TAG_MARR   { }
+            | TAG_MARS   { }
+            | TAG_MEDI   { }
+            | TAG_NAME   { }
+            | TAG_NATI   { }
+            | TAG_NCHI   { }
+            | TAG_NICK   { }
+            | TAG_NMR   { }
+            | TAG_NOTE   { }
+            | TAG_NPFX   { }
+            | TAG_NSFX   { }
+            | TAG_OBJE   { }
+            | TAG_OCCU   { }
+            | TAG_ORDI   { }
+            | TAG_ORDN   { }
+            | TAG_PAGE   { }
+            | TAG_PEDI   { }
+            | TAG_PHON   { }
+            | TAG_PLAC   { }
+            | TAG_POST   { }
+            | TAG_PROB   { }
+            | TAG_PROP   { }
+            | TAG_PUBL   { }
+            | TAG_QUAY   { }
+            | TAG_REFN   { }
+            | TAG_RELA   { }
+            | TAG_RELI   { }
+            | TAG_REPO   { }
+            | TAG_RESI   { }
+            | TAG_RESN   { }
+            | TAG_RETI   { }
+            | TAG_RFN   { }
+            | TAG_RIN   { }
+            | TAG_ROLE   { }
+            | TAG_SEX   { }
+            | TAG_SLGC   { }
+            | TAG_SLGS   { }
+            | TAG_SOUR   { }
+            | TAG_SPFX   { }
+            | TAG_SSN   { }
+            | TAG_STAE   { }
+            | TAG_STAT   { }
+            | TAG_SUBM   { }
+            | TAG_SUBN   { }
+            | TAG_SURN   { }
+            | TAG_TEMP   { }
+            | TAG_TEXT   { }
+            | TAG_TIME   { }
+            | TAG_TITL   { }
+            | TAG_TRLR   { }
+            | TAG_TYPE   { }
+            | TAG_VERS   { }
+            | TAG_WIFE   { }
+            | TAG_WILL   { }
+/* Functions that handle the counting of subtags */
+int* count_arrays[MAXGEDCLEVEL+1];
+char tag_stack[MAXGEDCLEVEL+1][MAXSTDTAGLEN+1];
+Gedcom_ctxt ctxt_stack[MAXGEDCLEVEL+1];
+void push_countarray()
+  int *count = NULL;
+  if (count_level > MAXGEDCLEVEL) {
+    gedcom_error("Internal error: count array overflow");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  else {
+    count = (int *)calloc(YYNTOKENS, sizeof(int));
+    if (count == NULL) {
+      gedcom_error("Internal error: count array calloc error");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    else {
+      count_arrays[count_level] = count;
+    }
+  }
+void set_parenttag(char* tag)
+  strncpy(tag_stack[count_level], tag, MAXSTDTAGLEN+1);
+void set_parentctxt(Gedcom_ctxt ctxt)
+  ctxt_stack[count_level] = ctxt;
+char* get_parenttag()
+  return tag_stack[count_level];
+Gedcom_ctxt get_parentctxt()
+  return ctxt_stack[count_level];
+int count_tag(int tag)
+  int *count = count_arrays[count_level];
+  return ++count[tag - GEDCOMTAGOFFSET];
+int check_occurrence(int tag)
+  int *count = count_arrays[count_level];
+  return (count[tag - GEDCOMTAGOFFSET] > 0);
+void pop_countarray()
+  int *count;
+  if (count_level < 0) {
+    gedcom_error("Internal error: count array underflow");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  else {
+    count = count_arrays[count_level];
+    free(count);
+    count_arrays[count_level] = NULL;
+  }
+/* Enabling debug mode */
+/* level 0: no debugging */
+/* level 1: only internal */
+/* level 2: also bison */
+FILE* trace_output;
+void gedcom_set_debug_level(int level, FILE* f)
+  if (f != NULL)
+    trace_output = f;
+  else
+    trace_output = stderr;
+  if (level > 0) {
+    gedcom_high_level_debug = 1;
+  }
+  if (level > 1) {
+#if YYDEBUG != 0
+    gedcom_debug = 1;
+  }
+int gedcom_debug_print(char* s, ...)
+  int res;
+  if (gedcom_high_level_debug) {
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, s);
+    res = vfprintf(trace_output, s, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+  }
+  return(res);
+/* Setting the error mechanism */
+void gedcom_set_error_handling(Gedcom_err_mech mechanism)
+  error_mechanism = mechanism;
+/* Compatibility handling */
+void gedcom_set_compat_handling(int enable_compat)
+  compat_enabled = enable_compat;
+void set_compatibility(char* program)
+  if (compat_enabled) {
+    gedcom_debug_print("==== Program: %s\n", program);
+    if (! strncmp(program, "ftree", 6)) {
+      gedcom_warning("Enabling compatibility with 'ftree'");
+      compatibility = C_FTREE;
+    }
+    else {
+      compatibility = 0;
+    }
+  }
+int compat_mode(int compat_flags)
+  return (compat_flags & compatibility);
diff --git a/gedcom/gedcom_1byte.lex b/gedcom/gedcom_1byte.lex
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a4a5659
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#undef IN_LEX    /* include only a specific part of the following file */
+#include "gedcom_lex_common.c"
+static size_t encoding_width = 1;
+alpha        [A-Za-z_]
+digit        [0-9]
+delim        " "
+tab          [\t]
+hash         #
+literal_at   @@
+otherchar    [\x21-\x22\x24-\x2F\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7E\x80-\xFE]
+terminator   \x0D|\x0A|\x0D\x0A|\x0A\x0D
+any_char     {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{delim}|{hash}|{literal_at}
+any_but_delim {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{hash}|{literal_at}
+non_at       {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{delim}|{hash}
+alphanum     {alpha}|{digit}
+gen_delim    {delim}|{tab}
+escape       @#{any_char}+@
+pointer      @{alphanum}{non_at}+@
+#define IN_LEX    /* include only a specific part of the following file */
+#include "gedcom_lex_common.c"
+<INITIAL>0{digit}+    ACTION_0_DIGITS
+{delim}                   ACTION_DELIM
+{any_but_delim}           ACTION_ANY
+{escape}/{non_at}         ACTION_ESCAPE
+{pointer}                 ACTION_POINTER
+{gen_delim}*{terminator}  ACTION_TERMINATOR
+<<EOF>>                   ACTION_EOF
+.                         ACTION_UNEXPECTED
+int yywrap()
+  return 1;
+#ifdef LEXER_TEST
+int gedcom_lex()
+  return gedcom_1byte_lex();
+int main()
+  return test_loop(ONE_BYTE, "ASCII");
diff --git a/gedcom/gedcom_hilo.lex b/gedcom/gedcom_hilo.lex
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5c674a7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+/* In high-low order, a space is encoded as 0x00 0x20 */
+/* i.e. this is utf-16-be */
+#undef IN_LEX    /* include only a specific part of the following file */
+#include "gedcom_lex_common.c"
+static size_t encoding_width = 2;
+alpha        \x00[A-Za-z_]
+digit        \x00[0-9]
+delim        \x00\x20
+tab          \x00[\t]
+hash         \x00#
+literal_at   \x00@\x00@
+otherchar    \x00[\x21-\x22\x24-\x2F\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7E\x80-\xFF]|[\x01-\xFF][\x00-\xFF]
+terminator   \x00\x0D|\x00\x0A|\x00\x0D\x00\x0A|\x00\x0A\x00\x0D
+any_char     {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{delim}|{hash}|{literal_at}
+any_but_delim {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{hash}|{literal_at}
+non_at       {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{delim}|{hash}
+alphanum     {alpha}|{digit}
+gen_delim    {delim}|{tab}
+escape       \x00@\x00#{any_char}+\x00@
+pointer      \x00@{alphanum}{non_at}+\x00@
+#define IN_LEX    /* include only a specific part of the following file */
+#include "gedcom_lex_common.c"
+<INITIAL>\x00[0]{digit}+ ACTION_0_DIGITS
+<INITIAL>{digit}+        ACTION_DIGITS
+<EXPECT_TAG>\x00A\x00D\x00R\x001  MKTAGACTION(ADR1)
+<EXPECT_TAG>\x00A\x00D\x00R\x002  MKTAGACTION(ADR2)
+{delim}                  ACTION_DELIM
+{any_but_delim}          ACTION_ANY
+{escape}/{non_at}        ACTION_ESCAPE
+{pointer}                ACTION_POINTER
+{gen_delim}*{terminator} ACTION_TERMINATOR
+<<EOF>>                  ACTION_EOF
+.                        ACTION_UNEXPECTED
+int yywrap()
+  return 1;
+#ifdef LEXER_TEST
+int gedcom_lex()
+  return gedcom_hilo_lex();
+int main()
+  return test_loop(TWO_BYTE_HILO, "UNICODE");
diff --git a/gedcom/gedcom_internal.h b/gedcom/gedcom_internal.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1250340
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#ifndef __GEDCOM_H
+#define __GEDCOM_H
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifdef DMALLOC
+#include <dmalloc.h>
+#define MAXGEDCLEVEL    99
+#define MAXGEDCLINELEN  255
+#define MAXGEDCTAGLEN   31
+#define MAXSTDTAGLEN    4
+#define MAXGEDCPTRLEN   22
+int        gedcom_error(char* s, ...);
+int        gedcom_warning(char* s, ...);
+int        gedcom_message(char* s, ...);
+int        gedcom_debug_print(char* s, ...);
+int        gedcom_parse();
+int        gedcom_lex();
+extern int line_no;
+#endif /* __GEDCOM_H */
diff --git a/gedcom/gedcom_lex_common.c b/gedcom/gedcom_lex_common.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5d734c4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#ifndef IN_LEX
+#include "gedcom_internal.h"
+#include "multilex.h"
+#include "encoding.h"
+#include "gedcom.h"
+#include ""
+#define YY_NO_UNPUT
+static size_t encoding_width;
+static int current_level = -1;
+static int level_diff=MAXGEDCLEVEL;
+static size_t line_len = 0;
+static char ptr_buf[MAXGEDCPTRLEN * UTF_FACTOR + 1];
+static char tag_buf[MAXGEDCTAGLEN * UTF_FACTOR + 1];
+static char str_buf[MAXGEDCLINELEN * UTF_FACTOR + 1];
+#ifdef LEXER_TEST 
+YYSTYPE gedcom_lval;
+int line_no = 1;
+int gedcom_lex();
+int test_loop(ENCODING enc, char* code)
+  int tok, res;
+  init_encodings();
+  set_encoding_width(enc);
+  res = open_conv_to_internal(code);
+  if (!res) {
+    gedcom_error("Unable to open conversion context: %s",
+                strerror(errno));
+    return 1;
+  }
+  tok = gedcom_lex();
+  while (tok) {
+    switch(tok) {
+      case BADTOKEN: printf("BADTOKEN "); break;
+      case OPEN: printf("OPEN(%d) ", gedcom_lval.number); break;
+      case CLOSE: printf("CLOSE "); break;
+      case ESCAPE: printf("ESCAPE(%s) ", gedcom_lval.string); break;
+      case DELIM: printf("DELIM "); break;
+      case ANYCHAR: printf("%s ", gedcom_lval.string); break;
+      case POINTER: printf("POINTER(%s) ", gedcom_lval.string); break;
+      case USERTAG: printf("USERTAG(%s) ", gedcom_lval.string); break;
+      default: printf("TAG(%s) ", gedcom_lval.string); break;
+    }
+    tok = gedcom_lex();
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+  close_conv_to_internal();
+  return 0;  
+#endif /* of #ifdef LEXER_TEST */
+#else  /* of #ifndef IN_LEX */
+  to_internal(STR, yyleng, OUTBUF, sizeof(OUTBUF))
+#define INIT_LINE_LEN \
+  line_len = 0;
+#define CHECK_LINE_LEN                                                        \
+  { if (line_len != (size_t)-1) {                                             \
+      line_len += strlen(yytext);                                             \
+      if (line_len > MAXGEDCLINELEN * encoding_width) {                       \
+        gedcom_error("Line too long, max %d characters",                      \
+                    MAXGEDCLINELEN);                                         \
+        line_len = (size_t)-1;                                                \
+        return BADTOKEN;                                                      \
+      }                                                                       \
+    }                                                                         \
+  }
+#define MKTAGACTION(THETAG)                                                  \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                          \
+    gedcom_lval.string = TO_INTERNAL(yytext, tag_buf);                       \
+    BEGIN(NORMAL);                                                           \
+    return TAG_##THETAG;                                                     \
+  }
+/* The GEDCOM level number is converted into a sequence of opening
+   and closing brackets.  Simply put, the following GEDCOM fragment:
+   0 HEAD
+   1 SOUR genes
+   2 VERS 1.6
+   2 NAME Genes
+   1 DATE 07 OCT 2001
+   ...
+   0 TRLR
+   is converted into:
+   { HEAD                     (initial)  
+   { SOUR genes               (1 higher: no closing brackets)
+   { VERS 1.6                 (1 higher: no closing brackets)
+   } { NAME Genes             (same level: 1 closing bracket)
+   } } { DATE 07 OCT 2001     (1 lower: 2 closing brackets)
+   ...
+   } { TRLR }
+   or more clearly:
+   { HEAD
+     { SOUR genes
+       { VERS 1.6 }
+       { NAME Genes } }
+     { DATE 07 OCT 2001
+     ... }
+   { TRLR }
+   But because this means that one token is converted into a series
+   of tokens, there is some initial code following immediately here
+   that returns "pending" tokens. */
+#define ACTION_BEFORE_REGEXPS                                                 \
+   { if (level_diff < 1) {                                                    \
+       level_diff++;                                                          \
+       return CLOSE;                                                          \
+     }                                                                        \
+     else if (level_diff == 1) {                                              \
+       level_diff++;                                                          \
+       gedcom_lval.number = current_level;                                    \
+       return OPEN;                                                           \
+     }                                                                        \
+     else {                                                                   \
+       /* out of brackets... */                                               \
+     }                                                                        \
+   }
+#define ACTION_INITIAL_WHITESPACE                                             \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                           \
+    /* ignore initial whitespace further */                                   \
+  }
+#define ACTION_0_DIGITS                                                       \
+   { gedcom_error ("Level number with leading zero");                         \
+     return BADTOKEN;                                                         \
+   } 
+#define ACTION_DIGITS                                                         \
+   { int level = atoi(TO_INTERNAL(yytext, str_buf));                          \
+     CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                          \
+     if ((level < 0) || (level > MAXGEDCLEVEL)) {                             \
+       gedcom_error ("Level number out of range [0..%d]",                     \
+                    MAXGEDCLEVEL);                                           \
+       return BADTOKEN;                                                       \
+     }                                                                        \
+     level_diff = level - current_level;                                      \
+     BEGIN(EXPECT_TAG);                                                       \
+     current_level = level;                                                   \
+     if (level_diff < 1) {                                                    \
+       level_diff++;                                                          \
+       return CLOSE;                                                          \
+     }                                                                        \
+     else if (level_diff == 1) {                                              \
+       level_diff++;                                                          \
+       gedcom_lval.number = current_level;                                    \
+       return OPEN;                                                           \
+     }                                                                        \
+     else {                                                                   \
+       /* should never happen (error to GEDCOM spec) */                       \
+       gedcom_error ("GEDCOM level number is %d higher than "                 \
+                    "previous",                                              \
+                    level_diff);                                             \
+       return BADTOKEN;                                                       \
+     }                                                                        \
+   } 
+#define ACTION_ALPHANUM                                                       \
+   { if (strlen(yytext) > MAXGEDCTAGLEN * encoding_width) {                   \
+       gedcom_error("Tag '%s' too long, max %d characters",                   \
+                   yytext, MAXGEDCTAGLEN);                                   \
+       return BADTOKEN;                                                       \
+     }                                                                        \
+     CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                          \
+     gedcom_lval.string = TO_INTERNAL(yytext, tag_buf);                       \
+     BEGIN(NORMAL);                                                           \
+     return USERTAG;                                                          \
+   }
+#define ACTION_DELIM                                                          \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                           \
+    gedcom_lval.string = TO_INTERNAL(yytext, str_buf);                        \
+    return DELIM;                                                             \
+  }
+#define ACTION_ANY                                                            \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                           \
+    gedcom_lval.string = TO_INTERNAL(yytext, str_buf);                        \
+    /* Due to character conversions, it is possible that the current          \
+       character will be combined with the next, and so now we don't have a   \
+       character yet...                                                       \
+       In principle, this is only applicable to the 1byte case (e.g. ANSEL),  \
+       but it doesn't harm the unicode case.                                  \
+    */                                                                        \
+    if (strlen(gedcom_lval.string) > 0)                                       \
+      return ANYCHAR;                                                         \
+  }
+#define ACTION_ESCAPE                                                         \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                           \
+    gedcom_lval.string = TO_INTERNAL(yytext, str_buf);                        \
+    return ESCAPE;                                                            \
+  }
+#define ACTION_POINTER                                                        \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                           \
+    if (strlen(yytext) > MAXGEDCPTRLEN * encoding_width) {                    \
+      gedcom_error("Pointer '%s' too long, max %d characters",                \
+                  yytext, MAXGEDCPTRLEN);                                    \
+      return BADTOKEN;                                                        \
+    }                                                                         \
+    gedcom_lval.string = TO_INTERNAL(yytext, ptr_buf);                        \
+    return POINTER;                                                           \
+  }
+/* Due to the conversion of level numbers into brackets, the
+   terminator is not important, so no token is returned here.
+   Although not strictly according to the GEDCOM spec, we'll ignore
+   whitespace just before the terminator.
+#define ACTION_TERMINATOR                                                     \
+  { CHECK_LINE_LEN;                                                           \
+    INIT_LINE_LEN;                                                            \
+    line_no++;                                                                \
+    BEGIN(INITIAL);                                                           \
+  }
+/* Eventually we have to return 1 closing bracket (for the trailer).
+   We can detect whether we have sent the closing bracket using the
+   level_diff (at eof, first it is 2, then we increment it ourselves)
+#define ACTION_EOF                                                            \
+  { if (level_diff == 2) {                                                    \
+      level_diff++;                                                           \
+      return CLOSE;                                                           \
+    }                                                                         \
+    else {                                                                    \
+      /* Reset our state */                                                   \
+      current_level = -1;                                                     \
+      level_diff = MAXGEDCLEVEL;                                              \
+      /* ... then terminate lex */                                            \
+      yyterminate();                                                          \
+    }                                                                         \
+  } 
+#define ACTION_UNEXPECTED                                                     \
+  { gedcom_error("Unexpected character: '%s' (0x%02x)",                       \
+                yytext, yytext[0]);                                          \
+    return BADTOKEN;                                                          \
+  }
+#endif /* IN_LEX */
diff --git a/gedcom/gedcom_lohi.lex b/gedcom/gedcom_lohi.lex
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..badd835
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+/* In low-high order, a space is encoded as 0x20 0x00 */
+/* i.e. this is utf-16-le */
+#undef IN_LEX    /* include only a specific part of the following file */
+#include "gedcom_lex_common.c"
+static size_t encoding_width = 2;
+alpha        [A-Za-z_]\x00
+digit        [0-9]\x00
+delim        \x20\x00
+tab          [\t]\x00
+hash         #\x00
+literal_at   @\x00@\x00
+otherchar    [\x21-\x22\x24-\x2F\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7E\x80-\xFF]\x00|[\x00-\xFF][\x01-\xFF]
+terminator   \x0D\x00|\x0A\x00|\x0D\x00\x0A\x00|\x0A\x00\x0D\x00
+any_char     {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{delim}|{hash}|{literal_at}
+any_but_delim {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{hash}|{literal_at}
+non_at       {alpha}|{digit}|{otherchar}|{delim}|{hash}
+alphanum     {alpha}|{digit}
+gen_delim    {delim}|{tab}
+escape       @\x00#\x00{any_char}+@\x00
+pointer      @\x00{alphanum}{non_at}+@\x00
+#define IN_LEX    /* include only a specific part of the following file */
+#include "gedcom_lex_common.c"
+<INITIAL>\x00[0]{digit}+  ACTION_0_DIGITS
+<INITIAL>{digit}+         ACTION_DIGITS
+<EXPECT_TAG>A\x00D\x00R\x001\x00  MKTAGACTION(ADR1)
+<EXPECT_TAG>A\x00D\x00R\x002\x00  MKTAGACTION(ADR2)
+{delim}                  ACTION_DELIM
+{any_but_delim}          ACTION_ANY
+{escape}/{non_at}        ACTION_ESCAPE
+{pointer}                ACTION_POINTER
+{gen_delim}*{terminator} ACTION_TERMINATOR
+<<EOF>>                  ACTION_EOF
+.                        ACTION_UNEXPECTED
+int yywrap()
+  return 1;
+#ifdef LEXER_TEST
+int gedcom_lex()
+  return gedcom_lohi_lex();
+int main()
+  return test_loop(TWO_BYTE_LOHI, "UNICODE");
diff --git a/gedcom/interface.c b/gedcom/interface.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c4db84b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#include "gedcom_internal.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+static Gedcom_rec_start_cb record_start_callback [LAST_REC] = { NULL };
+static Gedcom_rec_end_cb   record_end_callback   [LAST_REC] = { NULL };
+static Gedcom_elt_start_cb element_start_callback[LAST_ELT] = { NULL };
+static Gedcom_elt_end_cb   element_end_callback  [LAST_ELT] = { NULL };
+static Gedcom_def_cb       default_cb                       = NULL;
+void gedcom_set_default_callback(Gedcom_def_cb func)
+  default_cb = func;
+void gedcom_subscribe_to_record(Gedcom_rec rec,
+                               Gedcom_rec_start_cb cb_start,
+                               Gedcom_rec_end_cb cb_end)
+  record_start_callback[rec] = cb_start;
+  record_end_callback[rec]   = cb_end;
+void gedcom_subscribe_to_element(Gedcom_elt elt,
+                                Gedcom_elt_start_cb cb_start,
+                                Gedcom_elt_end_cb cb_end)
+  element_start_callback[elt] = cb_start;
+  element_end_callback[elt]   = cb_end;
+Gedcom_ctxt start_record(Gedcom_rec rec,
+                        int level, char *xref, char *tag)
+  Gedcom_rec_start_cb cb = record_start_callback[rec];
+  if (cb != NULL)
+    return (*cb)(level, xref, tag);
+  else
+    return NULL;
+void end_record(Gedcom_rec rec, Gedcom_ctxt self)
+  Gedcom_rec_end_cb cb = record_end_callback[rec];
+  if (cb != NULL)
+    (*cb)(self);
+Gedcom_ctxt start_element(Gedcom_elt elt, Gedcom_ctxt parent, 
+                         int level, char *tag, char *raw_value,
+                         Gedcom_val parsed_value)
+  Gedcom_elt_start_cb cb = element_start_callback[elt];
+  Gedcom_ctxt ctxt = parent;
+  if (cb != NULL)
+    ctxt = (*cb)(parent, level, tag, raw_value, parsed_value);
+  else if (default_cb != NULL)
+    (*default_cb)(parent, level, tag, raw_value);
+  return ctxt;
+void end_element(Gedcom_elt elt, Gedcom_ctxt parent, Gedcom_ctxt self,
+                Gedcom_val parsed_value)
+  Gedcom_elt_end_cb cb = element_end_callback[elt];
+  if (cb != NULL)
+    (*cb)(parent, self, parsed_value);
diff --git a/gedcom/interface.h b/gedcom/interface.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..db1a048
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#ifndef __INTERFACE_H
+#define __INTERFACE_H
+#include "gedcom.h"
+Gedcom_ctxt start_record(Gedcom_rec rec, int level, char *xref, char *tag);
+void        end_record(Gedcom_rec rec, Gedcom_ctxt self);
+Gedcom_ctxt start_element(Gedcom_elt elt, Gedcom_ctxt parent,
+                         int level, char *tag, char *raw_value,
+                         Gedcom_val parsed_value);
+void        end_element(Gedcom_elt elt, Gedcom_ctxt parent, Gedcom_ctxt self,
+                       Gedcom_val parsed_value);
+#endif /* __INTERFACE_H */
diff --git a/gedcom/message.c b/gedcom/message.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6d44530
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#include "gedcom_internal.h"
+#include "gedcom.h"
+#define INITIAL_BUF_SIZE 256
+char *mess_buffer = NULL;
+size_t bufsize;
+Gedcom_msg_handler msg_handler = NULL;
+void gedcom_set_message_handler(Gedcom_msg_handler func)
+  msg_handler = func;
+void reset_mess_buffer()
+  if (mess_buffer != NULL)
+    mess_buffer[0] = '\0';
+void init_mess_buffer()
+  if (mess_buffer == NULL) {
+    mess_buffer = (char *)malloc(INITIAL_BUF_SIZE);
+    mess_buffer[0] = '\0';
+    bufsize = INITIAL_BUF_SIZE;
+  }
+int safe_buf_vappend(char *s, va_list ap)
+  int res;
+  int len;
+  init_mess_buffer();
+  len = strlen(mess_buffer);
+  while (1) {
+    char *buf_ptr = mess_buffer + len;
+    int rest_size = bufsize - len;
+    res = vsnprintf(buf_ptr, rest_size, s, ap);
+    if (res > -1 && res < rest_size) {
+      break;
+    }
+    else  {
+      bufsize *= 2;
+      mess_buffer = realloc(mess_buffer, bufsize);
+    }
+  }
+  return res;  
+int safe_buf_append(char *s, ...)
+  int res;
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, s);
+  res = safe_buf_vappend(s, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  return res;
+int gedcom_message(char* s, ...)
+  int res;
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, s);
+  reset_mess_buffer();
+  res = safe_buf_vappend(s, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  safe_buf_append("\n");
+  if (msg_handler)
+    (*msg_handler)(MESSAGE, mess_buffer);
+  return res;
+int gedcom_warning(char* s, ...)
+  int res;
+  va_list ap;
+  reset_mess_buffer();
+  safe_buf_append("Warning on line %d: ", line_no);
+  va_start(ap, s);
+  res = safe_buf_vappend(s, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  safe_buf_append("\n");
+  if (msg_handler)
+    (*msg_handler)(WARNING, mess_buffer);
+  return res;
+int gedcom_error(char* s, ...)
+  int res;
+  va_list ap;
+  reset_mess_buffer();
+  safe_buf_append("Error on line %d: ", line_no);
+  va_start(ap, s);
+  res = safe_buf_vappend(s, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  safe_buf_append("\n");
+  if (msg_handler)
+    (*msg_handler)(ERROR, mess_buffer);
+  return res;
diff --git a/gedcom/multilex.c b/gedcom/multilex.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a6ea0fa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#include "gedcom_internal.h"
+#include "multilex.h"
+#include "encoding.h"
+int line_no;
+typedef int (*lex_func)(void);
+lex_func lf;
+int lexer_init(ENCODING enc, FILE* f)
+  if (enc == ONE_BYTE) {
+    gedcom_1byte_in = f;
+    lf = &gedcom_1byte_lex;
+    set_encoding_width(enc);
+    return open_conv_to_internal("ASCII");
+  }
+  else if (enc == TWO_BYTE_HILO) {
+    gedcom_hilo_in = f;
+    lf = &gedcom_hilo_lex;
+    set_encoding_width(enc);
+    return open_conv_to_internal("UNICODE");
+  }
+  else if (enc == TWO_BYTE_LOHI) {
+    gedcom_lohi_in = f;
+    lf = &gedcom_lohi_lex;
+    set_encoding_width(enc);
+    return open_conv_to_internal("UNICODE");
+  }
+  else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+void lexer_close()
+  close_conv_to_internal();
+int gedcom_lex()
+  return (*lf)();
+int determine_encoding(FILE* f)
+  char first[2];
+  fread(first, 1, 2, f);
+  if ((first[0] == '0') && (first[1] == ' ')) {
+    gedcom_message("One-byte encoding");
+    fseek(f, 0, 0);
+    return ONE_BYTE;
+  }
+  else if ((first[0] == '\0') && (first[1] == '0'))
+  {
+    gedcom_message("Two-byte encoding, high-low");
+    fseek(f, 0, 0);
+    return TWO_BYTE_HILO;
+  }
+  else if ((first[0] == '\xFE') && (first[1] == '\xFF'))
+  {
+    gedcom_message("Two-byte encoding, high-low, with BOM");
+    return TWO_BYTE_HILO;
+  }
+  else if ((first[0] == '0') && (first[1] == '\0'))
+  {
+    gedcom_message("Two-byte encoding, low-high");
+    fseek(f, 0, 0);
+    return TWO_BYTE_LOHI;
+  }
+  else if ((first[0] == '\xFF') && (first[1] == '\xFE'))
+  {
+    gedcom_message("Two-byte encoding, low-high, with BOM");
+    return TWO_BYTE_LOHI;
+  }
+  else {
+    gedcom_message("Unknown encoding, falling back to one-byte");
+    fseek(f, 0, 0);
+    return ONE_BYTE;
+  }
+int gedcom_parse_file(char* file_name)
+  ENCODING enc;
+  int result = 1;
+  FILE* file = fopen (file_name, "r");
+  line_no = 1;
+  if (!file) {
+    gedcom_error("Could not open file '%s'\n", file_name);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  init_encodings();
+  enc = determine_encoding(file);
+  if (lexer_init(enc, file)) {
+    result = gedcom_parse();
+  }
+  lexer_close();
+  fclose(file);
+  return result;
diff --git a/gedcom/multilex.h b/gedcom/multilex.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6a16393
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ (C) 2001 by The Genes Development Team
+ Original author: Peter Verthez (
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $Name$ */
+#ifndef __MULTILEX_H
+#define __MULTILEX_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+int        gedcom_1byte_lex();
+extern FILE *gedcom_1byte_in;
+int        gedcom_hilo_lex();
+extern FILE *gedcom_hilo_in;
+int        gedcom_lohi_lex();
+extern FILE *gedcom_lohi_in;
+#endif /* __MULTILEX_H */