TROLL TECH FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Troll Tech AS. All rights reserved. This is the free software license for Qt version 1.30; it covers private use, use of third-party application programs based on Qt, and development of free software for the free software community. COPYRIGHT AND RESTRICTIONS The Qt toolkit is a product of Troll Tech AS. This license is limited to use with the X Window System. You may copy this version of the Qt toolkit provided that the entire archive is distributed unchanged and as a whole, including this notice. You may use this version of the Qt toolkit to compile, link and use application programs and reusable components legally developed by third parties. You may use the Qt toolkit to create application programs provided that: - You accept this license. - Your software does not require modifications to Qt. - You satisfy ONE of the following three requirements EITHER Users of your software can obtain source code for the software, freely modify the source code (possibly with restrictions on copyright notices, attributions and legal responsibility), and freely redistribute original or modified versions of the software. OR Your software is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2 or later, as defined by the Free Software Foundation. OR Your software is distributed under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2 or later, as defined by the Free Software Foundation. If you are paid to develop something with Qt or it is a part of your job the following conditions also apply: - Your software must not require libraries, programs, data or documentation that are not available outside your organization in order to compile or use. - If and when your organization starts using the software, you must notify Troll Tech AS of the following: * Your organization's name and purpose. * The software's name and purpose. * The software's license. * That your organization considers the software to be free software. You may also use the Qt toolkit to create reusable components (such as libraries) provided that you accept the terms above, and in addition that: - Your components' documentation includes the following text: [Your package] requires the Qt library, which is copyright Troll Tech AS. Freely distributable programs may generally use Qt for free, see [README.QT] for details. - README.QT is distributed along with your components. - Qt is not distributed as an integral part of your components. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Troll Tech AS makes no obligation under this license to support or upgrade Qt, or assist in the use of Qt. In no event shall Troll Tech AS be liable for any lost revenue or profits or other direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, even if Troll Tech has been advised of the possibility of such damages. QT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.