Synopsis -------- MOBILE_NO "TEXT_MESSAGE" Description ----------- allows sending smses using your account. gives every registered user 30 free smses a month. Why don't simplify and automate it a little? Dependencies ------------ Make sure you have perl installed on your system. As I know, every Linux distribution have it installed, by default. Invoke following command in terminal. If you don't have or can't install cpan on your system, you will have to install these dependencies manually. cpan -i WWW::Mechanize Mojo::DOM Config::General Data::Dumper Installation ------------ Give permissions to execute file as a program: chmod u+x You can also copy file to e.g: ~/bin directory, so you can call it without entering full path to the script. Personally, I'm using symlink for that like this: ln -s /path/to/script ~/bin/sms so I invoke it without .pl extension. Configuration ------------- Create file with your credentials in HOME directory: touch .smsrc Fill it like this: login = LOGIN password = PASSWORD Author ------ Rafał Długołęcki Copyright and License --------------------- Copyright 2012, 2013 Rafał Długołęcki This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.