Familia Lignum - Genealogical program License ------- This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. This means that you have the right to copy, share and create any derivative work as long you give others the same right. See the COPYING file for more informations. Requirements ------------ * gtk+-3.0 >= 3.0.0 * libxml-2.0 * gmodule-2.0 * gtkglext-3.0 * libgedcom-parse >= 0.90.0 * libglu1-mesa-dev * libzip-dev * (TODO: possibly more?) Building -------- When you call autogen.sh/configure. There is a possibility that you didn't had installed all required libraries. configure.ac:9: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN # apt-get install libtool ./configure: line 13992: syntax error near unexpected token `maximum' ./configure: line 13992: `GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS(maximum)' # apt-get install gnome-common There are some other required ones, but if you don't have them, after appropriate message will be shown. Program launch -------------- When the program is installed just enter 'familia' in terminal. Menu entry will be created when the basic logo will be created. Contact ------- Rafał Długołęcki If someday this program became usable and you will like it. Send me a postcard. :) I'll give you an address if you ask by email.