/* Process management definitions : */
+/* maximum number of processes on one node */
+#define MAXPROCESS 64
+/* maximum number of waiting messages */
+#define MAXMSGQUEUE 16
-#define MAXPROCESS 64 /* maximum number of processes on one node */
-#define MAXMSGQUEUE 16 /* maximum number of waiting messages */
-#define MSGLENGTH 256 /* message length defined by me (PS) */
+/* message length defined by me (PS) */
+#define MSGLENGTH 256
/* Process state : */
-#define GENERATING 0 /* during generation of process object */
-#define STOPPED 1 /* non-active process (suspended by STOP) */
-#define EXECUTING 2 /* active process (ready to execute) */
-#define WAITFORNEW 3 /* waiting for NEW of another process */
-#define WAITFORRPC 4 /* waiting for remote procedure call */
-#define ACCEPTING 5 /* during execution of ACCEPT statement */
-#define WAITASKPRO 6 /* waiting for process prototype */
+/* during generation of process object */
+#define GENERATING 0
+/* non-active process (suspended by STOP) */
+#define STOPPED 1
+/* active process (ready to execute) */
+#define EXECUTING 2
+/* waiting for NEW of another process */
+#define WAITFORNEW 3
+/* waiting for remote procedure call */
+#define WAITFORRPC 4
+/* during execution of ACCEPT statement */
+#define ACCEPTING 5
+/* waiting for process prototype */
+#define WAITASKPRO 6
/* Process descriptor : */
typedef struct
- bool used; /* TRUE if in use by some process */
- word mark; /* process mark for proper detecting of none */
- int status; /* process state */
- word prot; /* process prototype number */
- memory M; /* pointer to memory array */
- union value param[ MAXPARAM ];
- word ic; /* instruction counter */
- word trlnumber; /* trace line number */
- word lower; /* first word of object area */
- word upper; /* last word in memory */
- word lastused; /* last word used by objects */
- word lastitem; /* first word used by dictionary */
- word freeitem; /* head of free dictionary item list */
- word headk; /* head of killed object list for size > 2 */
- word headk2; /* head of killed object list for size = 2 */
- word prochead; /* am of process object */
- virtaddr procref; /* process object virtual address */
- virtaddr template; /* remote process or procedure template */
- word c1, c2; /* pointers to current object */
- virtaddr backobj; /* adress of object just left */
- word blck1, blck2; /* used for LBLOCK1, LBLOCK2, LBLOCK3 */
- queue msgqueue; /* queue of messages for this process */
- queue rpcwait; /* queue of disabled RPC messages */
- stack rpcmask; /* stack of set of enabled remote procedures */
- bool force_compactification; /* next allocate will forace compact... */
- word *hash; /* table of pointers to processes in process */
- word hash_size;
-} procdescr;
+ /* TRUE if in use by some process */
+ bool used;
+ /* process mark for proper detecting of none */
+ word mark;
+ /* process state */
+ int status;
+ /* process prototype number */
+ word prot;
+ /* pointer to memory array */
+ memory M;
+ union value param[MAXPARAM];
+ /* instruction counter */
+ word ic;
+ /* trace line number */
+ word trlnumber;
+ /* first word of object area */
+ word lower;
+ /* last word in memory */
+ word upper;
+ /* last word used by objects */
+ word lastused;
+ /* first word used by dictionary */
+ word lastitem;
+ /* head of free dictionary item list */
+ word freeitem;
+ /* head of killed object list for size > 2 */
+ word headk;
+ /* head of killed object list for size = 2 */
+ word headk2;
+ /* am of process object */
+ word prochead;
+ /* process object virtual address */
+ virtaddr procref;
+ /* remote process or procedure template */
+ virtaddr template;
+ /* pointers to current object */
+ word c1, c2;
+ /* adress of object just left */
+ virtaddr backobj;
+ /* used for LBLOCK1, LBLOCK2, LBLOCK3 */
+ word blck1, blck2;
-/* Message type : */
+ /* queue of messages for this process */
+ queue msgqueue;
-#define ERRSIG 0 /* error signal */
-#define RESUME 1 /* resume request */
-#define CREATE 2 /* create new process request */
-#define CREACK 3 /* create process acknowledge */
-#define KILLPR 4 /* kill process */
-#define RPCALL 5 /* remote procedure call request */
-#define RPCACK 6 /* remote procedure return */
-#define ASKPRO 7 /* ask for process prototype */
-#define PROACK 8 /* answer with process prototype */
+ /* queue of disabled RPC messages */
+ queue rpcwait;
+ /* stack of set of enabled remote procedures */
+ stack rpcmask;
+ /* next allocate will forace compact */
+ bool force_compactification;
+ /* table of pointers to processes in process */
+ word *hash;
+ word hash_size;
+} procdescr;
+ * Message type:
+ * \defgroup MessageType Message type
+ * @{
+ */
+/** error signal */
+#define ERRSIG 0
+/** resume request */
+#define RESUME 1
+/** create new process request */
+#define CREATE 2
+/** create process acknowledge */
+#define CREACK 3
+/** kill process */
+#define KILLPR 4
+/** remote procedure call request */
+#define RPCALL 5
+/** remote procedure return */
+#define RPCACK 6
+/** ask for process prototype */
+#define ASKPRO 7
+/** answer with process prototype */
+#define PROACK 8
+/** @} */
typedef struct {
- word node;
- word pix;
- word mark;
+ word node;
+ word pix;
+ word mark;
} procaddr;
struct ctrlmsg
- procaddr sender; /* address of the sender and */
- procaddr receiver; /* receiver of the message */
- int type; /* message type */
- int par; /* prototype or error signal number */
+ /** address of the sender and */
+ procaddr sender;
+ /** receiver of the message */
+ procaddr receiver;
+ /** message type */
+ int type;
+ /** prototype or error signal number */
+ int par;
#define MAXPROCPAR (MSGLENGTH-sizeof(struct ctrlmsg))
typedef struct
- struct ctrlmsg control;
- char params[ MAXPROCPAR ];
+ struct ctrlmsg control;
+ char params[MAXPROCPAR];
} message;
-/* Direction of copying of parameters (for moveparams()) : */
+/* Direction of copying of parameters (for moveparams()): */
#define LOADPAR 0
#define SAVEPAR 1
typedef char *mask;
-extern procdescr process[]; /* process descriptor table */
-extern procdescr *thisp; /* pointer to current process descriptor */
-extern word thispix; /* current process index */
-extern queue ready; /* Round-Robin queue of ready processes */
-extern bool network; /* TRUE if operating in D-Link network */
-extern message globmsgqueue[]; /* queue of waiting messages */
-extern int msgready; /* number of waiting messages */
-extern int msghead, msgtail; /* pointers to message queue */
-extern word ournode; /* this machine node number */
-extern word console; /* console node number */
-extern bool remote; /* TRUE if remote node */
-extern bool reschedule; /* TRUE if rescheduling is mandatory */
+/** process descriptor table */
+extern procdescr process[];
+/** pointer to current process descriptor */
+extern procdescr *thisp;
+/** current process index */
+extern word thispix;
+/** Round-Robin queue of ready processes */
+extern queue ready;
+/** TRUE if operating in D-Link network */
+extern bool network;
+/** queue of waiting messages */
+extern message globmsgqueue[];
+/** number of waiting messages */
+extern int msgready;
+/** pointers to message queue */
+extern int msghead, msgtail;
+/** this machine node number */
+extern word ournode;
+/** console node number */
+extern word console;
+/** TRUE if remote node */
+extern bool remote;
+/** TRUE if rescheduling is mandatory */
+extern bool reschedule;
#if OS2
-extern PGINFOSEG ginf; /* pointer to Global Info Segment */
+/** pointer to Global Info Segment */
+extern PGINFOSEG ginf;