// Qt Example Application: drawdemo
//#include <qwindow.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qprinter.h>
#include <qpushbt.h>
#include <qpopmenu.h>
#include <qkeycode.h>
#define MAXWIDTH 640
#define MAXHEIGHT 480
#define TEXT_LINES 50
#define REQUEST_NAME "gr.req"
#define PERM 0666
+class VGRMap {
+ QPixmap *map;
+ int number;
-class VGRMap
- public:
- QPixmap *map;
- int number;
- VGRMap(int n,QPixmap *m) { number=n; map = m; };
+ VGRMap(int n, QPixmap *m) {
+ number = n;
+ map = m;
+ };
-class VGR : public QFrame
+class VGR : public QFrame {
- VGR(char*);
- ~VGR();
- int resp_sock;
- int fcol,bcol,gfcol,gbcol;
- int curx,cury;
- int tx,ty;
- QQueue<int> CharBuffer;
- bool string_wait, char_wait, line_wait, mouse_wait, inkey_wait, was_line;
- QColor *lcolors[256];
- QFont *prv_font, *italic_font, *bold_font, *normal_font;
- void MakeColors();
- void SetForeground(int);
- void SetBackground(int);
- void ClearAll();
- void ClearArea(int,int,int,int);
- void Line(int,int,int,int);
- void Ellipse(int x,int y,int a, int b,int alfa, int beta, int fill);
- void Rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,int col, int fill);
- void Point(int x, int y);
- void TextXY(int x, int y, char *s);
- void CharXY(int x, int y, char a);
- void IntXY(int x, int y, int val);
- void WriteText(char *s);
- void WriteChar(char a);
- void WriteLine();
- void PutChar(char a); /* Write Char w/o changing position */
- void DelChar();
- void Outstring(int x, int y, char *s, int b, int f);
- void writeintxy(int x, int y, int val,int c);
- void CurPos();
- int Getmap(int w, int h);
- void Putmap(int map);
- void MagicGraph(G_MESSAGE*);
- bool GetInput(int);
+ VGR(char*);
+ ~VGR();
+ int resp_sock;
+ int fcol;
+ int bcol;
+ int gfcol;
+ int gbcol;
+ int curx;
+ int cury;
+ int tx;
+ int ty;
+ QQueue<int> CharBuffer;
+ bool string_wait;
+ bool char_wait;
+ bool line_wait;
+ bool mouse_wait;
+ bool inkey_wait;
+ bool was_line;
+ QColor *lcolors[256];
+ QFont *prv_font;
+ QFont *italic_font;
+ QFont *bold_font;
+ QFont *normal_font;
+ void MakeColors();
+ void SetForeground(int);
+ void SetBackground(int);
+ void ClearAll();
+ void ClearArea(int, int, int, int);
+ void Line(int, int, int, int);
+ void Ellipse(int x, int y, int a, int b, int alfa, int beta, int fill);
+ void Rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col, int fill);
+ void Point(int x, int y);
+ void TextXY(int x, int y, char *s);
+ void CharXY(int x, int y, char a);
+ void IntXY(int x, int y, int val);
+ void WriteText(char *s);
+ void WriteChar(char a);
+ void WriteLine();
+ /* Write Char w/o changing position */
+ void PutChar(char a);
+ void DelChar();
+ void Outstring(int x, int y, char *s, int b, int f);
+ void writeintxy(int x, int y, int val, int c);
+ void CurPos();
+ int Getmap(int w, int h);
+ void Putmap(int map);
+ void MagicGraph(G_MESSAGE*);
+ bool GetInput(int);
public slots:
- void vscrolled(int);
- void hscrolled(int);
- void CloseMe();
- void RequestMessage();
+ void vscrolled(int);
+ void hscrolled(int);
+ void CloseMe();
+ void RequestMessage();
- virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
- virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
- virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
- virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
- virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
- virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *);
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
+ virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
+ virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
+ virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
+ virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *);
- QPixmap *canvas;
- QScrollBar *hscroll,*vscroll;
- QPushButton *close_btn;
- int ox,oy,lstep,pstep,gx,gy;
- QList<VGRMap> maps;
- int firstfreemap;
- bool Closed, MustRepaint,GraphRead;
- QSocketNotifier *request;
- char internal_buffer[256];
- int strcnt;
+ QPixmap *canvas;
+ QScrollBar *hscroll;
+ QScrollBar *vscroll;
+ QPushButton *close_btn;
+ int ox,oy,lstep,pstep,gx,gy;
+ QList<VGRMap> maps;
+ int firstfreemap;
+ bool Closed;
+ bool MustRepaint;
+ bool GraphRead;
+ QSocketNotifier *request;
+ char internal_buffer[256];
+ int strcnt;
void VGR::MakeColors()
- lcolors[0] = new QColor(0, 0, 0 ); /* black */
- lcolors[1] = new QColor(0, 0, 139); /* blue dark */
- lcolors[2] = new QColor(0, 100, 0 ); /* green dark */
- lcolors[3] = new QColor(0, 197, 205 ); /* turquoise dark */
- lcolors[4] = new QColor(205,0 , 0 ); /* red dark */
- lcolors[5] = new QColor(238, 130,238); /* violet */
- lcolors[6] = new QColor(139,35,35 ); /* brown */
- lcolors[7] = new QColor(190,190,190 ); /* grey light */
- lcolors[8] = new QColor(97, 97, 97 ); /* grey dark */
- lcolors[9] = new QColor(0, 0, 255 ); /* blue */
- lcolors[10] = new QColor(0, 255, 0 ); /* green */
- lcolors[11] = new QColor(0, 229,238 ); /* turquoise */
- lcolors[12] = new QColor(255, 0, 0 ); /* red light */
- lcolors[13] = new QColor(255, 110,180 ); /* rose */
- lcolors[14] = new QColor(255,255, 0 ); /* yellow */
- lcolors[15] = new QColor(255, 255, 255 ); /* white */
+ /* black */
+ lcolors[0] = new QColor(0, 0, 0);
+ /* blue dark */
+ lcolors[1] = new QColor(0, 0, 139);
+ /* green dark */
+ lcolors[2] = new QColor(0, 100, 0);
+ /* turquoise dark */
+ lcolors[3] = new QColor(0, 197, 205);
+ /* red dark */
+ lcolors[4] = new QColor(205, 0, 0);
+ /* violet */
+ lcolors[5] = new QColor(238, 130, 238);
+ /* brown */
+ lcolors[6] = new QColor(139,35, 35);
+ /* grey light */
+ lcolors[7] = new QColor(190, 190, 190);
+ /* grey dark */
+ lcolors[8] = new QColor(97, 97, 97);
+ /* blue */
+ lcolors[9] = new QColor(0, 0, 255);
+ /* green */
+ lcolors[10] = new QColor(0, 255, 0);
+ /* turquoise */
+ lcolors[11] = new QColor(0, 229, 238);
+ /* red light */
+ lcolors[12] = new QColor(255, 0, 0);
+ /* rose */
+ lcolors[13] = new QColor(255, 110, 180);
+ /* yellow */
+ lcolors[14] = new QColor(255, 255, 0);
+ /* white */
+ lcolors[15] = new QColor(255, 255, 255);
-// Construct the DrawView with buttons.
+ * Construct the DrawView with buttons.
+ */
VGR::VGR(char *sockname)
+ :QFrame()
- QPixmap mp;
- struct sockaddr_un svr;
- int len,i,optval,on;
- normal_font = new QFont("lucidatypewriter",10,QFont::Normal);
- normal_font->setFixedPitch(TRUE);
- bold_font = new QFont("lucidatypewriter",10,QFont::Bold);
- bold_font->setFixedPitch(TRUE);
- italic_font = new QFont("lucidatypewriter",10,QFont::Normal,TRUE);
- italic_font->setFixedPitch(TRUE);
- prv_font = normal_font;
- MakeColors();
- setCaption( "graphic resource" );
- setBackgroundColor( white );
- canvas = new QPixmap(640,480);
- canvas->fill(backgroundColor());
- ox=0;oy=0;
- curx=0;cury=0;
- tx=0;ty=0;gx=0;gy=0;
- maps.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
- firstfreemap=1;
- Closed = FALSE;GraphRead=FALSE;
- lstep=10;pstep=250;
- hscroll = new QScrollBar(0,MAXWIDTH,lstep,pstep,0,QScrollBar::Horizontal,this);
- vscroll = new QScrollBar(0,MAXHEIGHT,lstep,pstep,0,QScrollBar::Vertical,this);
- hscroll->setTracking(TRUE);
- vscroll->setTracking(TRUE);
- resize( 640,300 );
- hscroll->setGeometry(0,height()-16,width()-16,16);
- vscroll->setGeometry(width()-16,0,16,height()-16);
- connect(hscroll,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(hscrolled(int)));
- connect(vscroll,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(vscrolled(int)));
- close_btn = new QPushButton(this,"close");
- if( mp.load("pics/close.bmp"))
- close_btn->setPixmap(mp);
- else
- close_btn->setText("C");
- close_btn->setGeometry(width()-16,height()-16,16,16);
- close_btn->setEnabled(FALSE);
- connect(close_btn,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(CloseMe()));
- gfcol=fcol = 0;
- gbcol=bcol = 15;
- resp_sock = socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- bzero(&svr,sizeof(svr));
- svr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- strcpy(svr.sun_path,sockname);
- len = strlen(svr.sun_path)+sizeof(svr.sun_family);
- i = ::connect(resp_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&svr,len);
- if (i==0) fcntl(resp_sock,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK|fcntl(resp_sock,F_GETFL,0));
- on=1;
- setsockopt(resp_sock,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char*)&on,sizeof(on));
- request = new QSocketNotifier(resp_sock,QSocketNotifier::Read);
- connect(request,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(RequestMessage()));
-// setsockopt(resp_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,&optval,sizeof(optval));
-// setsockopt(resp_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,&optval,sizeof(optval));
- inkey_wait = FALSE;string_wait = FALSE;
- char_wait = FALSE;line_wait = FALSE;mouse_wait = FALSE;
- was_line=FALSE;
- CharBuffer.clear();
- CharBuffer.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
- setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus);
- hscroll->setRange(0,MAXWIDTH-width()+20);
- vscroll->setRange(0,MAXHEIGHT-height()+20);
- hscroll->setSteps((int)(hscroll->width()/hscroll->maxValue()),(int)((hscroll->width()/hscroll->maxValue())*4));
- vscroll->setSteps((int)(vscroll->height()/vscroll->maxValue()),(int)((vscroll->height()/vscroll->maxValue())*4));
- setMaximumSize(MAXWIDTH+16,MAXHEIGHT+16);
- setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE);
+ QPixmap mp;
+ struct sockaddr_un svr;
+ int len, i, optval, on;
+ normal_font = new QFont("lucidatypewriter", 10, QFont::Normal);
+ normal_font->setFixedPitch(TRUE);
+ bold_font = new QFont("lucidatypewriter", 10, QFont::Bold);
+ bold_font->setFixedPitch(TRUE);
+ italic_font = new QFont("lucidatypewriter", 10, QFont::Normal,TRUE);
+ italic_font->setFixedPitch(TRUE);
+ prv_font = normal_font;
+ MakeColors();
+ setCaption("graphic resource");
+ setBackgroundColor(white);
+ canvas = new QPixmap(640, 480);
+ canvas->fill(backgroundColor());
+ ox = oy = 0;
+ curx = cury = 0;
+ tx = ty = 0;
+ gx = gy = 0;
+ maps.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ firstfreemap = 1;
+ Closed = FALSE;
+ GraphRead = FALSE;
+ lstep = 10;
+ pstep = 250;
+ hscroll = new QScrollBar(0, MAXWIDTH, lstep, pstep, 0, QScrollBar::Horizontal, this);
+ vscroll = new QScrollBar(0, MAXHEIGHT, lstep, pstep, 0, QScrollBar::Vertical, this);
+ hscroll->setTracking(TRUE);
+ vscroll->setTracking(TRUE);
+ resize(640, 300);
+ hscroll->setGeometry(0, height() - 16, width() - 16, 16);
+ vscroll->setGeometry(width() - 16, 0, 16, height() - 16);
+ connect(hscroll, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hscrolled(int)));
+ connect(vscroll, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vscrolled(int)));
+ close_btn = new QPushButton(this, "close");
+ if (mp.load("pics/close.bmp"))
+ close_btn->setPixmap(mp);
+ else
+ close_btn->setText("C");
+ close_btn->setGeometry(width()-16,height()-16,16,16);
+ close_btn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ connect(close_btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(CloseMe()));
+ gfcol = fcol = 0;
+ gbcol = bcol = 15;
+ resp_sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ bzero(&svr, sizeof(svr));
+ svr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ strcpy(svr.sun_path, sockname);
+ len = strlen(svr.sun_path) + sizeof(svr.sun_family);
+ i = ::connect(resp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&svr, len);
+ if (i == 0)
+ fcntl(resp_sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK |
+ fcntl(resp_sock , F_GETFL, 0));
+ on = 1;
+ setsockopt(resp_sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&on, sizeof(on));
+ request = new QSocketNotifier(resp_sock, QSocketNotifier::Read);
+ connect(request, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(RequestMessage()));
+ /*
+ setsockopt(resp_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,&optval,sizeof(optval));
+ setsockopt(resp_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,&optval,sizeof(optval));
+ */
+ inkey_wait = string_wait = FALSE;
+ char_wait = line_wait = mouse_wait = FALSE;
+ was_line = FALSE;
+ CharBuffer.clear();
+ CharBuffer.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus);
+ hscroll->setRange(0, MAXWIDTH - width() + 20);
+ vscroll->setRange(0, MAXHEIGHT - height() + 20);
+ hscroll->setSteps((int)(hscroll->width() / hscroll->maxValue()),
+ (int)((hscroll->width() / hscroll->maxValue()) * 4));
+ vscroll->setSteps((int)(vscroll->height() / vscroll->maxValue()),
+ (int)((vscroll->height() / vscroll->maxValue()) * 4));
+ setMaximumSize(MAXWIDTH + 16, MAXHEIGHT + 16);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE);
- if (request!=NULL)
- delete request;
+ if (request != NULL)
+ delete request;
void VGR::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *p)
-//if (isUpdatesEnabled())
- bitBlt(this,0,0,canvas,ox,oy,width()-16,height()-16);
- MustRepaint=FALSE;
+ /*if (isUpdatesEnabled()) {*/
+ bitBlt(this, 0, 0, canvas, ox, oy, width() - 16, height() - 16);
+ /*}*/
+ MustRepaint = FALSE;
void VGR::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *)
+ setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE);
+ repaint();
+ setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE);
void VGR::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *ev )
- hscroll->setGeometry(0,height()-16,width()-16,16);
- vscroll->setGeometry(width()-16,0,16,height()-16);
- close_btn->setGeometry(width()-16,height()-16,16,16);
- hscroll->setRange(0,MAXWIDTH-width()+20);
- vscroll->setRange(0,MAXHEIGHT-height()+20);
- pstep=height()-32;
- hscroll->setSteps(lstep,pstep);
- vscroll->setSteps(lstep,pstep);
+ hscroll->setGeometry(0, height() - 16, width() - 16, 16);
+ vscroll->setGeometry(width() - 16, 0, 16, height() - 16);
+ close_btn->setGeometry(width() - 16, height() - 16, 16, 16);
+ hscroll->setRange(0, MAXWIDTH - width() + 20);
+ vscroll->setRange(0, MAXHEIGHT - height() + 20);
+ pstep = height() - 32;
+ hscroll->setSteps(lstep, pstep);
+ vscroll->setSteps(lstep, pstep);
void VGR::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *ev)
- if (Closed) QFrame::closeEvent(ev);
+ if (Closed)
+ QFrame::closeEvent(ev);
void VGR::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
- G_MESSAGE msg;
- if (mouse_wait)
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MGETPRESS_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[2] = ev->pos().x()-ox;
- msg.param.pword[3] = ev->pos().y()-oy;
- switch(ev->button())
- {
- case LeftButton: msg.param.pword[7] = 1;
- break;
- case RightButton: msg.param.pword[7] = 3;
- break;
- case MidButton:msg.param.pword[7] = 2;
- break;
- default:msg.param.pword[7] = 0;break;
- }
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- mouse_wait = FALSE;
- }
- QFrame::mousePressEvent(ev);
+ G_MESSAGE msg;
+ if (mouse_wait) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MGETPRESS_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[2] = ev->pos().x() - ox;
+ msg.param.pword[3] = ev->pos().y() - oy;
+ switch(ev->button()) {
+ case LeftButton:
+ msg.param.pword[7] = 1;
+ break;
+ case RightButton:
+ msg.param.pword[7] = 3;
+ break;
+ case MidButton:
+ msg.param.pword[7] = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ msg.param.pword[7] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ mouse_wait = FALSE;
+ }
+ QFrame::mousePressEvent(ev);
bool VGR::GetInput(int t)
- G_MESSAGE msg;
-if (!CharBuffer.isEmpty())
-case 2:
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_INKEY_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[3] = *(CharBuffer.dequeue());
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- inkey_wait = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- };break;
-case 0:
- {
- if (GraphRead)
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MAGIC_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[1]=0;
- msg.param.pchar =(char)(*(CharBuffer.dequeue()));
- WriteChar(msg.param.pchar);
- GraphRead=FALSE;
- } else
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READCHAR_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pchar =(char)(*(CharBuffer.dequeue()));
- }
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- char_wait = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- };break;
-case 1:
- {
- while ( ((!CharBuffer.isEmpty()) && (!(*(CharBuffer.dequeue())=13))));
- if (!CharBuffer.isEmpty())
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READLN_RESPONSE;
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- line_wait = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- };break;// line_wait
-} //swictch
-} // buffer empty
-if ( (CharBuffer.isEmpty()) && (t==2))
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_INKEY_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[3] = 0;
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- inkey_wait = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ G_MESSAGE msg;
+ if (!CharBuffer.isEmpty()) {
+ switch(t) {
+ case 2: {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_INKEY_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[3] = *(CharBuffer.dequeue());
+ write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ inkey_wait = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ };
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ if (GraphRead) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MAGIC_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[1] = 0;
+ msg.param.pchar =
+ (char)(*(CharBuffer.dequeue()));
+ WriteChar(msg.param.pchar);
+ GraphRead = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READCHAR_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pchar =
+ (char)(*(CharBuffer.dequeue()));
+ }
+ write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ char_wait = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ case 1:
+ while ( ((!CharBuffer.isEmpty()) &&
+ (!(*(CharBuffer.dequeue()) = 13))));
+ if (!CharBuffer.isEmpty()) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READLN_RESPONSE;
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ line_wait = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* line_wait */
+ break;
+ } /* switch */
+ } /* buffer empty */
+ if (CharBuffer.isEmpty() && (t == 2)) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_INKEY_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[3] = 0;
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ inkey_wait = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
void VGR::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ev)
- G_MESSAGE msg;
- int *pom;
- pom = new int[1];
- *pom=ev->ascii();
- if (*pom==0)
- switch(ev->key())
- {
- case Key_F1:*pom=-10;break;
- case Key_F2:*pom=-11;break;
- case Key_F3:*pom=-12;break;
- case Key_F4:*pom=-13;break;
- case Key_F5:*pom=-14;break;
- case Key_F6:*pom=-15;break;
- case Key_F7:*pom=-16;break;
- case Key_F8:*pom=-17;break;
- case Key_F9:*pom=-18;break;
- case Key_F10:*pom=-19;break;
- case Key_Insert:*pom=-20;break;
- case Key_Home:*pom=-21;break;
- case Key_End:*pom=-22;break;
- case Key_PageUp:*pom=-23;break;
- case Key_PageDown:*pom=-24;break;
- case Key_Left:*pom=-25;break;
- case Key_Right:*pom=-26;break;
- case Key_Up:*pom=-27;break;
- case Key_Down:*pom=-28;break;
- }// switch
- if ( (!string_wait) && (!inkey_wait) && (!char_wait) && (!line_wait) )
- CharBuffer.enqueue(pom);
- if (inkey_wait)
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_INKEY_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[3] = *pom;
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- inkey_wait = FALSE;
- };
- if (char_wait)
- {
- if (GraphRead)
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MAGIC_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[1]=0;
- WriteChar((char)ev->ascii());
- GraphRead=FALSE;
- }
- else
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READCHAR_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pchar =(char)ev->ascii();
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- char_wait = FALSE;
- }
- if ( (line_wait) && (ev->ascii()==13) )
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READLN_RESPONSE;
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- line_wait = FALSE;
- }
- if (string_wait)
- {
- if (ev->ascii()==13)
- {
- internal_buffer[strcnt]='\0';
- DelChar();
- if (GraphRead)
- {
- GraphRead=FALSE;
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MAGIC_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[1]=0;
- } else
- {
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READSTR_RESPONSE;
- }
- strcpy(msg.param.pstr,internal_buffer);
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- string_wait = FALSE;
- was_line=TRUE;
- CharBuffer.clear();
- }
- else
- if (ev->ascii()==8)
- {
- strcnt--;DelChar();DelChar();WriteChar('_');
- } else
- {internal_buffer[strcnt]=(char)ev->ascii();strcnt++;
- DelChar();
- WriteChar((char)ev->ascii());WriteChar('_');}
- }
+ G_MESSAGE msg;
+ int *pom;
+ pom = new int[1];
+ *pom=ev->ascii();
+ if (*pom==0) {
+ switch(ev->key()) {
+ case Key_F1:
+ *pom = -10;
+ break;
+ case Key_F2:
+ *pom = -11;
+ break;
+ case Key_F3:
+ *pom = -12;
+ break;
+ case Key_F4:
+ *pom = -13;
+ break;
+ case Key_F5:
+ *pom = -14;
+ break;
+ case Key_F6:
+ *pom = -15;
+ break;
+ case Key_F7:
+ *pom = -16;
+ break;
+ case Key_F8:
+ *pom = -17;
+ break;
+ case Key_F9:
+ *pom = -18;
+ break;
+ case Key_F10:
+ *pom = -19;
+ break;
+ case Key_Insert:
+ *pom = -20;
+ break;
+ case Key_Home:
+ *pom = -21;
+ break;
+ case Key_End:
+ *pom = -22;
+ break;
+ case Key_PageUp:
+ *pom = -23;
+ break;
+ case Key_PageDown:
+ *pom = -24;
+ break;
+ case Key_Left:
+ *pom = -25;
+ break;
+ case Key_Right:
+ *pom = -26;
+ break;
+ case Key_Up:
+ *pom = -27;
+ break;
+ case Key_Down:
+ *pom = -28;
+ break;
+ }/* switch */
+ }
+ if ((!string_wait) && (!inkey_wait) && (!char_wait) && (!line_wait))
+ CharBuffer.enqueue(pom);
+ if (inkey_wait) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_INKEY_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[3] = *pom;
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ inkey_wait = FALSE;
+ };
+ if (char_wait) {
+ if (GraphRead) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MAGIC_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[1] = 0;
+ WriteChar((char)ev->ascii());
+ GraphRead = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READCHAR_RESPONSE;
+ }
+ msg.param.pchar = (char)ev->ascii();
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ char_wait = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ((line_wait) && (ev->ascii() == 13)) {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READLN_RESPONSE;
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ line_wait = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (string_wait) {
+ if (ev->ascii() == 13) {
+ internal_buffer[strcnt] = '\0';
+ DelChar();
+ if (GraphRead) {
+ GraphRead = FALSE;
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_MAGIC_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[1] = 0;
+ } else {
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READSTR_RESPONSE;
+ }
+ strcpy(msg.param.pstr, internal_buffer);
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ string_wait = FALSE;
+ was_line = TRUE;
+ CharBuffer.clear();
+ }
+ else if (ev->ascii() == 8) {
+ strcnt--;
+ DelChar();
+ DelChar();
+ WriteChar('_');
+ } else {
+ internal_buffer[strcnt] = (char)ev->ascii();
+ strcnt++;
+ DelChar();
+ WriteChar((char)ev->ascii());
+ WriteChar('_');
+ }
+ }
void VGR::CloseMe()
- qApp->quit();
+ qApp->quit();
void VGR::hscrolled(int val)
-ox = val;
+ ox = val;
+ setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE);
+ repaint();
+ setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE);
void VGR::vscrolled(int val)
-oy = val;
+ oy = val;
+ setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE);
+ repaint();
+ setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE);
-// **************************************
void VGR::SetForeground(int col)
- fcol = col;
+ fcol = col;
void VGR::SetBackground(int col)
- bcol = col;
+ bcol = col;
-void VGR::Line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)
+void VGR::Line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- QPainter p;
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.drawLine(x1-ox, y1-oy,x2-ox, y2-oy);
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.drawLine(x1 - ox, y1 - oy, x2 - ox, y2 - oy);
+ p.end();
-void VGR::Ellipse(int x,int y,int a, int b,int alfa, int beta, int fill)
+void VGR::Ellipse(int x, int y, int a, int b, int alfa, int beta, int fill)
- QPainter p;
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBrush(*lcolors[fcol]);
- if (fill>0)
- p.drawPie(x,y,a,b,alfa*16,(beta-alfa)*16);
- else
- p.drawArc(x,y,a,b,alfa*16,(beta-alfa)*16);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBrush(*lcolors[fcol]);
- if (fill>0)
- p.drawPie(x-ox, y-oy,a,b,alfa*16,(beta-alfa)*16);
- else
- p.drawArc(x-ox, y-oy,a,b,alfa*16,(beta-alfa)*16);
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBrush(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ if (fill > 0)
+ p.drawPie(x, y, a, b, alfa * 16, (beta - alfa) * 16);
+ else
+ p.drawArc(x, y, a, b, alfa * 16, (beta - alfa) * 16);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBrush(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ if (fill > 0)
+ p.drawPie(x - ox, y - oy, a, b, alfa * 16, (beta - alfa) * 16);
+ else
+ p.drawArc(x - ox, y - oy, a, b, alfa * 16, (beta - alfa) * 16);
+ p.end();
void VGR::Rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,int col, int fill)
- QPainter p;
- QBrush b(*lcolors[col]);
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[col]);
- if (fill>0) p.fillRect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1,b);
- else p.drawRect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[col]);
- if (fill>0) p.fillRect(x1-ox, y1-oy,x2-x1,y2-y1,b);
- else p.drawRect(x1-ox, y1-oy,x2-x1,y2-y1);
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ QBrush b(*lcolors[col]);
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[col]);
+ if (fill > 0)
+ p.fillRect(x1 , y1 , x2 - x1, y2 - y1, b);
+ else
+ p.drawRect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[col]);
+ if (fill > 0)
+ p.fillRect(x1 - ox, y1 - oy, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, b);
+ else
+ p.drawRect(x1 - ox, y1 - oy, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ p.end();
void VGR::TextXY(int x, int y, char *s)
- QPainter p;
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x,y+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x-ox, y-oy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x, y + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x - ox, y - oy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
void VGR::CharXY(int x, int y, char a)
- QPainter p;
- char s[2];
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- s[0] = a;
- s[1] = '\0';
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x,y+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x-ox, y-oy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ char s[2];
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ s[0] = a;
+ s[1] = '\0';
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x , y + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x - ox, y - oy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
void VGR::IntXY(int x, int y, int val)
- QPainter p;
- char s[80];
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- sprintf(s,"%d",val);
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x,y+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x-ox, y-oy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ char s[80];
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ sprintf(s, "%d", val);
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x, y + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x - ox, y - oy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
void VGR::WriteText(char *s)
- QPainter p;
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(tx*fm.maxWidth(),(ty+1)*fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(tx*fm.maxWidth()-ox, (ty+1)*fm.height()-oy,s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- tx = tx + strlen(s);
- if (tx>TEXT_COLS) {tx=0;ty++;};
- if (ty>TEXT_LINES) {ClearAll();};
+ QPainter p;
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(tx * fm.maxWidth(), (ty + 1) * fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(tx * fm.maxWidth() - ox, (ty + 1) * fm.height() - oy, s,
+ strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ tx = tx + strlen(s);
+ if (tx > TEXT_COLS) {
+ tx = 0;
+ ty++;
+ }
+ if (ty > TEXT_LINES) {
+ ClearAll();
+ }
void VGR::WriteChar(char a)
- QPainter p;
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- char s[2];
- s[0] = a;
- s[1] = '\0';
-if (GraphRead)
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[gfcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[gbcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(gx,gy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[gfcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[gbcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(gx-ox, gy-oy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- gx = gx + strlen(s)*fm.maxWidth();
- if (gx>MAXWIDTH) {gy=gy+fm.height();gx=0;};
- if (gy>MAXHEIGHT) {ClearAll();};
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(tx*fm.maxWidth(),(ty+1)*fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(tx*fm.maxWidth()-ox, (ty+1)*fm.height()-oy,s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- tx = tx + strlen(s);
- if (tx>TEXT_COLS) {tx=0;ty++;};
- if (ty>TEXT_LINES) {ClearAll();};
+ QPainter p;
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ char s[2];
+ s[0] = a;
+ s[1] = '\0';
+ if (GraphRead) {
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[gfcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[gbcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(gx, gy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[gfcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[gbcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(gx - ox, gy - oy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ gx = gx + strlen(s) * fm.maxWidth();
+ if (gx > MAXWIDTH) {
+ gy = gy + fm.height();
+ gx=0;
+ }
+ if (gy > MAXHEIGHT) {
+ ClearAll();
+ }
+ } else {
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(tx * fm.maxWidth(), (ty + 1) * fm.height(), s,
+ strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(tx * fm.maxWidth() - ox, (ty + 1) * fm.height() - oy,
+ s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ tx = tx + strlen(s);
+ if (tx > TEXT_COLS) {
+ tx = 0;
+ ty++;
+ }
+ if (ty > TEXT_LINES) {
+ ClearAll();
+ }
+ }
void VGR::DelChar()
- QPainter p;
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
-if (GraphRead)
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.fillRect(gx-fm.maxWidth(),gy,fm.maxWidth(),
- fm.height()+fm.descent()+1, *lcolors[bcol]);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.fillRect(gx-ox-fm.maxWidth(), gy-oy,fm.maxWidth(),
- fm.height()+fm.descent()+1, *lcolors[bcol]);
- p.end();
- gx=gx-fm.maxWidth();
-else // Text read
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.fillRect((tx-1)*fm.maxWidth(),(ty)*fm.height(),tx*fm.maxWidth(),
- (ty+1)*fm.height()+fm.descent()+1, *lcolors[bcol]);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.fillRect((tx-1)*fm.maxWidth()-ox, (ty)*fm.height()-oy,tx*fm.maxWidth(),
- (ty+1)*fm.height()+fm.descent()+1, *lcolors[bcol]);
- p.end();
- tx--;
- if (tx<0) tx=0;
+ QPainter p;
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ if (GraphRead) {
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.fillRect(gx - fm.maxWidth(), gy, fm.maxWidth(),
+ fm.height() + fm.descent() + 1, *lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.fillRect(gx - ox - fm.maxWidth(), gy - oy, fm.maxWidth(),
+ fm.height() + fm.descent() + 1, *lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.end();
+ gx = gx - fm.maxWidth();
+ } else {
+ /* Text read */
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.fillRect((tx - 1) * fm.maxWidth(), (ty) * fm.height(),
+ tx * fm.maxWidth(),
+ (ty + 1) * fm.height() + fm.descent() + 1,
+ *lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.fillRect((tx - 1) * fm.maxWidth() - ox, (ty) * fm.height() - oy,
+ tx * fm.maxWidth(),
+ (ty + 1) * fm.height() + fm.descent() + 1,
+ *lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.end();
+ tx--;
+ if (tx < 0)
+ tx = 0;
+ }
void VGR::PutChar(char a)
-QPainter p;
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- char s[2];
- s[0] = a;
- s[1] = '\0';
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(tx*fm.maxWidth(),(ty+1)*fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(tx*fm.maxWidth()-ox, (ty+1)*fm.height()-oy,s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ char s[2];
+ s[0] = a;
+ s[1] = '\0';
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(tx * fm.maxWidth(), (ty + 1) * fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[bcol]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(tx * fm.maxWidth() - ox, (ty + 1) * fm.height() - oy, s,
+ strlen(s));
+ p.end();
void VGR::WriteLine()
- tx=0;ty++;
- if (ty>TEXT_LINES) {ClearAll();};
+ tx = 0;
+ ty++;
+ if (ty > TEXT_LINES) {
+ ClearAll();
+ }
void VGR::Point(int x, int y)
- QPainter p;
+ QPainter p;
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.drawPoint(x,y);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
- p.drawPoint(x-ox, y-oy);
- p.end();
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.drawPoint(x, y);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[fcol]);
+ p.drawPoint(x - ox, y - oy);
+ p.end();
void VGR::ClearArea(int x, int y, int w, int h)
- QPainter p;
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.eraseRect(x,y,w,h);
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.eraseRect(x-ox,y-oy,w,h);
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.eraseRect(x, y, w, h);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.eraseRect(x - ox, y - oy, w, h);
+ p.end();
void VGR::ClearAll()
- QPainter p;
- QBrush b(QColor(white));
+ QPainter p;
+ QBrush b(QColor(white));
- tx = 0; ty = 0;
- curx = 0; cury = 0;
- canvas->fill(backgroundColor());
- p.begin(this);
- p.fillRect(0,0,width()-16,height()-16,backgroundColor());
- p.end();
+ tx = ty = 0;
+ curx = cury = 0;
+ canvas->fill(backgroundColor());
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.fillRect(0, 0, width() - 16, height() - 16, backgroundColor());
+ p.end();
int VGR::Getmap(int w, int h)
- QPixmap *m;
+ QPixmap *m;
- m = new QPixmap(w,h);
- bitBlt(m,0,0,canvas,curx,cury,w,h);
- maps.append(new VGRMap(firstfreemap,m));
- firstfreemap++;
- return(firstfreemap-1);
+ m = new QPixmap(w, h);
+ bitBlt(m, 0, 0, canvas, curx, cury, w, h);
+ maps.append(new VGRMap(firstfreemap, m));
+ firstfreemap++;
+ return(firstfreemap - 1);
void VGR::Putmap(int map)
- VGRMap *m;
- m = maps.first();
- while (m!=NULL)
- {
- if (m->number == map)
- {
- bitBlt(canvas,curx,cury,m->map,0,0,m->map->width(),m->map->height());
- bitBlt(this,curx-ox, cury-oy,m->map,0,0,m->map->width(),m->map->height());
- break;
- }
- m = maps.next();
- }
+ VGRMap *m;
+ m = maps.first();
+ while (m != NULL) {
+ if (m->number == map) {
+ bitBlt(canvas, curx, cury, m->map, 0, 0,
+ m->map->width(), m->map->height());
+ bitBlt(this, curx - ox, cury - oy, m->map, 0, 0,
+ m->map->width(), m->map->height());
+ break;
+ }
+ m = maps.next();
+ }
void VGR::Outstring(int x, int y, char *s, int b, int f)
- QPainter p;
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[f]);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[b]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x,y+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[f]);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[b]);
- p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
- p.drawText(x-ox, y-oy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[f]);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[b]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x, y + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[f]);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.setBackgroundColor(*lcolors[b]);
+ p.setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode);
+ p.drawText(x - ox, y - oy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
void VGR::writeintxy(int x, int y, int val,int c)
- QPainter p;
- char s[80];
- QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
- sprintf(s,"%d",val);
- p.begin(canvas);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[c]);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x,y,s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
- p.begin(this);
- p.setPen(*lcolors[c]);
- p.setFont(*prv_font);
- p.drawText(x-ox, y-oy+fm.height(),s,strlen(s));
- p.end();
+ QPainter p;
+ char s[80];
+ QFontMetrics fm(*prv_font);
+ sprintf(s, "%d", val);
+ p.begin(canvas);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[c]);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x, y, s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(this);
+ p.setPen(*lcolors[c]);
+ p.setFont(*prv_font);
+ p.drawText(x - ox, y - oy + fm.height(), s, strlen(s));
+ p.end();
void VGR::CurPos()
- G_MESSAGE msg;
- msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_CURPOS_RESPONSE;
- msg.param.pword[3] = curx;
- msg.param.pword[4] = cury;
- write(resp_sock,&msg,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ G_MESSAGE msg;
+ msg.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ msg.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_CURPOS_RESPONSE;
+ msg.param.pword[3] = curx;
+ msg.param.pword[4] = cury;
+ write(resp_sock, &msg, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
void VGR::RequestMessage()
- G_MESSAGE m,mm;
- int stat;
- bzero(&m,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- stat = read(resp_sock,&m,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- if (stat>0)
- if (m.msg_type == MSG_GRAPH)
- {
- switch(m.param.pword[0])
- {
- case GRAPH_FREE:
- close_btn->setEnabled(TRUE);
- delete request;
- request=NULL;
- break;
- case GRAPH_SET_TITLE:setCaption(m.param.pstr);break;
- case GRAPH_WRITE:if (strcmp(m.param.pstr,"\n")==0)
- WriteLine();else
- WriteText(m.param.pstr);
- break;
- case GRAPH_WRITEXY: TextXY(m.param.pword[3],
- m.param.pword[4],m.param.pstr);break;
- case GRAPH_READCHAR: if (!GetInput(0)) char_wait = TRUE;break;
- case GRAPH_READSTR: strcpy(internal_buffer,"");strcnt=0;
- string_wait=TRUE;WriteChar('_');break;
- case GRAPH_READLN: if (was_line)
- {
- m.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- m.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READLN_RESPONSE;
- write(resp_sock,&m,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- was_line=FALSE;
- }
- else { if (!GetInput(1)) line_wait = TRUE;}
- break;
- case GRAPH_PUTCHAR: WriteChar(m.param.pchar);break;
- case GRAPH_LINETO: Line(curx,cury,
- m.param.pword[3],m.param.pword[4]);break;
- case GRAPH_ELLIPSE: Ellipse(m.param.pword[3],
- m.param.pword[4],m.param.pword[5],m.param.pword[6],
- m.param.pword[7],m.param.pword[8], m.param.pword[9]);
- break;
- case GRAPH_RECT: Rect(m.param.pword[3],
- m.param.pword[4],m.param.pword[5],
- m.param.pword[6], m.param.pword[7],
- m.param.pword[8]);
- break;
- case GRAPH_FOREGROUND:SetForeground(m.param.pword[3]);break;
- case GRAPH_BACKGROUND:SetBackground(m.param.pword[3]);break ;
- case GRAPH_POINT:Point(m.param.pword[3], m.param.pword[4]);
- break;
- case GRAPH_CLEAR:ClearAll();
- break;
- case GRAPH_INKEY:if (!GetInput(2)) inkey_wait = TRUE;break;
- case GRAPH_CURPOS:CurPos();break;
- case GRAPH_OUTSTRING:Outstring( m.param.pword[2],m.param.pword[3],m.param.pstr,
- m.param.pword[4],m.param.pword[5]);
- break;
- case GRAPH_WRITEINTXY: writeintxy(m.param.pword[2],
- m.param.pword[3],m.param.pword[4],
- m.param.pword[5]);break;
- bzero(&mm,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- mm.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
- mm.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_GETMAP_RESPONSE;
- mm.param.pword[2] = Getmap(m.param.pword[2]-curx,
- m.param.pword[3]-cury);
- mm.param.pword[3] = m.param.pword[2]-curx;
- mm.param.pword[4] = m.param.pword[3]-cury;
- write(resp_sock,&mm,sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
- break;
- case GRAPH_PUTMAP: Putmap(m.param.pword[2]);
- break;
- case GRAPH_MOVE: curx = m.param.pword[2];
- cury = m.param.pword[3];
- break;
- case GRAPH_MGETPRESS:mouse_wait=TRUE;break;
- case GRAPH_MAGIC: MagicGraph(&m);break;
- case GRAPH_HASCII: if (m.param.pword[1]!=0) CharXY(curx,cury,(char)m.param.pword[1]);
- else CharXY(curx,cury,' ');break;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* stat > 0 */
+ G_MESSAGE m,mm;
+ int stat;
+ bzero(&m, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ stat = read(resp_sock, &m, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ if (stat > 0) {
+ if (m.msg_type == MSG_GRAPH) {
+ switch(m.param.pword[0]) {
+ case GRAPH_FREE:
+ close_btn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ delete request;
+ request = NULL;
+ break;
+ setCaption(m.param.pstr);
+ break;
+ if (strcmp(m.param.pstr,"\n") == 0)
+ WriteLine();
+ else
+ WriteText(m.param.pstr);
+ break;
+ TextXY(m.param.pword[3], m.param.pword[4],
+ m.param.pstr);
+ break;
+ if (!GetInput(0))
+ char_wait = TRUE;
+ break;
+ strcpy(internal_buffer, "");
+ strcnt = 0;
+ string_wait = TRUE;
+ WriteChar('_');
+ break;
+ if (was_line) {
+ m.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ m.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_READLN_RESPONSE;
+ write(resp_sock, &m, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ was_line = FALSE;
+ } else if (!GetInput(1))
+ line_wait = TRUE;
+ break;
+ WriteChar(m.param.pchar);
+ break;
+ Line(curx,cury, m.param.pword[3],
+ m.param.pword[4]);
+ break;
+ Ellipse(m.param.pword[3], m.param.pword[4],
+ m.param.pword[5], m.param.pword[6],
+ m.param.pword[7], m.param.pword[8],
+ m.param.pword[9]);
+ break;
+ case GRAPH_RECT:
+ Rect(m.param.pword[3], m.param.pword[4],
+ m.param.pword[5], m.param.pword[6],
+ m.param.pword[7], m.param.pword[8]);
+ break;
+ SetForeground(m.param.pword[3]);
+ break;
+ SetBackground(m.param.pword[3]);
+ break;
+ Point(m.param.pword[3], m.param.pword[4]);
+ break;
+ ClearAll();
+ break;
+ if (!GetInput(2))
+ inkey_wait = TRUE;
+ break;
+ CurPos();
+ break;
+ Outstring(m.param.pword[2], m.param.pword[3],
+ m.param.pstr, m.param.pword[4],
+ m.param.pword[5]);
+ break;
+ writeintxy(m.param.pword[2], m.param.pword[3],
+ m.param.pword[4], m.param.pword[5]);
+ break;
+ bzero(&mm, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ mm.msg_type = MSG_GRAPH;
+ mm.param.pword[0] = GRAPH_GETMAP_RESPONSE;
+ mm.param.pword[2] = Getmap(m.param.pword[2] - curx, m.param.pword[3] - cury);
+ mm.param.pword[3] = m.param.pword[2] - curx;
+ mm.param.pword[4] = m.param.pword[3] - cury;
+ write(resp_sock, &mm, sizeof(G_MESSAGE));
+ break;
+ Putmap(m.param.pword[2]);
+ break;
+ case GRAPH_MOVE:
+ curx = m.param.pword[2];
+ cury = m.param.pword[3];
+ break;
+ mouse_wait = TRUE;
+ break;
+ MagicGraph(&m);
+ break;
+ if (m.param.pword[1] != 0)
+ CharXY(curx, cury, (char)m.param.pword[1]);
+ else
+ CharXY(curx, cury, ' ');
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* stat > 0 */
+ }
void VGR::MagicGraph(G_MESSAGE *msg)
- int f,b;
- char ss[255];
- QPixmap p;
- VGRMap *pmap;
- switch(msg->param.pword[1])
- {
- case 10:tx=msg->param.pword[2];ty=msg->param.pword[3];break; // gotoxy
- case 11:fcol=msg->param.pword[2];break; // forecolor
- case 12:bcol=msg->param.pword[2];break; // bkcolor
- case 13:prv_font=bold_font;break;
- case 14:prv_font=italic_font;break;
- case 15:prv_font=normal_font;break;
- case 16:ClearAll();break;
- case 303: // Draw array_of char (x,y,fcol,bcol)
- f=fcol;b=bcol;
- fcol=msg->param.pword[4];
- bcol=msg->param.pword[5];
- TextXY(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- msg->param.pstr);
- fcol=f;bcol=b;
- break;
- case 300: // Draw int (x,y,int,fcol,bcol)
- f=fcol;b=bcol;
- fcol=msg->param.pword[5];
- bcol=msg->param.pword[6];
- IntXY(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- msg->param.pword[4]);
- fcol=f;bcol=b;
- break;
- case 301: // Draw char (x,y,char,fcol,bcol)
- f=fcol;b=bcol;
- fcol=msg->param.pword[5];
- bcol=msg->param.pword[6];
- CharXY(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- (char)(msg->param.pword[4]));
- fcol=f;bcol=b;
- break;
- case 302: // Draw real (x,y,int,frac,fcol,bcol)
- f=fcol;b=bcol;
- fcol=msg->param.pword[6];
- bcol=msg->param.pword[7];
- sprintf(ss,"%d.%d",msg->param.pword[4],msg->param.pword[5]);
- TextXY(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],ss);
- fcol=f;bcol=b;
- break;
- case -304: // ReadText (x,y,fcol,bcol)
- case -305:
- case -307:
- gfcol=msg->param.pword[4];
- gbcol=msg->param.pword[5];
- strcpy(internal_buffer,"");strcnt=0;
- GraphRead=TRUE;
- gx=msg->param.pword[2];
- gy=msg->param.pword[3];
- string_wait=TRUE;WriteChar('_');
- break;
- case -306:
- if (!GetInput(0))
- {
- gfcol=msg->param.pword[4];
- gbcol=msg->param.pword[5];
- strcpy(internal_buffer,"");strcnt=0;
- GraphRead=TRUE;
- gx=msg->param.pword[2];
- gy=msg->param.pword[3];
- char_wait = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 308: // Put image from file (x,y,fname)
- if (p.load(msg->param.pstr))
- {
- bitBlt(canvas,msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],&p,0,0,p.width(),p.height());
- bitBlt(this,msg->param.pword[2]-ox, msg->param.pword[3]-oy,&p,0,0,p.width(),p.height());
- }
- break;
- case 309:// Kill map
- pmap = maps.first();
- while (pmap!=NULL)
- {
- if (msg->param.pword[2] == pmap->number)
- {
- maps.remove(pmap);
- break;
- }
- pmap=maps.next();
- }
- break;
- case 310: // Line (x1,y1,x2,y2,col)
- f=fcol;
- fcol=msg->param.pword[6];
- Line(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- msg->param.pword[4],msg->param.pword[5]);
- fcol=f;
- break;
- case 311: // Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,fcol,icol)
- Rect(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- msg->param.pword[4],msg->param.pword[5],
- msg->param.pword[7],1);
- Rect(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- msg->param.pword[4],msg->param.pword[5],
- msg->param.pword[6],0);
- break;
- case 312: // ClearArea(x1,y1,w,h)
- ClearArea(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
- msg->param.pword[4],msg->param.pword[5]);
- break;
- }//switch
+ int f,b;
+ char ss[255];
+ QPixmap p;
+ VGRMap *pmap;
+ switch(msg->param.pword[1]) {
+ /* gotoxy */
+ case 10:
+ tx = msg->param.pword[2];
+ ty = msg->param.pword[3];
+ break;
+ /* forecolor */
+ case 11:
+ fcol = msg->param.pword[2];
+ break;
+ /* bkcolor */
+ case 12:
+ bcol = msg->param.pword[2];
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ prv_font = bold_font;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ prv_font = italic_font;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ prv_font = normal_font;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ ClearAll();
+ break;
+ /* Draw array_of char (x,y,fcol,bcol) */
+ case 303:
+ f = fcol;
+ b = bcol;
+ fcol = msg->param.pword[4];
+ bcol = msg->param.pword[5];
+ TextXY(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3], msg->param.pstr);
+ fcol = f;
+ bcol = b;
+ break;
+ /* Draw int (x,y,int,fcol,bcol) */
+ case 300:
+ f = fcol;
+ b = bcol;
+ fcol = msg->param.pword[5];
+ bcol = msg->param.pword[6];
+ IntXY(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3], msg->param.pword[4]);
+ fcol = f;
+ bcol = b;
+ break;
+ /* Draw char (x,y,char,fcol,bcol) */
+ case 301:
+ f = fcol;
+ b = bcol;
+ fcol = msg->param.pword[5];
+ bcol = msg->param.pword[6];
+ CharXY(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3],
+ (char)(msg->param.pword[4]));
+ fcol = f;
+ bcol = b;
+ break;
+ /* Draw real (x,y,int,frac,fcol,bcol) */
+ case 302:
+ f = fcol;
+ b = bcol;
+ fcol = msg->param.pword[6];
+ bcol = msg->param.pword[7];
+ sprintf(ss, "%d.%d", msg->param.pword[4], msg->param.pword[5]);
+ TextXY(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3], ss);
+ fcol = f;
+ bcol = b;
+ break;
+ /* ReadText (x,y,fcol,bcol) */
+ case -304:
+ case -305:
+ case -307:
+ gfcol = msg->param.pword[4];
+ gbcol = msg->param.pword[5];
+ strcpy(internal_buffer, "");
+ strcnt = 0;
+ GraphRead = TRUE;
+ gx = msg->param.pword[2];
+ gy = msg->param.pword[3];
+ string_wait = TRUE;
+ WriteChar('_');
+ break;
+ case -306:
+ if (!GetInput(0)) {
+ gfcol = msg->param.pword[4];
+ gbcol = msg->param.pword[5];
+ strcpy(internal_buffer, "");
+ strcnt = 0;
+ GraphRead = TRUE;
+ gx = msg->param.pword[2];
+ gy = msg->param.pword[3];
+ char_wait = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Put image from file (x,y,fname) */
+ case 308:
+ if (p.load(msg->param.pstr)) {
+ bitBlt(canvas, msg->param.pword[2],
+ msg->param.pword[3], &p,
+ 0, 0, p.width(), p.height());
+ bitBlt(this, msg->param.pword[2] - ox,
+ msg->param.pword[3] - oy, &p,
+ 0, 0, p.width(), p.height());
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Kill map */
+ case 309:
+ pmap = maps.first();
+ while (pmap != NULL) {
+ if (msg->param.pword[2] == pmap->number) {
+ maps.remove(pmap);
+ break;
+ }
+ pmap = maps.next();
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Line (x1,y1,x2,y2,col) */
+ case 310:
+ f = fcol;
+ fcol = msg->param.pword[6];
+ Line(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3],
+ msg->param.pword[4], msg->param.pword[5]);
+ fcol = f;
+ break;
+ /* Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,fcol,icol) */
+ case 311:
+ Rect(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3],
+ msg->param.pword[4], msg->param.pword[5],
+ msg->param.pword[7], 1);
+ Rect(msg->param.pword[2], msg->param.pword[3],
+ msg->param.pword[4],msg->param.pword[5],
+ msg->param.pword[6], 0);
+ break;
+ /* ClearArea(x1,y1,w,h) */
+ case 312:
+ ClearArea(msg->param.pword[2],msg->param.pword[3],
+ msg->param.pword[4], msg->param.pword[5]);
+ break;
+ }//switch
#include "loggraph.moc"
-int main( int argc, char **argv )
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
- QApplication app( argc, argv );
- VGR gs(argv[1]);
- app.setMainWidget(&gs);
- gs.show();
- return app.exec();
+ QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ VGR gs(argv[1]);
+ app.setMainWidget(&gs);
+ gs.show();
+ return app.exec();